I finally watched this. Greatest horror of all time? Really?
Are there any horror movies where characters make rational decisions and the plot makes sense?
I finally watched this. Greatest horror of all time? Really?
Are there any horror movies where characters make rational decisions and the plot makes sense?
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>Greatest horror of all time? Really?
that's what you get for trusting what Sup Forums says
Are you me? Saw this shit and immediately thought Prometheus was better. It wasn't bad but by god, Sup Forums makes you think it is amazing
>Rational decisions
>Find alien planet
>Find strange egg
>Crew member gets infected
>Quarantine the ship
>Crew member dies outside
>Mission deemed too dangerous. Lets GTFO
>Movie ends, nobody else dies. Never got to see the alien.
>Crew member gets infected
>Quarantine the ship
>Crew member dies outside
That's what Ripley wanted to do. Ash undercut her efforts every step of the way and Ripley was rightfully weary of him. She wanted Dallas to restrict Ash, though Dallas just wanted to follow company orders and let Ash be since he was specifically placed on board by the company. You don't question the company.
The only thing I question was Brett's decision to wander off for such a long time on his own.
How the alien would have likely looked without Giger
> Instead of Ripley having her final triumphant battle with the xenomorph and recording a captain’s log entry before grabbing hero cat Jones and tucking into hypersleep, Scott suggested the following: “I thought that the alien should come in, and Ripley harpoons it and it makes no difference, so it slams through her mask and rips her head off.” Next, Scott says, he’d have cut to the tentacles of the alien pressing buttons on the dashboard. “It would mimic Captain Dallas [Skerritt] saying, ‘I’m signing off.'”
> When Scott pitched this idea from Shepperton Studios outside London to the suits at 20th Century Fox, he could feel the tension over the phone. “The first executive from Fox arrived on set within 14 hours, threatening to fire me on the spot,” says Scott with a laugh. “So we didn’t do that [ending].”
What irrational decisions were made? They were pretty careful investigating the signal, which they were obligated to do, and I certainly wouldn't expect anything to jump out of those eggs hard enough to puncture a spacesuit.
Ripley attempts to maintain quarantine, but is disobeyed by Ash, because Ash wants to get the creature on board, crew expendable, makes sense.
Their examination of the creature is careful, Kane wakes up and appears healthy after the death of the creature. Ash skips additional checkups because he doesn't care about the crew.
Their attempts to get rid of the xeno after the chestburster are pretty rational, I'm sure they can be nitpicked, but they were decisions made under duress against an unknown threat, and when they fail to take it out, they decide to cut their losses and evacuate.
If Alien frustrates you for lack of making sense, I'm surprised you can watch any movie, or interact with humans in general, since people often make irrational decisions.
that's a pretty sexy leg
>cut to the tentacles
Based executive reigning in Ridley Scott
Shame he's some kind of sacred cow now and we have to deal with this Covenant/Prometheus shit
Alien/Aliens is a film for the MTV crowd, Alien 3, Covenant and Prometheus are the thinking man's films.
Agreed. Except for Alien 1, which is has lovecraftian themes that make it great to begin with.
Obvious bait, but Alien 3 is underrated.
that would be the thing or the exorcist, but this is maybe number 2 or 3
Reminder that a major sequence was cut from the film. It had Parker coming across the xenomorph and asking Lambert and Ripley to open the door to the escape pod. Although the xenomorph takes the bait, Ash triggers an alarm and it freaks out. Lambert quickly shuts the door and the xenomorph loses a limb. The injured alien hurries away, knocking Parker out as it escapes. Its acid blood nearly destroys the ship. But Ripley manages to seal off the breach in time.
Lol watch the movie again faggot. Dallas and Lambert specifically want Kane brought back in. Ash just takes advantage of their idiocy.
>waah I want my happy endings
Back to /reddit/, buddy.
>Throws around the term "Lovecraftian"
>has obviously not read any Lovecraft
Adam West died man..
Just came by to let everybody know
Dallas orders Ripley to let them back. Ripley clearly has no intentions of obeying his wishes. Later Parker voices his agreement with Ripley. Ash wants the xenomorph so he opens the door anyway. Nothing I said was wrong.
Dan O'Bannon (the writer of the film) is a major Lovecraft fan and is open about telling people how Lovecraft influenced his work.
The whole, finding an unknown but vast alien power that dwarfs man, thing, is pretty Lovecraftian, and is basically the point of the derelict.
Reminder that, according to Ridley, the Company didn't know what was on LV-426.
> “I would have thought that Earth would have previously received messages [from space], realised they were coming from an intelligent source but, for economy reasons, perhaps have postponed the preparation of an investigatory spacecraft. Then, one day, Nostromo is in the vicinity and the order is given for the crew to bring back the Alien, good or evil, without any real thought being given to the consequences. The presence of the robot virtually guarantees, in principle, the success of the mission.“ - Ridley Scott
>If Alien frustrates you for lack of making sense, I'm surprised you can watch any movie, or interact with humans in general, since people often make irrational decisions.
Does every horror movie have to hinge on irrational decisions. Can't there be other things driving the damn plot.
Every movie has characters making irrational decisions. Good films keep it to a respectable minimum. Alien keeps it to a respectable minimum, what happened that was so ridiculous?
reminder that literally everyone disagrees with Ridley on this one
Are you retarded?
>wanting the alien to talk and have tentacles
fuking american's
That scene also helps establish the xenomorphs seemingly forgotten ability to regenerate.
i think you would enjoy watching spreadsheet tutorials on youtube, horror movies aren't' for you
Well said. My main turn off for most films is how fucking dumb the characters act. Alien is done well.
classic Sup Forums
>Are there any horror movies where characters make rational decisions
The Thing. It's one of the many reasons it's one of the greatest horror movies alongside Alien and The Exorcist.
impressive bait
The Thing is absolutely incredible. Personally, I didn't care much for The Exorcist.
Also, play Alien: Isolation, if you're into the vidya
One thing that always kind of bothered my was how Parker tried to fucking murder Ripley over the damn thing yet Bishop didn't really care whether the aliens died or not until it almost killed him, aren't they made by the same company?
fuck, I meant Ash
I rewatched it few days ago, and it's overrated.
If it came out today, it would be seen as mediocre non-original movie. It's time to take your nostalgia googles off.
He must be thinking of the tail.
They're robuts, they do what they're ordered to.
The part where she goes back for the cat makes me want to kill my self.
Yeah, but Burke worked for the Weyland Company and wanted to bring the Aliens back, why didn't Bishop want to?
Because I fucked your mum lol
I like the part where they bring in Kane with the acidic damage all over his helmet and proceed to cut into the facehugger without any protective equipment
and then they're looking for it in the room, still without any form of protection whatsoever
It's not like they knew it had acid blood the first time they cut into it
Well they're horror movies so... no.
Isn't he trying to find the cat so it won't ping the motion detectors?
>the part where they bring in Kane with the acidic damage all over his helmet
There's no indication its acid damage, it could be a strong beast that just forced its way through the glass.
Yes. It's called Aliens.
>There's no indication its acid damage
except for the melted off helmet, that is
Theres an alternative universe where these two do battle.
The Thing probably has the most sensible character decisions, it's just such an insanely powerful enemy that they get destroyed anyway.
>melted off
Then why did they have to cut it off him?
It's not readily apparent lad, I sincerely doubt you'd have guessed it was acid damage if you didn't have prior knowledge that the alien bleeds acid.
melted off transparent part of helmet, if we're going to be pedantic
>It's not readily apparent lad
idk man I've known what melted plastic looks like since I was 9 or so
I think you're being stubborn to affirm some sense of having outsmarted the movie. It really doesn't look like acid damage.
>melted off transparent part of helmet
The helmet is fully in tact, the alien forced itself through a hole in the glass and its body plugged the hole.
it really does though. I can't believe someone would go to this length do defend a mediocre film
>The helmet is fully in tact
so why did you post a picture of the melted helmet?
I didn't remember that but, having seen this yeah the crew was pretty retarded
The Thing?
>The helmet is fully in tact
>posts picture of it not intact
Bishop was part of the marine-crew, wasn't he? He wasn't directly sent by the company to oversee things like Ash was, he just went along when the marines got sent in. As such he's probably programmed to help the marines in their usual bug-hunts, not procure tech for the company.
Why the fuck would you assume that an animal bleeds acid just because there's acid-damage on a helmet? You'd assume that it was environmental damage, or maybe some sort of attacking quality of the creature. Not that it fucking bled acid.
I never said anything about bleeding acid
But they do make rational decisions, that's why the movie is so good. Or Ripley does, in particular, since you still need someone to make a mistake to get the plot going, unless you're doing a completely overpowered monster. Someone once said that horror is well done when the character only makes logical actions, but still gets fucked.
It's logical to keep the infected guy out, but it's also logical to not throw a fit once someone lets them in, since you're no longer he commanding officer aboard. The mistake has been made, and I doubt even Ripley would throw the guy out again, since there's a more human interaction involved now, instead of just telling a voice over the comms that an unconscious guy is not getting in
what?! next you'll be telling me that there's party rockers in the house tonight...
>What irrational decisions were made
Not wearing masks whilte investigating a parasite alien in the sickbay. Not killing the little eel fuck that just came out of Kane's chest. Not moving away from a slowly-approaching negro in a rubber suit to that le bonus man can torch him.
>Not wearing masks whilte investigating a parasite alien in the sickbay
If it was carrying something, the ship had already been contaminated when Ash broke quarantine. And if it's alive, they also already know it can get through a space suit, what would a mask do?
>Not killing the little eel fuck that just came out of Kane's chest
They know it has acid for blood
>Not moving away from a slowly-approaching negro in a rubber suit to that le bonus man can torch him.
Get out.
>They know it has acid for blood
It's a small eel, how much damage could it make. just bash him across the head.
You do remember a scene where a little squirt of acid penetrated several floors? Not something you want to happen on a space ship.
>you still need someone to make a mistake to get the plot going
And isn't even a mistake in Alien, just a scheme supported by the Weystein-Yutberg golem, I mean, synthetic. OP is a moron.
ALIENS >>>>>>>>>> ALIEN
Alien 3 > Aliens > Prometheus > Alien Resurrection > Alien
Wasn't it kind of also literally blocking the path to the escape pod though?
Nice bait.
Aliens > Alien > Prometheus > Covenant > Alien 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AVP2 > AVP1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Resurrection
I never noticed that the Alien's skull was partly hollow before, how much of that back area is actually used/needed?
Did you even watch the fucking movie?
The android trying to get the alien on board opens the airlock to let the infected in overriding Ripley's direct orders.
Resurrection was pretty cool
winona ryder was uber cute in it
Just imagine yourself in 1979. The creepiest film at this point was The Exorcist. You know nothing about this film, back in the days where trailers didn't give the whole plot away. You see this alien with a completely abnormal life cycle and anatomy with a creepy robot twist that wanted to keep it alive.
This film is the scariest ever because of that. It must have blown people's minds. I wish I could've watched this movie without knowing a thing about the Alien franchise.
And then youve seen Alien and go watch "The Thing" 3 years later and realise how scary aliens really can be.
At one point the xenomorph was going to be translucent. A separate suit was made for it (pic related). However, they couldn't get the effects right.
Another idea involved putting live maggots into the dome skull in order to make it seem more lively. Unfortunately, the maggots wouldn't function under hot studio lights.
Does this help?
In that same year you watch E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial to and realize how awesome aliens can be
Like that time the guy drags away Kurt Russell when he's helping two other guys put away the body they found to tell him that the thing they were putting away might still be alive and when they return they find that the thing had killed the two other guys but if the guy who dragged away Kurt Russell just told them right then and there that the thing might still be alive then they could've taken greater precautions and not died and maybe ended the movie right then and there? Yeah, that was really rational.
> Not liking based Spielberg in his prime
back to Sup Forums
Still. He was lollygagging around for a good minute. He finds shed skin (which should have been a serious flag) and continues to take his time about finding the cat and joining Parker and Ripley.
the point is not the happy ending you retard.
Is the TONE
I love it as sci fi movie, but it isn't exactly scary. mainly love it for the production and set design. it's just a gorgeous movie to look at
Henry:Portrait of a Serial Killer
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Hooper)
Halloween (Carpenter)
A Nightmare on Elm St.
The Thing
The Shining
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Night of the Living Dead (Romero)
I could go on...
>Greatest horror of all time
that's this