Now that we know fbi user was legit, is there any way we can stop the jewish race mixing scheme?
Now that we know fbi user was legit, is there any way we can stop the jewish race mixing scheme?
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Care to describe what FBI user discussed?
Clinton Foundation, the FBI and Lynch are both corrupt and owned by the Clintons. And that she uses her organization to launder money from foriegn nations and uses it to campaign.
I see.
I see people referencing the fbi user all the time, but it would nice to see some screen caps or something.
They exist somewhere. He was posting about all of the above post, before they interviewed Comey and Lynch. Everything he said turned out to be true.
I bet you think Nostradamus was right, too.
It's weeks old claims where some dude made vague accusations with absolutely no proof to back up his claims. It's just more shitposting.
Oh look CTR is here.
Shoo shill
Don't know if this covers everything he said, but a lot of his claims seem pretty solid considering this past month or so
great stuff, thanks
You're so right. I'm now #mentallyhill
When did FBI user become legit? He predicted niggers would commit crime. Wtf kind of prediction is that, I predict the sun will come up tomorrow.
>I did work in PsyOps once, and Trump's use of confirmation bias is legendary
What does he mean by "confirmation bias"?
It's mostly about the clinton foundation connections, no one was fully aware of how fucked up the power games were. he also said aliens were real so take it all with a pinch of salt, at least it's helped point people in the right direction
I thought the part about soros was scarier
There was at least 150 people on clintons case last I heard
He need not be in the FBI to know clinton a shit
We he labeled Hillary as "crooked" it set up people to see any hint of shady dealings or corruption as being a result of Hillary being crooked. So the more dirt on her revealed, the more the "crooked" nickname sticks.
Soros has been known for a while, even non-secret society people know he's influencing the progressive movement world-wide. He became a bigger topic after the incidents in 2014
Didn't he say there'd be some kind of habbening during the times of the Conventions? I don't recall anything big happening.
Yea, everything else mentioned in this thread was kind of obvious even without FBIanon.
>clinton foundation
>lynch and everyone else afraid of being murdered
I still want to believe in FBIanon, however.
So was the FBI referring to trump's labeling skills?
FBI user is some retard employee at some think tank contractor whos spent too much time role playing Global Thermonuclear War with the rest of the fedora tipping staffers.
He moonlights as a LARPer on Sup Forums because the job has gotten to him and he fears the impending end of all things at all times. He knows nothing, and reveals less.
That said, he is responsible for /cfg/ and thus ultimately the new found interest in the clinton Foundation among alt-media and its followers. So I will admit his LARPing did go somewhere in the end.
I know its kinda unrelated. But from what anime is that again?
That and how his policies were framed so as to look more and more reasonable over time. Like how his Muslim ban seems much less crazy after the many terrorist attacks over the past year. Or how he sets himself as the "law and order" candidate just before several police killings happen.
Is there any way soros can be stopped?
No. Even after he dies of natural causes (assuming he hasn't purchased immortality) his sons will take up his cause just as he took up his father's.
We can't stop the race mixing train then..
Fuck Jews desu
>race mixing
Race mixing is the only way of ending racism, so I'm in favor of it. When every race is equally brown there would be no more hatred.
Fuck off shill
The only way we could overturn this progressive hellhole we've dug into is if a new "enemy" to world peace appeared, the only reason progressive's have power is they created a new enemy in us. If there's no one outside the western civilization attacking people, obviously oppressors must exist inside. We live in an age of decadence
Just like in Africa, where everyone is black as night but they still hate each other because one tribe lives in the woods and the other lives in the plains.
I just read all of that, pretty damn insightful stuff.
You guys need to learn how to save threads. If you are using firefox, click "save page" in the options menu to save it. I have made a habit of saving all good pol threads.
Even if people gave into the idea of all becoming brown, some new distinction would be made. Humans are inherently tribal, what would replace racism would be something equally stupid
Good point.
Good one. America has been actively trying to kill off the white race for the past 80 years m8.
if hes known whos the bigger fish or the back up fish. they dont do this kind of stuff with out multiple backups. maybe they're getting cocky but we should look for another lead above or on par with soros.
How do we know he was legit? If I remember the threads right he wouldn't provide any proof even if what he was saying sounded true.
FBI user revealed himself on /x/ as a joke, he showed proof when he was fucking with you. ARG creators, sometimes we practice on Sup Forums.
they killed those cops and that put everyone on high alert probably. would have been stupid to try and pull something unless that was the something.
So if what user said was true than the holocaust was a lie, I always hated jews.. fucking rat people.
Link or else get out, shill
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can anyone stop them?
flag checks out
Idk, he's pretty high up on ladder. I'd put him maybe a step or two below the Koch's brothers on terms of political influence, he's undermined whole economies as well. I've been trying for ages to tie him to any larger secret societies with credible evidence
what is this meme about the koch brothers. they seem like someones bitch. and it the bernie fags are on to them and not soros they're probably just a distraction.
This is mentioned by fbianon as well. Information for all!
What exactly is a "red team planner?"
Brazil is my go-to explanation why it doesn't work.
More information for all!
tl;dr, they basically draw up plans/strategies/war games for what-if scenarios.
That sounds like a fun job.
This is just the tip
Bern fags hate them because they are basically right wing soros, but like most politics people fund both sides of war to profit.
Think tanks who concieve all the possibilities of events that could happen and the potential outcomes
Thank you for putting it more eloquently than I did, based Aussiebro
DNC email leak? That was pretty big.
Dr anons
I'm fbi
Basically just seeing patterns in things that confirm your own views more often than disaffirming, even though they occur equally.
Yea, that's true, but I thought he meant a false-flag event. Like another attack or something.