Please tell me the constant anti-Semitism on this board is merely a meme. It's that kind of thinking that led Hitler to murder 6 million jews in the Holocaust.
Pic related: Ivanka Trump, daughter of Donald Trump and convert to Judaism.
Please tell me the constant anti-Semitism on this board is merely a meme. It's that kind of thinking that led Hitler to murder 6 million jews in the Holocaust.
Pic related: Ivanka Trump, daughter of Donald Trump and convert to Judaism.
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you're a meme
>he believes the 6 million meme
Sup Forums is satire, you dumb leaf.
>Please tell me the constant anti-Semitism on this board is merely a meme
it's not
Yes, yes.. just a meme you stupid goy
Don't forget the 6 trillion chosen people that were brutally slain by evil whitey
They want the goys to serve the chosen people. But don't just take it from me, take it from the Duke himself.
Fuck, how little you know, little leaf.
Fully serious. Anti-semitism is loyalty to humanity.
She's jewish by halakha, you retard.
Right, so Jewish people aren't human.
Must make perfect sense to your small and very closed mind.
oh my god leaf
No, they're human but they can't live among non-Jews without subverting and wrecking civilization. It's all the diaspora knows how to do and they have a long history of radical leftism.
i agree, jews are good
>Please tell me the constant anti-Semitism on this board is merely a meme.
Yes merely a meme, of course it is, for sure, merely a meme, yes.
kill yourself. why do you care, I'm an Israeli and i don't give two shits, just like a south-African doesn't give a shit about hating niggers in Sup Forums
lol ok Vladimir
the "i'm an isreali meme" is pretty good
What if Sup Forums gets all canadian and american diasporajews deported to israel, for mandatory service in IDF as israeli citizens, since they do carry israeli citizenship by being jewish and therefore HAVE to serve.
sounds like fun desu senpai
they will be forced to swallow the red-pill because sandniggers literally stab people in the streets.
and if Sup Forums gets all canadian, ill leave Sup Forums
What, you mean all the kikes that would be kvetching about having to be in the desert and having to serve in the IDF?
Maybe for the Israelis who would be laughing at them the whole time.
>Please tell me the constant anti-Semitism on this board is merely a meme
It is.
Ok, we'll make israel great again by sending you all our jews.
So you are okay with Nazis who want to kill you just for being Jewish? Your okay with them making fun of Millions of your people who were genocided?
dude. get out of isreal if you don't give a shit. you're probably not even a jew. leave pol forever.
We'll put on brown shirts, unironically do the nazi salute, put on the whole show, scare em right off into the levant, they'll be flooding you like a refugee crisis, hope u got settlements.
qt jewish soldiers, defending the motherland... getting paid to be in the best place in the world? cmon son
Kek it's not even the same leaf. They really are meme level bad.
He doesn't want to have to be in the desert, surrounded by jews.
It's a jewish thing.
She's only nominally jewish. She's just LARPing as a jew. She doesn't have jewish genetics that predispose her toward subversive kikey behavior. She wasn't raised in a culture that values those who do anything they can to dismantle traditional western values.
Referring to
>shifting the blame
wasn't it you guys who fought a bloody war in order to keep your slaves though?
You know your shitposting has gone too far when the aussie is mad
big words coming from new zealand
>don't make me laugh goy
[spoiler]It's a meme[/spoiler]
cops bread
Here is your (you)
She's jewish by birth, by matrilineal line aka halakha.
Except that Germany did not execute 6 million of anybody. That is a proven fact
Why do I cringe everytime I see a burger writing/trying to speak in english ?
>Why do I cringe everytime I see a burger writing/trying to speak in english ?
That wasn't English, you fucking kike, it was German.
jews rule nazis drool
Yeah, german, made a typo. So you finally found how to use your caps key ?
it's really cool that the jews single handedly destroyed the nazis. you burgers with your revisionist fantasies are pretty sad desu
you actually could have played that to your advantage, you non-country.
>made a typo
Jewish treasonous support of communism and pathological hatred of gentiles is what led to the Holocaust.
Incorrect. Lincoln offered to keep slavery intact if the South would rejoin the union.
According to Jews, non jews are meant to be slaves for the chosen race and have no souls.
You are a slave to the 1%. You are goyim, a slave to the jewish establishment.
Damn, you went full monkey again .
Sup Forums is a board of peace.
May you feel the touch of Lord Kek, Praise Be To Him.
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Had me until
>It's that kind of thinking that led Hitler to murder 6 million jews in the Holocaust.
A lot of Marxists were Jews, but most Jews weren't Marxists.
There were many Jewish-German patriots during WW1 (e.g. Fritz Haber, le gott strafe england man) and Jewish liberals (liberalism and communism cannot be reconciled, though I imagine you hate both).
you're right. if the nazis really could kill that many jews, then they wouldn't have lost so miserably to the jews
>You will never glaze her tits like a sundae
0.03 sheckels have been deposited into your bank account
more memes like this?
does this count?
OL' UP !
The Irish do not have a history of strong support for radical leftism. The Irish do not consist make up 2% of the population but near 50% of the elite. The Irish don't benefit from promoting multiculturalism and dissolving ethnic identity for everyone but themselves. The Irish are not hyper-ethnocentric nor do they hold a burning hatred for non-hiberians. The Irish do not have a religion which quite literally considers them as the master race and all others as inferior.
that meme is shit garbage and only works to re-enforce the beliefs of those on the right. no one would be swayed by it
Every jew is going to die. Just accept it. You really thought you rats could get away with this shit forever? If you thought Hitler was bad, the 21st century is going to really kick you in the ass. Rat.
The libshits struggle
>Trump is literary hitler
>Ivanka is a jew and trump is israel loving "good goy"
Jews are the architects of communism and spread it everywhere they go so they can't be allowed to have any influence or position in our societies.
>convert to Judaism.
In all seriousness, what do Jewish people think of those that convert to Judaism? I have heard both sides - some say they do not consider them real Jews, and others say they are completely accepted. Curious what Sup Forums Jews think. Thanks.
You need only look at the American government to see why Jews are bad.
by that token jews single handedly destroyed the nazis, and deserve the world for protecting us from such a grim reality as a nazi rule
so I have been wondering:
jewishness is passed through the mother
likewise, muslim MAN automatically has muslim children
so a muslim man + jewish woman would produce a jewish muslim ? is that possible ?
>You need only look at the American government to see why Jews are bad.
And American media, and American education system, and American health care system, and American etc., etc. They basically took over and run every single former American institution. And that is not anti-semitism, it is just fact.