What did he mean by this?
"Obama Rebukes Trump: 'I'm Pretty Tired Of Some Folks Trash-Talking' Troops"
I've never seen Trump belittle the troops? Matter of fact, the support from troops for him are through the roof.
What did he mean by this?
"Obama Rebukes Trump: 'I'm Pretty Tired Of Some Folks Trash-Talking' Troops"
I've never seen Trump belittle the troops? Matter of fact, the support from troops for him are through the roof.
Other urls found in this thread:
dude i dont fuckin know nothin
What, do you live under a rock?
isnt obama the one who's been trash talking cops for the past couple months?
wtf i hate donald now
Poor Mr. Khan.
I voted for this nigger twice, but he's truly showing his colors in the last few months of his presidency.
Never in my life have I seen a lame duck president shilling so hard for a presidential candidate.
The Nigger and Shildog are definitely Masons of the highest order and have rituals in their backyards.
He meant "Only I get to do that, peasant."
>Trump rebukes man blatently insulting him on national television
>man's son happened to serve in the military and die (in a war Hillary supported)
I fucking hate politics, was it this bad when this country was founded?
i really just wish he dealt with the whole BLM shitstorm better
he could have had his own mini-MLK moment but he blew it by telling people to put themselves in black ppls shoes
>Punjab University
Yes it was
>that one guy on the left
Holy shit calm down Trombley
>was it this bad when this country was founded
Yes, but not every fucking nigger and dyke had a fucking megaphone so they could voice their opinions out in the open (twitter).
Also corporations didn't have their hand in the cookie jar as much as they have now.
100% of the media/corporations are against Trump.
If any of you are religious fags please pray for this blonde haired man every night so he can succeed.
>i really just wish he dealt with the whole BLM shitstorm better
>he could have had his own mini-MLK moment but he blew it by telling people to put themselves in black ppls shoes
His accomplishments so far in 8 fucking years.
1) Make fag marriage legal
2) Affordable shit care act, that allows poor motherfuckers to get free healthcare on the backs of the working people (ie his nigger population)
In return he:
1) Made us China's bitch
2) Added over 10 Trillion dollars in debt
3) Lost all physical labor jobs to overseas 3rd world shitty countries
4) Added racial divide, m'race
5) Generated new Hitler-esque youth of fembots and nufag pro-commie faggots
6) Allowed mudslimes to grow under his watch
7) Allowed Russia to have a hand in the middle east
8) Alienated Russia more
This son of a bitch thinks he can be Mahatma Gandhi and still be president.
Does this idiot realize that to be the strongest country in the world you have to be ruthless in terms of foreign policy?
Just because you made fag marriage legal in 8 fucking years doesn't make you some kind of brilliant president.
He is truly going to go down as the most liberal and most cucked president of all time. Not even Bill "rapin" Clinton was this liberal. He was a centrist who got shit done.
He made the White House a joke.
By their logic it's
First Black president > First Woman President > First Mexican President > First Gay president > First transexual president > First Asian president > First Gorilla president > First biracial non-gender president.
Nigga thinks USA is Canada. He doesn't understand what this country is about.
Nice, user. But you don't see this anywhere in MSM.
>By their logic it's
>First Black president > First Woman President > First Mexican President > First Gay president > First transexual president > First Asian president > First Gorilla president > First biracial non-gender president.
I thought this was funny but I realize this is actually the dem's strategy for the next couple of decades. They will push for a different First just so every platform will be if you don't vote for them its because you're a bigot
It was actually worse. Andrew Jackson's opponents called his mom a nigger fucking, immigrant whore. They constantly fought over everything, going to blows on the Senate and House floors. Duels were a regular occurrence. And to make matters worse, the President and VP were almost always of politically opposing philosophies.
If this is true, he needs to keep them in the news so they can't walk away... so that others won't think they get a free ride if they mess with him.
From my keyboard to Trump's ear
>coming to blows on the House and Senate floor
>implying that wouldn't make things a thousand times better at this point
>trump will have @potus
sick digits ma man. id be a bit sad! if it wasnt something like @godking
May well be. I'd support that over the collusion we've been getting lately.
you should just have a big battle royale and the strongest male who kills the most opponents gets to be president
the doctor awakens