I just saw pic related.
What did I think of it?
I just saw pic related.
What did I think of it?
I don't know. What did you think of it?
It will be the iceberg that sinks old man Tom's career
I marathoned the first seven (7) minutes and it was shit, so you think it's shit too.
Its a big fat mess that is the result of corporate jews wanting to cash in on marvels success by using their available brand names
I'm disappointed that this wasn't good.
The mummy a cute.
it was fun. cruise is better than brendan.
i would crack the gem too so that i get god powers and get to keep my own mind, but i'd pick Mummy over blondie... wait, now that i think about it why cant i have both?
wtf they really cast a white girl as an egyptian??
OP here, memes aside, if you saw it, what did you think?
I thought it was fairly decent as far as action schlock goes.
Original Mummy is based.
You thought it turned you super gay so now you have to suck a thousand cocks you faggot.
it was...ok
nothing special. one thing that ticked me, Jeckyll needed to reshoot every what...10 or so minutes? how many times does he shoot up a day
Heading to my kinoplex in a few days. Do I see this or Pirates 5?
That's tough considering both of them are shit.
Honestly Mummy is a bit more enjoyable, but both are bad, If you haven't watched WW.
WW was just average to me at least. Captain Underpants was the better movie that released that weekend.
She's half Arab
too much world building
what the fuck was this movie?
tom cruise becomes a demon god?
I'll be honest, this is gonna sound naive as fuck, but I hope this does well. The whole Dark Universe and Legendary Monsterverse get me excited for blockbusters that aren't capeshit for once. Unfortunately this seems to be meh at best, but I hope one along the line is great. The problem seems to be they're imitating blockbusters too much but giving some room for directors to go crazy could fix that tbqh. Also:
>Universal monsters
>getting dark reboot
>so they're Dark Universal Monsters
>in a dark universe
I don't see what everyone's problem with the movie is. It was fun, basically Uncharted: Mad Monster Party Edition: The Prologue.
這是非常好,很享受,太可怕了。 告訴我所有的朋友看電影。
based cruise can do literally nothing wrong XD
oh wait it's fucking shit and he's a nutjob cuck
You fags have no soul.
How was the bondage scene where they wrapped up the man-faced girl? Did they linger for a while, or was it real brief like the trailer?
Best movie of the decade
Watch RLM video and base your opinion on that
Also why did you pay money for this lmoa
It's like a nonsense mashup of Nolan, Avengers and Mission Impossible. Like if someone just edited a Frankenstein movie out of parts of other movies. Pure cinematic degeneration.