Homestuck thread

Figured I'd make one since nobody else is.

To get a discussion started: I'm kind of irritated that this is like the third time something like this has happened - I've just gotten to the page where it explains that all 12 players are in one session... and there's absolutely no buildup. First it was done with the computer "totally unexpectedly" exploding, then with Aradia, and now with this. I feel that it could really have been a good in-depth story, but instead it was just very anticlimactically revealed.

This sucks.

Other urls found in this thread:

You a new reader?

If so, you know nothing of anticlimaxes.

you should probably go before things get spoiled for you. I waited until I finished the comic to join the threads

I won't bother to even pretend to understand the letdown I've heard everybody else experienced after the pauses, but this is still stupid IMO.

Tons of things have been spoiled for me outside the thread already, unfortunately, due to exposure to friends and the internet in general, so it's mostly too late for me I guess.

DESU I'm not really offended by that. A5A1 was a sidestory, and we didn't need to waste time

Besides, if you think about it, it was obvious that the teams were bullshit - we'd already seen the trolls tell the kids that they had a twelve-player session, so for anyone who was paying attention this was a foregone conclusion.

Hussie is now known as the king of anticlimax, dodging content by having it happen "off camera", and overall being a hack. You already fucked up by reading past Act 4 anyway.

Act 5 is climactic as fuck, Cascade is amazing

It's reading past that that's a mistake

No, trolls were a mistake.


A5A1 is slow but at least it's short

A5A2 is awesome as fuck

Say what you will. I'm glad I finished it.

I know this has been said a bunch of times already, but I really wish more focus was on the "game" aspect of it. It doesn't seem all that critical to the plot (yet?), so why go to the trouble of setting it up instead of just making up some shit about how the trolls something-something ancient technology? I get that that's been hinted at by Sollux somehow finding something in the ruins, but that specifically added detail where none was really needed.

Last thread died almost immediately after I posted this, so reposting:

Large versions are, in order: 9x2cm, 7.5x7.5cm, 5x5cm; small versions are ???x???, 3.75x3.75cm, ???x???; will probably make half- and 3/4-scale versions if anybody wants those, but they won't be as detailed and probably won't be articulated much, if at all.

I expect to be more free next week and get some more models out. If there's anything else you guys want made request it; I'll be officially taking commissions sometime within the next two weeks or so.

It is critical to the plot. Keep reading.

act 5 act 1was rushed through
the only way to enjoy the trolls is pick a favorite one and then hope they remain relevant throughout the story

How did you make these?

Lookin' real good so far.

you gonna finish out the set with a punch designex?

>the only way to enjoy the trolls is pick a favorite one and then hope they remain relevant throughout the story

Am I wrong?

3D printed. Made the models myself, though, pic related.

I don't know. Popular opinion is that nobody really wants it/cares, from what I see, but it should be relatively simple to make, and some people probably want a full set and not just the main three.

Which 3D printer did you use? And what modeling software?

Let's see:
Relevant trolls:
-The other Vriska
-Sometimes Terezi but she's unlikable to begin with and only gets worse

Irrelevant Trolls:
-Everyone else

Yes. I enjoyed the trolls and none of my favorites were particularly main characters.

Kanaya counts

>Kanaya counts
Maybe her feet do when you look at them go

Prusa i3, Blender.

I have a tumblr if you'd like to keep an eye on progress and further models:

These look fantastic 3dAnon, nice work!

There are no trolls you could possibly be happy with, unless you're a desperate Tavros fan willing to take what they can get or someone who gets off to Vriska domination i.e. Andrew Hussie.

Thanks. I guess I'll make the punch designix next to round it out as someone mentioned above, shouldn't take too long. I do wish that the Totem Lathe was in less parts, though; kind of a pain to finish/assemble. Thinking of combining the computer-thing to the base, and adding the L-frame onto the base as well; would ease assembly/printing time and I wouldn't have to fiddle as much with it.

Overall I'm pretty pleased with how everything came out though.

>finding any happiness from Tavros
He's literally the worst troll.

Umm Aradia?

>Having such awful taste

Why are you happy with Aradia?

She's cute!


Kanaya does like two things in Act 5 (gets killed by Eridan, kills Eridan) and does literally nothing in Act 6

aradia is purdy

>Let's see:
>Relevant trolls:

no problem here. One waifu for laifu

Yeah, I guess that's the kind of response I was expecting. Thanks.

I worked up a little gif-animation following a fantroll I've been working on all day. Basic idea was this Troll was an exaggerated version of Shaggy from Scooby Doo and his Lusus is a giant great dane that raises bronzebloods until they turn 6 sweeps old, then hunts them and commits to this cycle until a psychic can control or kill it. If it seems like the ward will develop the abilities and is in stages of doing either condition, it'll jump right into hunt mode.

Pic is a scene where Varroc's psychic noise triggers his lusus into going into hunt mode, around when he is 4 1/2 sweeps old. His all caps quirk comes in after a sweep or so of being hunted by his caretaker, as well as more of his neurotic personality.

She was relevant to the interpersonal developments between characters. Relevant to the story =/= relevant to achieving objectives.

I'm assuming you're OP based on your opinion of Vriska

>interpersonal developments between characters
>is relegated to being furniture in the background of the conversations of other characters with the same unsure look on her face

OP here, am not that guy

Isn't she in a bunch of pesterlogs in act 6?

>elevant to the interpersonal developments between characters
She and Rose spend two years banging, that's about it

Holy shit, she really does have that sort of vaguely confused look going on throughout most of Act 6

How many of them are memorable/worth reading?

Do you even remember them?

Nope. I'm one of these....I guess rare....faggots who actually liked Vriskas and (Vriskas) development.

Considering their situations they felt to me like one of the most natural developing characters

For Classpectanon whenever they get back

I just realized Didide, Phileq, and Büjorn have an unrequited hate-triangle going on and that is giving me terrible, terrible ideas

The only reason I tolerate Vriska is because she 8ullies the character I hate the most.

Vriska's development felt so unnatural to me post-doomed john than I still maintain she was replaced by a skinwalker while wondering through the desert.

I just think it's sad that (Vriska) seemed so much better than Vriska.

Tavros did nothing wrong.

>Lusus keeps killing trolls until someone can kill or control it
Holy fuck tghats brutal...
I like it

Wow, Vriska sure is a huge bitch.

What was the deal with that "Karkat is meditating" thing? What was he actually doing?

He unironically uses the word "irregardless".

getting cucked

nah shes fine
he deserved it

Considering Spidermom exists I wanted to make another Lusus that wasn't considered 'good' by any Troll unlucky enough to have them as their caretaker.

Spidermom is a special kind of evil considering she requires other trolls to be brought to her for consumption or eats her ward instead. The dog at least goes through the trouble of rearing their wards until they start to head into the cusp of adulthood or rebel; that's when shit goes bananas.

I've been using Blender for a year and a half now and had never knew it could import vectors. Thank you for this shocking revelation

Of course she did. She actually self-reflected and shit, because she got defeated and got a shit ton of time dealing with boredom, which leads someone to think more about stuff.

Vriska on the other hand just got even more confident

This was one of my favorite tavros moments

I remember this specific scene being the moment when I just exploded with rage towards Vriska, and then sat back and said "Wow, that's a great character! I'm actually, literally feeling real-life anger towards a fictional being. That's some compelling villainy there!" I can count on one hand the number of times I've felt actual anger towards fictional characters, and this was one of them.

I'll always love Vriska for what a completely, irredeemably horrible person she is.

Cards on the table, people. Let's see your ships.

But wait! Let's not be boring and pedantic with the "pale/flushed/ahsen/etc" stuff we've seen before. Let's do something a bit different.

I propose these four designations:
1) "Like for reasons supported by canon."
2) "Like for reasons unsupported by canon."
3) "Liked it until it was ruined by the comic."
4) "Like to hate it for how repulsive it is."

Reminder vriska was a PERFECTLY justifiable character and inclusion
until act 6

what fhe fuck is that abomination next to caliborn

All of the interesting ones were from the "Game Over" timeline, where she had some personal stakes and conflict to deal with. The "real" Kanaya never got anything interesting to say or do after Act 5, just like Karkat.

So far we've gotten comics for:

>John: Faggots to maggots
>Jade: Impregnation or laceration
>Rose "hotpocket" Lalonde

When are we getting a Dave "Cock in my ass or you get the gas" Strider comic?

My own, pre-prepared.

I got this from a Reddit thread here:

I think someone was trying to be lulzy by adding Nic Cage. I have no use for that inclusion, but have at it.

Hussie x Infinitely fat Vriska is the only real ship


>infinitely fat Vriska
unf muh fetish

There was no buildup because most people saw it coming a mile away, like all the 'twists' in hivebent

Sure, have fun.


I thought Hussie had Hella Jeff on his arm?

Sorry that I messed up the last OP guys

Probably my favorite ass in HS fanart.

I was at Hot Topic today and they had Homestuck shirts on the wall.

Were they bootlegs? Is there some kind of deal on?

here are some fantrolls some people requested last night


He's getting everything that makes up LE tattooed on him so he can never forget his failures as a storyteller.

aw man those are adorable. please do mine if you find the time!

Why is this a thing

What has happened to this man?

>any other troll besides vriska being relevant

The only thing relevant about Karkat is that he becomes the bottom

Whatever happened to that egyptian fantroll and that cloun fantroll with the shotgun?

Where did you get this image? Twitter?

How is SBAHJ part of LE? What did I miss?

>Dave goes on an SJW rant with Karkat
>Announces to him that if he doesn't fuck his ass right there and then he's a homophobe
>Shot of Karkat tied up and crying while Dave rides him and ranting about the patriarchy

It's supposed to represent dirk's auto responder

vriska was likable until hussie decided that he didn't want people to like her

Why? Because Dirk likes SBAHJ?

so hey guys


>Rose "hotpocket" Lalonde

any link to this comic?

yeeesss thank you!
is nok eating some poor trolls mouse lusus?

Vriska was unlikable until Hussie decided he wanted people to like her

Then she was downright hateable

It's the same shitty tattoo dirk got while he was butt buddies with Jake.

>vriska was likable until hussie decided to bring her back to life and force her to be relevant at all times for no real reason besides getting to draw his waifu more

>go looking for art
>deviantart now has a big "turn off your ad-blocker" sign on every single page


what cute art! do you mind sharing your blog?

steel p much quit homestuck

he never did draw that new ara comic with his sexy drawing abilities...

This shit is why it bugs me on principle when people just dismiss fantrolls; because a lot of times the ideas people come up with them are VASTLY better than what Hussie bothered.

>looking for art at deviantart
I found your problem.