Sooo fucking true lol!
Sooo fucking true lol!
LOL! White genocide when?
SWEET DUDE LET"S PROTEST WHITE RIGHTS! They don't deserve rights because of slavery!
Stop the fucking politics threads you faggot
Can we not talk about Donald Trump for 5 minutes?
What did he mean by this?
He really should lose the weight though.
A president shouldn't be fat.
Why are these guys so obsessed over someone they say they hate
wtf is white rights? just admit it you fags want your privileges back.
wtf i hate trump now
Like nu atheists who constantly whine about Christianity (not Islam though) and constantly evangelize. The crossover between these two groups is probably massive.
This really makes me sad
Sup Forums has potential and is capable of good discussion but the catalog is always clogged with stupid shit like this
/film/ fucking when
>atheists don't criticize Islam
When will this meme end?
Why can't liberals meme properly? They always just come across as butthurt and low quality.
>b-but Tru-
I don't like him.
/film/ needs to be created and only good people should be allowed in. Every poster coming into the new /film/ should be extremely vetted before being allowed to post. We don't want shitposting in Sup Forums. We won't have it.
go onto leddit /r/atheism and criticize Islam, you'll get a bunch of responses along the lines of
>b-but Christianity did this 200 years ago
>muh crusades
Granted, it's expected from reddit. But it really is painfully transparent. I'm half way convinced that whole place is Muslims pretending to be atheists to weaken Christianity.
>travel ban 1 and 2 failed
>tried to appeal, STILL failed
>sanctuary city order failed
>failed to introduce a single one of his 10 legislation proposals promised within his first 100 days, including but not limited to the Middle Class Tax Relief and Simplification Act, Affordable Childcare and Eldercare Act, etc.
>tries to brag about using EOs when he complained about Obama being lazy and ineffective for using them and not passing laws
>keystone pipeline using american steel failed
>couldn't repeal obamacare, even though the republicans literally control congress
>signed a bill overturning FCC regulations protecting your privacy online
>getting mexico to pay for wall failed, nearly cause a government shutdown for demanding 1 billion dollar downpayment for the wall that's supposed to be paid by mexico
>defeating isis in 30 days failed
>drain the swamp was a lie
>lock her up was a lie
>no cuts to medicare was a lie
>no cuts to social security and medicaid was a lie
>supposedly competent businessman and billionaire can't budget properly and made a 2 trillion dollar math error
>even breitbart acknowledged the russian shills in trump's cabinet- flynn was denied immunity, may have broken law not disclosing payments from Russia
>travel expenses in first 3 months wasted more tax payer dollars than obama's first two years as president
>kills clean power plan. wants to destroy the environment, overturned regulation preventing coal companies from dumping shit into rivers
>flip flopped on NATO, labeling China a currency manipulator, the Export-Import Bank, and making the American dollar stronger
>flip flopped on targeting dreamers
>lied about not intervening with syria, wasted 60 million tax payer dollars launching 59 missiles that didn't even destroy the airbase, and warned the russians but never informed congress or the NSC
>genociding a colour
>a colour has rights
lmao we should exterimnate the burgundys right guys hahaha
how about blue suffrage
Sup Forumscucks are hands down the easiest group of people to trigger on Sup Forums. That's why they're always being baited so hard. Because you guys are so quit to react and attack relentlessly. You guys can't stand it when somebody criticizes your favorite orange manchild. It's as if you guys are trying to emulate him.
>SJ pick will fuck libtards over for literally decades to come
>won't touch muh guns
All I wanted desu
Fuck privleges .... we don't deserve them. Failed race... let the shitskins and kikes inherit this fucking world
Nah, I always thought that too, but Sup Forums will shit their pants in anger at even the most low quality of Sup Forums bait. It's pathetic.
>he cares about what's going on reddit
>he thinks redditors are representative of normal people
Fresh from r/T_D I see
really fires the synapses
What did he mean by this?
>knowing about reddit makes you reddit
>he knows what /r/T_D is but apparently isn't also reddit
He meant great faiths as in size. Islam is the second largest religion
Constantly looking over your shoulder to make sure you don't offend anyone and hamstringing yourself with idpol can't help.
Everyone knows what T_D is, redditor.
No they don't. I only learned about those fags when they started showing up in Sup Forums
Join us
>being this ass-blasted
>implying it's not true
He had his fucking press secretary come out and assure the public that "covfefe" was not a typo, the President would never make such a mistake, and that clearly this was a high-level joke that only he and a privileged few would understand (which, by the way, makes twitter the worst medium for that joke).
You can love his policies all you like, he's still an insecure tight-ass which is a sad look for the most powerful fucking man in the world.