In less than one generation, the human species will die out because men will no longer accord women the attention they deserve because cheap sex-bots will be available to channel the male libido into machines instead of females. What steps should we as a society take in order to outlaw robot sex and prevent shallow men from neglecting female wombs?
How Do We Solve The Impending Sex-Bot Catastrophe
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if they cannot compete with an emotionless machine, they deserve to dissapear
I feel that you have misspelled "enable."
And why do you hate differentially-geared persons?
As soon as it becomes an even remotely possible issue, academics will receive ample government funding to solve the problem. This means that the problem - should it ever arise - will ultimately be solved by smart people, not some faggot on Sup Forums.
>shallow men
Take this (you) and the included sage and fuck off.
>accord women the attention they deserve
Sorry whores deserve any accord nor are they entitled to half or more of everything I own so fuck off. I'd rather watch the human race go extinct than live as a slave just to allow some vapid cunt the opportunity to live the easy life off my labor
i want to fuck that bunny
t. Roastie terrified of losing her one and only use
I for one welcome the impending sex-box apocalypse.
>all men will become permavirgin robot fuckers
god I hate Sup Forums sometimes.
for a self proclaimed redpilled board, some of you sure are stupid.
Feminists will be butthurt and manage to get it banned.
There're two ways to stop it:
>Make it illegal
>Women could actually be womanly and worth the effort again
And we all know which choice they're going to take. My guess is the reasoning will be something along the lines of "it objectifies women!".
>if they cannot compete with an emotionless machine, they deserve to dissapear
They would have nothing to worry about if they had more than a few holes to offer since only robots and NEETs are going to get Sexbot.
Only once they become sophisticated enough to satisfy both physical and emotional needs. When that happens, women will no longer have value except as breeding stock
Sounds like paradise
>only womyn sex bots are made illegal (because you know, misandry dont real)
>order a 'man' sex bot that happens to look and feel exactly like a real womyn, but identifies as a man
They already banned it in Canada.
>male sex bot
>black versions rape and murder
>news reports refuse to announce it because that's racist
>women are fine with it anyway
Black market sex bot trade will replace real slave trade. Everyone still gets what they want. Like trying to ban drugs. That worked out well
The Chinese will manufacture super-humans in labs.
Everything will be ok.
>attention they deserve
Bait harder faggot.
Sex bots are a disgusting idea.
If they made a Renamon one though I'd eat every meal of the day out of it's ass.
If sex-bots are capable of satisfying the sexual needs of men, then the only people who will breed will be those concerned with their legacy and lasting impact on the earth: i.e. not niggers
All the lesser, base races will be too busy going ooga booga over their robotic sex holes that they won't bother passing on their genes. Have you ever seen a nigger who actually *wanted* to become pregnant?
When did they do this?
This white man gets it.
All we'll need after sexbots are perfected is a simple, reliable method to convert sperm cells into egg cells and mass produced artificial wombs, then we shall achieve utopia.
Tell women to stop being shit. If men are choosing a shitty robot over an actual woman then what does that say about women?
All I see are women bitching about gender equality while expecting men to stick with shitty traditional gender roles that benefit women. Fuck that. If women cared about men half as much as they expect men to care about them, and if women put half as much effort into men as men put into women, this wouldn't be an issue.
Hsaha! you have to fuck dogs instead
Women can become pleasant and not arrogant fucks? Bitching, moaning, constantly competing in order to 'beat' men? Perhaps trying to be feminine, supportive, loving towards men? Being loyal? I guarantee you that a real woman with these qualities, and a moderate amount of looks, would be far preferable to any dummy my feminazi friend
They will only sell to men who are afraid of women.
Real men consider the "conquest" of a woman the fulfilling part of actually having sex with them. That means either making their friends jealous, the girl's friends jealous, or the girl's existing partner jealous. If you cannot effectively take that woman off the market for that night in order for her to secretly murmur to her friends how good you are in bed, then there really is no satisfaction and you are just jacking off with a girl's body.
It doesn't surprise me that a lot of people don't get this. But the whole point of getting laid is an ego boost. Bottom line
>They will only sell to men who are afraid of women.
Plenty of reasons to be afraid when they can ruin your life with a few words.
Just buy one dude. Pull yer fucking card out and just fucking order one already.
men build objects; women make babies
men build sex surrogate; women make complaints
men build artificial womb; women harvested for their ovaries
ectogenesis will be a gender game changer
caution males, scientist are also making female sperm or females can make each other pregnant
why aren't the feminist complaining about that?
That's only for animals, really. The point of sex is as part of a loving relationship. Unfortunately many men view women as just a conquest, and women have reciprocated in being almost completely exploitative in their relationships with men. Unless there is mutual love, relationships between the sexes are doomed.
I do believe that some men want fulfilling non-exploitative and mutually beneficial relationships (although rare). Increasingly it seems, virtually no white women want this.
>no personality is an improvement over modern women
when the first post, is also the best.
thank you white man
I have slept with 24 women, I have done the "conquesting" guess what I've learned during my conquests?
Women are lying shit bags, very few are worth more than their hole, I think of those 24 I slept with 1 or 2 were decent people.
I would buy a sex bot to avoid risking std's and having to deal with women and "hunt" them because although I have slept with that many I have been turned down by more or fooled around but didn't make it to sex instead. Sex bots would give me a reason to cut back on my drinking, going out to bars, and all that and focus on what I actually like doing instead of wasting time and effort attempting to get laid by a vapid self centered cunt that I'm not going to see more than a couple times.
A better question is, what will happen to them when what you've mentioned here is commonplace in society AND ectogenesis (essentially the use of artifical wombs) is also ubiquitous?
Haha you want a fake womb? You must be a virgin.
I once wrote a sci-fi short story that involved that.
White man BTFO'd womynz.
cunt detected
If by solving the problem, you mean creating race based quotas to ensure a diversity of sex bots.
>I'd rather watch the human race go extinct than live as a slave just to allow some vapid cunt the opportunity to live the easy life off my labor
Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel about women.
im on it
>sexbots are basically sex toys, made for on demand sex, on par with prostitutes with the ease of intercourse
>for women to compete they would have to be even easier to have sex with
>men don't want to marry whores or women with high sexual partners
For a woman to "compete" they would have to openly welcome vast amounts of degeneracy.
I wouldn't marry a sex bot, I wouldn't invest in one either. It does the same thing as an onahole and does not provide comfort only a living being can provide.
You're better off getting a cat, dog, weasel, or sugar bat.
>Have you ever seen a nigger who actually *wanted* to become pregnant?
Welfare queens use dem chillins' for more welfare bennies. They want to become pregnant.
This is why sexbots will be declared illegal because it prevents niggers from their right to not work and live off taxpayer dollars. Sexbots be racist and sexist.
Don't fool yourself. Women only have enough power as men allow them to. Blame your betas, numales, and men who would rather die than commit and only learn how to pick up and seduce women.
Instead of condemning these men society allows it and nobody tells these women how they should behave because of all the rights we have them.
Women should be forced to earn their rights, just like immigrants. At this point they don't deserve any.
Sex bots are least important of all, more important is what will happened when superintelligent software appears.
>and men who would rather die than commit and only learn how to pick up and seduce women.
Lol fuck off cunt.
Maybe women should stop being such cunts. Maybe they should get the niggers dicks out of their mouth and date a white guy
>give women the power to have any man imprisoned with a false accusation
>give women the power to divorce their husband and take the house, bank accounts, cars and kids
Yeah I wonder why those pesky men don't want anything to do with women any more?
What was their reason? It kinda boggles my mind that you can legally give a dog oral sex but can't fuck a sex doll
That's it?
Change the misandrist laws and practices of the judicial system, change marriage so that it isn't financial slavery for men. Fix women because most aren't relationship material in terms of character. Resurrect the middle class.
Basically stop disincentivizing men from starting families. We would love to if it wasn't such a damn miserable overall experience.
>You're better off getting a cat, dog, weasel, or sugar bat.
You'd fuck a sugar bat? Watch out for their vicious little teeth!
WRONG.... Sex bot are going to be used to milk and capture Male Sperm.... women are going to inseminate themselves and Rule over us like Bees
No it's not.
Sex is conquest.
Love is caring for you when you're sick
You are forgetting, you know, the legal system. Prejudicial law enforcement. Society double standards.
>posting a gif from The Second Renaissance
>the story in which machines were constantly abused and destroyed by humans until the machines decided they had enough and enslaved mankind in a computer simulation to warm their servos
Black men will continue to breed. Single mothers would become the norm. The white man will die. Nothing will happen to anybody else.
>accord women the attention they deserve
kek nice bait op
>neglecting women like they have been neglecting me
sounds like equality to me
Surrogate mothers are always a thing too. Just start making money now boys, so you can buy these things because they won't be cheap.
the only thing women can offer men today is sex.
they are degenerate cheating sociopaths who are as airheaded as they are boring.
these sex dolls are a good thing, maybe women will wake the fuck up and realize they need to be loyal and interesting to get a man to stick around an raise a family with.
What about the reproductive rights of men? Oh, yeah, we don't have such rights.
Post that webm.
You know the one.
which one?
These sex dolls/robots have a very long road to go still, they look absolutely garbage and won't arouse most men.
I can't wait for the future
>"Help, I'm being neglect-raped!!"
Moral of the story is White men shouldn't marry Asians.
Sex is most fulfilling when its part of a loving relationship. Sex isn't the same as love, but when its part of a conquest fantasy/drive your'e behaving like an animal really and becoming a male whore
wait is this supposed to be inspirational?
Moral of the story is, modern western society is trash.
Only if your swedish.
>mfw women unironically stand up and cheer when they watch this.
>you marry robot #23r4t
>robot waifu has cloning womb
>gives birth to you
>you raise you
>you struggle against you for dominance
>you kill you
>you marry robot #23r4t
the perfect closed society?
Why is it going to be a catastrophe? Lots of guys aren't getting any and never will, because they will never meet the requirements that the average woman demands. Sexbots will finally allow them to get some regular sex. You're like the guy saying piracy is a scourge, a scourge, I tell you. Well most of the pirates were never going to buy the game in the first place and all the cracked copy does is let them play it. I guess there's the whole "Well if everybody did that the dev would go broke!" argument - but guess what? There's always some people who will do the right thing and pay for it.
Human race will be fine. There will still be men who will want to go out on the town and party with the party girls, there will still be guys logging into dating sites, etc. There just won't be as many that do, and the women will have to be more accomodative the ones that are willing to bother.
And it's that genetic pressure that will solve sexbots in short order, the genes that get passed on will be the women who have the lower standards and the men who are willing to bother with getting out.
Life will go on, sure it'll change things, but not as much as you might think.
truely spoken like a man who has never once comprehended society.
>sperg on crazy diamond
>watch documentary
>some average looking killer in maximum security siberian prison managed to get a penpal gf from moscow and eventually married and had children with her
>meanwhile i can barely even match a hoe on tinder who will flake out on me anyway
Some of us are doomed.
The law will be written that we are allowed subsidized sexbots. Chad on the other hand will be banned from using them and pay extra tax to cover the cost.
BTW there's a TV series called Humans, where they explore all sorts of robotics and AI topics, including sexbots.
>t. a female
>Only if your swedish.
that's pretty funny user
There will probably be a whole range of them, like with cars today. You'll have the econobox models that don't talk and only know how to barely fuck, and then you'll have the supercar models that you can hardly tell from the real thing and can cook and clean and play music and garden and do 1000 other things.
> In less than one generation, the human species will die out
Thank fucking god, I can't wait.
>Western women have become so digusting and overall horrible human beings that machines can replace them so men receive affection.
>It's somehow mens fault.
No they only have themselves to blame.
>a generation of kids with few, dumb fathers selected almost soley on physical attraction in highest tech world, all from broken welfare homes, huge population bubble, further breakdown of culture into capitalist marketing cesspit
Life will find a way! Or not!
jesus fucking christ
The good women will be married.
The bad ones will be alone.
It is a magnificent system. Will replace the horde of nagging harlots by machines.
Will filter the genes that will not be passed on - yes, this includes the harlots - and mankind will continue, a little more satisfied.
A glorious win-win.
Well, some of those things are happening already, so your point seems a bit irrelevant. Sexbots are a symptom, not the disease
greentext your sob story already
>legal system
Created and run by men
>prejudice law enforcement
Created and run by men
>Society double standards
Men enabling women, women being cunts with no consequences.
If men unified as a brotherhood once more, they could change the way women behave completely. But most people are sinners now a days and lust never fails to capture them.
Sex bots will not make any changes. Poor people often have the most sex anyways. If sex bots become popular and mainstream women will get their pies of it once again and there will be male BBC sexbots.
Women are the largest consumers for materiel bullshit. Everyone wants women as their customers. Women want somethung, they use sex to force men to get it for them, they get it.
Adam and Eve already fortold all this bullshit, it may not be a proven story scientifically but God damn do we see that story acting itself out in modern society
Massive IVF as part of a widespread eugenics program.
>MFW women blame men for their personal baggage and insecurities
You sound like an oldfag that bangs the same fat wife all the time.