Other urls found in this thread:
>falls, spilling popcorn everywhere
I didn't buy any god damn popcorn, stop following me around the theater and yelling.
*chains you up and makes you my slave*
I want to give Rob a hug :3
my fucking sides holy shit
*opening credits*
*pulls and fires 9mm keltec*
you're fucking killing me. user.
Can someone give me a quick run down on this forced meme?
shut the fuck up
he's "running down" to give you your popcorn
H-he's fast!
Why user? I do too, would like a quick run down on this.
Goddammit Robert, you're a loose cannon. Hand in your nametag. And your other nametag!
he's "some"oning you to hand you your tub of popcw"one"
*hops on complimentary theater ATV and speeds away*
thriding this
Don't talk that way about Robert asshole.
When Sup Forums builds a kinoplex I want us to install lazer targeting guns that shoot people if they make their phone light up.
That's straight out of a nightmare.
kek wtf is this
Oh boy the last time this happened to me I started sprinting away and ran into the live jazz band. Just watch where you're running lads
Robert is the guy who sells you your popcorn
Now LANE I can get into.
He's been promoted to manager
A girl who fakes tripping and falling exaggeratedly
Thank you, Robert! We can always trust, dare I say it... /ournigga/
kino ending
Bill Maher pls
>tfw you just wanted some smoked beans before the race but you couldn't eat all of it so you put some in your pocket for later and it dripped out during the race
I hate it when that happens.
Anyone else eat popcorn like this or is it just me?
You literally have a picture of somebody else doing it.
But that's me, user :D
William Shatner paid a guy to make this
Haha robert you so crazy, this is my favorite one so far really made me think hard
how does this even happen
there's probably a hole in the pocket
Runner's shits are real
Props to the guy from last summer's Olympics who shit himself and still finished the race.
I remember going for a run with my /fit/ friends. I had to sprint keep up, I had to sit down because I felt like my shit was gonna come out. It happens senpai
Worst case was my thighs burning after all the friction of running but I never felt like shitting. Very curious.
Lane is one of us!!
Bretty good!
Here you go, sir. Your courtesy Falcon Handlers.
>yep, that's me
Did you properly secure your nipples too?
Memes and autism sometimes produces a masterpiece.
That's how true patricians eat anything. I have countless third degree burns on my neck, chest, and penis.
why not just cut a fuckin hole in your shirt. baka
Why didn't they take the photo so there's a white guy in there too? Seems like overkill to pose the black guy with two girls.
Who wants to see a guy? I'd rather see a qt and Lane too I guess.
I've already got mine, Robert.
>cinema rex thunders over and eyes him inquisitively
>robert panics and is quickly devoured
Hollywood writer here.
I'm stealing this sitcom idea.
this is probably the most unique version of this cut/trope I've ever seen
are robert threads the best things on Sup Forums? the answer is yes.
"I didn't order any popcorn, Rob."
>*panting* "Oh. heh. Here user, it's on the house."
"Robert. I-"
>"Don't worry sir, we had a surplus recently, our miners struck a huge vein in the kettle quadrant and-"
>"We know you're a loyal customer, so consider this a-"
"This isn't about popcorn is it?"
"Looking back now, it was never about the popcorn I suppose."
"But I convinced myself that it was. I think I now know what I have to do."
>"Please, user, not like this. We can still help you."
"That'll do Robert. Please let the front desk know I'll be checking out of the kinoplex for the last time."
>it ain't me starts playing
I wonder if Robert knows he has a cult internet following.
>that old man pointing
holy fuck
I sometimes worry about helper
so nostalgic for me.
I'd watch this porno
BLACKED sucks wheres all the porno with upstanding blacks making love to white youths
honestly I'll be able to die a happy man if we ever find Robert
Rob, you're the best. What a good friend you've been
That'll be 19.95 plus tip
Astounding. Like pic related but elevated to art.
Why don't you get a bigger shirt
or an undershirt
or any kind of shirt that doesn't touch your nips.
Just get a shirt with holes in it and let's stop talking about it.
Kinoplex lore is so rich, when are we getting a proper novella?
>tfw have hairy nips and never get chafed
>forced meme
A talking fetus!
I want to see a Terminal-like Kinoplex movies where a man went to see a movie in the 1980s and never left. They just made the theater more and more elaborate around him Synecdoche-style and he's been living in it ever since.
Also a commentary about how he's still stuck in the 80s nostalgia mode and doesn't "get" modern movies so he wants to escape, only to find the harsh reality outside even more alien.
The poster is of him holding a comically sized popocorn cup while a man is getting gunned down in the back.
no fucking way I might know which theater this is
go back to Sup Forums already
Why are theater escorts so expensive? I swear the no singles policy is specifically to force escort sales. And they don't even let you bring your own from outside, but I sneak one in sometimes anyway.
tape my nips, my bloody nips
Bring your own escorts then, dumbass.
>And they don't even let you bring your own from outside
Can't you read? I hope you get your ass pounded by the theater henchmen when you try that shit.
How does that even happen?
Don't tell the theater narcs they are escorts and you'll be fine. Sheesh nigga