Actors/Actresses who got way better than they deserved

Pic related. This guy was in Office Space, Band of Brothers, Swingers, Boardwalk Empire and other high profile projects yet I can't remember 1 time he ever took over the screen.

Just looks like a good looking every man with the slightest of acting chops and comedic timing.

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>A career supporting actor is good at playing supporting roles.
Gee, I wonder how he got all of those parts.

Mark Walhberg
litterally bland as fuck, yet an A-lister
what's the appeal

There are way better career supporting actors. Also I will throw in this guy.

Good Job being Owen Wilson's brother.

made a few mil being horse face's heart throb in sex and the city.

no that's Chris Noth

>julia roberts
erin brockovich was her only decent movie and it was "i am a strong single mom with boobs."

His appeal is being the white Irish Boston equivalent of Ice Cube. At least he was good in depotted.

Remember that time he was out acted by that plant in The Happening?

I can honestly say that I both think Luke Wilson is a better actor, but the majority of his movies without Owen are also significantly better.

>erin brockovich was her only decent movie
Oh come on, Pretty Woman is great


>billionaire pretty boy falls in love with street walker

Who said anything about Iron Man?

I just saw him in Search Party.
He was okay.

Thought this guy was Jimmy Kimmel for the longest time

I thought he was bob benson from mad men at first looking at that picture

What did he mean by this?

Never understood why Hollywood tried forcing that guy on us for a few years. He's fine as a straight man surrounded by other good comedy actors like in Old School, but as a leading man he's as charismatic as a wood plank.

I also remember the time he was in the fighter and the whole fucking movie was excellent

His best role was That 70's Show imo

Office Space and Swingers were indies. Band of Brothers has every actor in hollywood.

he had a small role in the shittiest season of a forgotten show

how is it better than what he deserved?

>Band of Brothers has every actor in hollywood
try b actor in england at the time.

He's portuguese give him a break.