Other urls found in this thread:
Never. No more christjew, arabjew, and jewjew mind-control and nonsense. Fuck all of you.
Fuck off. Once Trump wins, we'll be one step closer to removing the kebab with the help of Russia.
Nice, I sure love le "all religions are equally as bad because I'm scared to call out specific ones (ie islam) for being backwards and violent" meme
>that church that holds bake sales and community events down the street sure is fucking evil for having a different belief than me
Crusades later
>tfw Christians form an ISIS group and start kidnapping Muslims and beheading them on video.
Only Pope can call crusade
The false pope will never call a crusade
Knights Templar must reform and protect Catholics once again
gott mit uns death to southerners!
This protestant wants to join the crusade and I won't take no for an answer. Your pope is already a faggot so just let me in.
Let's make a christian terrorist group. Any idea for the name?
Protestants are very much like muslims though.
>I'll take delusions for 200$, Alex
Just stop, ok? We're not like Muslims for fuck's sake we confess Jesus Christ as Lord and the Son of God.
Christian International State
Your yuropoor ((crusades)) only succeeded one time kek. If you couldnt win against the mudslimes more than once, then it is a list cause. Just accept the future europe under Sharia.
-Revelation 19
-Fire and Brimstone
-Sword of the Lord (taken by others though)
-Soldiers of Christ
-Christian State of Europe and the West
Jesus will look after his flock
"International" is a jewish invention, rejected. God made the countries, it's not for creating shit like USA, EU and CIS. You cis scum.
Very funny Miguel.
Too bad Sword of the Lord is already taken. What about something in latin, like DEUS GLADIO?
neo templars
Why do you have a tripcode?
Is it autistic if I buy a crusader/knights templar cross necklace and wear it?
It's 20xx, buy a fucking gun niggah.
>Nothing like muslims
-Take the bible literally as if it was one single, continuously written book
-Contradict science
-"By grace alone"
- Extremely zealous
- Criticize catholocism without knowning the first thing about it
The Poor Knights of The Eleventh Order.
>Take the bible literally as if it was one single, continuously written book
Who ever said that?
>Contradict science
The science that tell us we're all same race?
Lesser Apostles of Christ? Slogans include "We LAC the patience to tolerate Islam further".
GLORIOUS! I can immmagine all posibilities:
>You LAC faith, infidel!
But don't forget to be intolerance toward jews. They're the worst. Of course other religions too ect..
i got one Ku Klux Klan did i do well?
>The hiatory if how Catholics faced and defeated the great oriental thread against all odds
what's your point?
>who ever said that?
Many people claim the bible was written by god and it is not to be interpreted but followed to the letter, as outdated as its language might be
>science says there's just one race
No, the science that says that the earth has been around for more than 6000 years or that the arch is technically impossible
Dude, in the bible (have you fucking read it?) there is at least 26 000 years BEFORE jesus. Earth can't be 6000 years, this is ridiculous and not in the bible. What the bloody hell are you talking about?
>Many people claim the bible was written by god
only the most retarded, humans wrote the books with words from both God, Jesus and humans
>the science that tell us we're all the same race
Well you got me there.
The Wojak Order
Disciples of Kek
Oh so the many bastard children of protestant anti intellectualism sound ridiculous to you?
I hope it really makes you think
the only thing that really makes me think is that some people unironically take the entire bible literally
isn't guadelope a fruit or some shit