I date Canadian foreign exchange student, turns out she banged The Justin two years ago. What should I do and what shall I ask? I didn't continue conversation forward.
I date Canadian foreign exchange student, turns out she banged The Justin two years ago...
Why are you dating a butch she-dyke?
She's feminine, classy, knows how to cook, speaks fluent French, Russian and German, likes sports and sex. Most importantly she's racially pure - Anglo-Scottish descendant of the first settlers.
She fucked Trudeau though.....
Is it RUSSIA YES or CANADA YES? Let's have a vote.
>racially pure
>descendant of the first settlers
Bruh, she probably descends from like 8 different countries and GUARANTEED has some abbo blood in her. Thing is with abbo blood, families will oftentimes keep it under wrap even from each other cause they were so embarassed about it, so it comes as quite a surprise when people get DNA tests and find out there's some metis in them (happens very frequently desu).
The fact that she thinks she only comes from two places means she probably has a missing parent or grandparent, with all the mixed race genes from that end being ignored.
In other words she's a complete mutt, just like most of our Frenchies.
Justin "Cut for him" Bieber or Justin "If your enemies kill you, you win" Trudeau?
WAIT WAIT WAIT she's saying she fucked Justin Trudeau???? Back the fuck up. For real? Did she show you proof?
Justin cheated on his wife WITH A WOMAN??
how did she even meet him
Why are you ignoring her, talk to her n get proof.
>sex with Trudeau
You should dump her because she's a tale-teller.
Most of us are mixes of the UK with a bit of French or other European thrown in there.
Ask her how big his dick was.
Good thing my family immigrated from the Netherlands after WW2, I would kill myself if I was part chug.
Ask is she knows that certain birthmark right behind justin's left buttcheek.
If she says no call her a liar that wants attention for having a cute PM.
If she says yes, they we know Justin only likes to get pegged.
She has ancestryDNA which is 100% European and 97% British Isles. Most Old Stock Canadians are English, Scottish or French. Other Euros weren't in the picture before 1950s and settlers didn't race-mix with abbos.
Justin "if your enemies fuck your wife, you win" Trudeau
user did u peg Trudeau
On the off possibility you aren't trolling, get proof of said affair with Cuckdeau and go public.
if you can prove this
you can help us introduce a vote of no cuckfidence
Next time you meet, not right away, call bullshit on it. Just say you'd thought about it after seeing him on the TV and you just felt "weird" that she'd say it.
Leave it at that, and you'll get whatever's there in due time.
Impossible. That faggot has no way ever banged a girl in his entire life.
>Russian OP
Can you translate this for me pls?
Damn. Somehow I didn't thought about it as a possible political tool to actually do something. She showed me the pics and vids of her dancing with him and doing some dramatic rehearsal, some pictures in some cabin in the bumfuck nowhere, more pictures of them doing nature loving thingies around together. Nothing sexual apart from a kissing pic to be seen.
You know what this means OP?
You fucked a cuck's woman.
Which means you are the bull.
Which means you are black.
Which means Japan was right!
It's Ukranian, but ok.
Left : "I created you and I will be the one to kill you! Did Lyahis(slur for Poles) help you?" (Taras)
Right: "Father:DDDD Why?! XD (Andrij)
It's a parody on a scene from "Taras Bulba" by Nikolay Gogol
Thanks. A Russian user posted it so I figured it was Russian.
you better make sure that it's actually weedman and not bieber
You have to get those proofs ivan, pls. The kissing alone is enough to get this shit on fire.
If she's your gf, than you have even more leverage
And you need to convince her to go public. Tell her she'll be famous and people will love her and feel sympathy for her, girls love that
user I love Russia and if I had the power to do something good for your country I would. You might have the ability to out Trudeau from government!! Liberals might not win again for a long time!
And tell her to write a book
>first settlers
Definitely part native
She didn't "bang" anyone she *got* banged by him or *got* fucked by him.
This weird biologically nonsense way of speaking has some SJW Grrrl Power queefy smell all over it.
Women get fucked by men they don't fuck men (unless you're a faggot taking strap ons up your ass and even then they're just shoving a foreign object up your ass and pretending it's sex).
I think it makes modern sluts feel less trashy to talk like they are playing an active role, whereas actual sex is always an act of male dominance - always.
Stop talking this cheesy numale sex and the city lingo Sup Forums
I know that, but that could be 10 generation ago. 10 generations is a lot of branches in the family tree, that's a lot of intermarriage between different Anglo families, which isn't all too common here. Generally people just date and marry whoever's white and nearby.
Ask her if Justin taught her his trick.
>gif related
We dated for a year now, my father is a Dane, mom is Russian, so I came here two years ago to master Russian and get an addition to my degree and certification of language proficiency from the Ministry of Culture. I'm heavily involved with the Danish People's Party Youth Wing so if anything I would prefer to manage the thing myself. There might be more documentation than just a kiss. That's why I decided to not touch the topic and slip from it as fast as I could. I have to be smart. Realistically, how could the leak of photos affect him? Especially if I do it as a DF Party member and organizer? Especially if I do it from Russia?
>unless you're a faggot taking strap ons up your ass
In this case, that's a really fucking small 'unless'.
YOU don't have to leak the photos, you contact a media company in Canada anonymously and you give them the photo. The Russia part is a bit problematic, perhaps you have a friend back in Denmark that you trust?
But you gotta tell us straight up some details before we even hypothesize about this.
1. How long ago was she seeing/dating him, and for how long?
2. In the kissing photo(s), is it clear that it is truly weedman without a question of a doubt?
3. Are there more pictures of him with her, just as insurance?
pls respond
If your mom is Russian, do you get automatic citizenship? Just asking because this was the case for me, except I'm Italian.
Well, he wouldnt automatically be kicked out of the government, but hopefully they'd shitcan him in the media. It would be too good a scoop to pass up.
He'd have to be held accountable. He'd prolly admit that he cheated outright if he was smart. It would totally ruin his character.
Then we could get him out of government through a non confidence vote.
If we smear his name enough, liberals will have at least 10 years of not being able to renter government majority, like last time.
>caring about any effect such a leak could have besides the effect it would have on the Sup Forums Trudeauposting community
Let's face it. Pride is a stagnant market. There was hardly even any new material from Vancouver Pride, and most of it was spoiled by his beard. Our economy depends on rares. We need a new influx of memeable capital.
This, OP:
We need more info. I work for the government. Give us some details, I could tell you where this needs to go.
And it needs to go slowly. Give fuel to repressed news sources like the rebel, keep that going for a while. Create doubt and concern. Then hit the major news and they'll have no choice to pick it up. Going straight to them is gauranteed they won't run it. It needs to be a "worse fears confirmed" headline and completely wreck his character.
I do disagree that it can't come from Russia. If it starts in Russia, that would be amazing: more fodder the Russians know everything and are to be respected.
Wait. You got cucked by Trudeau?
Thats unwanted baggage m8, theyll do the exact same thing that they did with the DNC leak in america except worse (and you know it's true with the CBC worshiping of trudeau like he can do no wrong). It doesn't help at all, and quite frankly it's not the most important aspect of all of this.
I agree though that if this is legit, the rebel media or some trusted conservative/right wing media source in Canada should get this, fling allegations and wait for weedman to slip up and lie enough times for them to take him down.
All OP has to do is deliver.
>you contact a media company in Canada anonymously and you give them the photo. The Russia part is a bit problematic,
Why would I give the credit to the media? I want to become a Danish PM eventually and reputation of a "Man who ruined Trudeau" is a god-tier bonus. I visit Denmark two times a month for several days, so it's not a problem.
1)They been just for a month together.
2)perfectly clear
3)pics and videos of them dancing and doing drama thing, pics of them in the cabin, pics of them doing outdoors
You sort of can get automatic citizenship, but you can't have a dual citizenship in Denmark. Anyway I would reject it once 18. My loyalty is to the Kingdom only.
I won't assist the Jews, I would make a capital myself if needed the question is how to get the files and now to launch them.
I have a Danish name and a Danish surname. I wouldn't share credit with anyone. Russian government deserves to be beaten and checked, not applauded. Russia can't control its borders and mountain gremlins...so
Yes yessss, small trusted news sources first. Then he'll deny deny deny and the party will deny deny deny and as soon as he gets comfortable, hit the major news stations with the best proof you got, all of it, and Trudeau is over.
Fine, it doesn't need to be user. You can take the credit, as long as you do it smartly.
Are there any other people in the pics? Are they enough to provide reasonable doubt on his faithfulness? Is it a cheek kiss or forehead, are they acting when they kiss? Or is it legit like make out.
>reputation of a "Man who ruined Trudeau" is a god-tier bonus
Not to ruin the LARP you got going, but you understand why scandal leaks are generally done anonymously, right? You won't be 'that guy who saved the world from Emperor Weedcuck', you'd be 'that guy who is a potential threat to every other leader's career'.
Sorry had to change to my phone
>Why would I give the credit to the media
It's your call OP, but if you want to actually take down the Weedman, you have to cooperate with the media. I'm not entirely familiar with the procedure, maybe an user on here is.
How soon do you think you'll be back in Denmark to get started on this? Or I guess you said you don't care about how smoothly the revelation that someone from Russia would be leaking this, sooooo i.e. how soon can you get to work on this in general? Do you even outright have access to these pics? Best to just take the hard drive from your gf and download them just so you know they won't get wiped.
>doing drama things
Holy shit it's actually him isn't it
Why is this a bad thing? World leaders need to be normal, sane people. I'm a political apologist like crazy sometimes, when leaders misbehave it's because the people are not applying enough pressure.
I get what you're saying, but it is not fair or fine in any way.
It's a super simple process, just contact the news room of any station you want to talk to. It should have its own number on their website. From there you can get them to come to you, or schedule a visit.
>World leaders need to be normal, sane people
Canada pls
I'm not saying it's GOOD that world leaders will result to polonium-laced orange juice and barbell suicides when they're worried about a scandal. I'm just saying it's common sense for a prospective PM to realize that it happens.
Trudeau is based desu. Pretty much the liberal equivalent of Trump.
>'that guy who is a potential threat to every other leader's career'.
How is it a bad thing for a PM hopeful of a small country like Denmark? I think leaks done anonymously out of fear being assassinated or ruined. I have nothing to hide and weed man won't sell a killer to me.
She has a 4 digits password on her phone. I can manage. I don't know it yet, but I want to try to convince to hand the files over to me willingly. I'm going to Denmark on 11th for 4 days, she goes with me. Maybe speaking to a DF leader would be a good idea? I show off a material, he apoints me as a MP or Youth Leader, from the new position leak is done in a casual manner. Won't it affect Canadian politics more than just starting the speculating with small Canadian media outlets? How would it work if I call Canadian media rep in Denmark, show the fail, but don't hand it over?
Being a DF leader or MP candidate means free top tier protection. The moment DF has a martyr, not only DF (Denmark for mostly Danes and Westerners) gets landslide, but Dankernes Parti(Denmark for the Danes only) too. Danes are ready to vote for parties more hardline than those two, so it's a common knowledge that DF martyr = Reich mode Denmark next election.
It would be your decision according to your girlfriends constitution. Would speaking to another leader scare her away? I would worry if you wait for her to hand the files over, she might delete them. What are her politics?
And how do you figure you'd be elected to a small position with these files? Unless you're saying you could convince them to do it so you have for creds.
As long as you get the files and are the only one to have them. Your girlfriend should delete them after giving them to you too.
Your career would be destroyed with cause or without it by people outside your own nation even if you could find cooperation within it to begin with. This isn't hard to understand.
Good god user
I'm actually worried about you
I genuinely recommend deleting this thread after getting more advice
Weedman's a cuck, but who knows what might happen.
I think that, now that you've already posted here, you should get and publish those photos as soon as possible
Stay safe, I guess
m8 you cannot be so passive about this, you have to be ready to drop bombs, even though you keep on forgetting the bigger implications of this leak. For kek's sake Berlusconi got accused for less and look at how his political career turned out.
>Won't it affect Canadian politics more than just starting the speculating with small Canadian media outlets?
YES. It will. It will shake things up here and stir distrust in the current government's leadership and can potentially cause a vote of no confidence. You just have to be smart about how you handle this. You have to work with a small right wing media outlet that would be more than happy to facilitate your magnus opus.
You have to absolutely be delicate with your gf and read her judgement carefully about all this. You need to ask yourself a few questions.
1. Would she cooperate with you and your plan?
2. Would she be the type to act irrationally and delete the evidence?
3. Would you be willing, in a more dire situation, to extract the pics without her noticing?
If you're familiar with Lauren Southern (The Rebel Media), you should get into contact with her about this. Show them this thread or at least tell them about what we discussed here. You can't fail user, pls!
Fuck every time I see a photo of him I think of Spenny.
>Lauren Southern (The Rebel Media)
Lauren "My grandparents had to flee Denmark because of evil nazis" Southern? I won't collaborate with her or nujewish media. Any old school Canadian paper you recommend? What the reaction of let's say CBC in Denmark would be, if I show them the file, but refuse to hand the files over? Is channeling a direct blackmail on Trudeau is an option after?
>mfw OP's girlfriend was gettin' down with Spenny and nobody could tell the difference
i ded
How great would that be?
user it is hard to find good old school Canadian news outlets. Canadian government imposes heavy regulation on the news. Rebel media used to be Sun, and Canadian gov shut them down and kicked them off the air. That's why they're rebel online now.
Maybe it is less enforced abroad?
>mfw it ruins trudeaus career anyway
op is a liar unless he posts proof
user, if you don't go public quick, you're in risk. You already posted in a public media channel about yourself and, if this gets into any level of Canadian government, they'll know exactly who you and your girl are
You're not going to blackmail a small town politician
You're planning to topple the political career of the head of state of a G7 nation, a leading member of NATO and the UN
Don't let tiny things and prejudices get in your way. Rebel media is an established political outlet and honestly an excellent option
At least try something like Breitbart.
>Hey Spenny, I dare you to pick up some sluts and tell them you're Justin Trudeau
Forward copies to Conrad Black.
How would they know who I am? I don't think that any level of Canadian government knows about it except for Trudeau. It was before he became a PM.
ur being such a fag man release the pics ur dead soon anyways
And if user really has proof, the harder trudeau and the party deny it, the harder it will hit when proof is out there
but i agree, the time to act is as soon as you can.
I do agree with this, it might be harder to figure out who he is while OP is in Russia with his gf.
Before he was pm is even better though. We can say he's taking his lying habit to office. If it happened now, there would be doubt bc he's a public figure.
Who knows laddie
I would honestly have a pretty good laugh if its true
Also, it'd give ME a chance to get media atention by denouncing OP of being a known poster in a neo-nazi forum
Don't you think that Trudeau or his personnel keep an eye on your girl if it's true? I wouldn't risk it tbf
Also, don't post proof here. It's even more dangerous
A head of a great power in the world will keep precautions as simple as keeping an eye on his mistress. And he would definitely warn his closest personnel
I can't decide between
>Trudeau having this level of forethought
>all the way in russia
If Trudeau personnel are in Russia he's fucked.
Whatever you do OP, the pics have to be released. The truth must be revealed!!!
I'm not saying that OP is being watched while jacking off to chinese cartoons right now by super secret Canadian agents
But, if it's true, Trudeau knows, at the very least, who OP is
>specifically, truth about size of ponos
Be a bro and leak this shit to several media outlets to ruin Weedman and redeem Canadian Sup Forums posters.
I guess to me this is the least important thing bc if I had the chance to nail him I'd do it and be happy with any size.
That being said, if he took me up on my offer, he's still cheating on his wife and lying to his country
If he really did this, OP has a moral duty to get him out, lest someone do this to him when he gets in his office.
>But, if it's true, Trudeau knows, at the very least, who OP is
How? I hide my digital trace and no way he's not infantile
He's just a kid who won on his father's name and looks. I don't think he would order to kill a man even if it meant the shakening of his political career.he probably would understand as well that killing beloved one of the girl you used to sleep with will make HER want to sink him.
Why would he warn personnel? I don't think he has a loyal Pretorians but rather hired guns. There is a risk of whistleblowing or blackmail, if you share info about your ex mistress.
>she is pure
why does it matter? Slavs aren't white bro
Nips are funny little cunts
I wouldnt worry about a hit on your life, bro. that has not once happened here.
And i have this feeling he wouldnt warn them out of embarrassment. I bet sometimes they find stuff out and confront him, small things, and he gets all flustered and promises not to do it again but he does omg
There are two land rovers without plates near my our apartment block with people inside. Coincidence that is, but sort of weird
we should dump OP because he's a tale-teller
>if the Prime Minister of Canada fucks your girl-friend you win
>if your future wife is not a virgin you win
>if you destroy perfectly good Germanic-Celtic genes with even more cross-breeding you win
>if you flush your own genes down the toilet you win
Slavs might be Caucasian, but they're not Germanic, nor Celtic, like all good Canadians should be.
Did Putin also fuck your girl-friend?
Yuri Bezmenov got hit in Canada.
I'm not saying that he has l33t super haxors tracing your IP right at this moment
I mean that he obviously keeps track on your girlfriend and he certainly knows who her boyfriend is
I do think that Trudeau is a decent man on a personal level, even knowing of his shitty policies, but you never know. He's a politician, after all
Oh fuck OP. The NKVD is coming for you.
>how did your girlfriend fuck the son of the former prime minister of Canada?
Question.. is she from BC?
Not really a comparison to be made, this was during Soviet Union + he had defected here among other things
it seems that op's now dead
that settles it for tonight, I guess
It's late and I need to sleep anyways
G'night laddies
OP u ded already
Congratulation to OP for nice bate thread.
Also, I don't think a "regular" sex scandal would stop the Cuckman, as the media and his fans would make excuse and shit. I think only evidence of him fucking teenagers or younger would cause a Happening of any magnitude.
can we get teens to seduce him and wear a wire or glasses cam
Just put a kettle on and watched for the car, the man inside is smoking, so unlikely that it's some sort of special service.
Why would he keep a track on her? Isn't Canada uncorrupt like Nordics? Why would he tell anyone about that in the first place? He certainly is not a IT genius to keep track on her himself.
I'm half Danish ethnically and my Russian mom is mostly VolgaKraut. Don't worry.
I genuinely believed in this thread for a moment
I'm kinda disappointed in myself now
>teenagers or younger
But participating in pedocultural events an important way of embracing the diversity of human sexuality, user.