What movie have you watched more than any other?

What movie have you watched more than any other?

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At least once every 2 months

lotr is good, but rewatch level is 5/10 at best.

Honestly probably tokyo drift. It's complete trash...but it's MY trash.

I know, I guess it's because I am an autistic Tolkienfag

Honestly, I don't know.

Probably something I watched all the time as a kid, which could be dozens of movies.

These days I try to mix it up more, and not overdo the ones I love.

Mean girls

Bee movie, or at least the first 15 minutes

Not sure, could be Die Hard 3 or Indiana Jones 3 or Back to the Future 3 as a kid...

Die Hard, Alien or The Fifth Element probably

Indiana Jones 3 here as well.

Honestly, probably aladin


Probably Goodfellas or Indy 3. There were periods of time I could quite both entirely from heart

Any of the old Universal Monster Movies.

1. The Thing
2. Die Hard
3. The Shining
4. Jurassic Park
5. Conan the Barbarian

I've also seen fucking Rawhead Rex about 127 times for no discernible reason.

Encino man or surf ninjas

Big trouble in little china

1. Robocop
2. nothing

Return of the Jedi and Shrek 2

Nothing in Star Wars tops the space battle from ROTJ.