While studying in Saudi Arabia, Mr. Khan wrote a thesis calling for the execution of gays/Christians:
While studying in Saudi Arabia, Mr. Khan wrote a thesis calling for the execution of gays/Christians:
Other urls found in this thread:
You don't even need to read his thesis to know he believes this shit. He's a goddamn fucking Muslim for fuck's sake.
So? based af
Gays are traitors to the human race and they should be gassed.
Not really, but that what /pol believes
Walid Shoebat is a known liar. He calls Palestinian Christians "Muslim terrorists" because he's on the kike's payroll. Anything from that site is as reliable as Weekly World News.
Holy shiiiet it's got sources and everything.
Bumping again, this should be seen by more.
Bump don't let the shills slide this
Sad how Sup Forums used to love Ben until he started criticizing their cult leader.
Here's Mrs. Khan back in 2009 without the headscarf.
The Democrats push this agenda openly and without shame.
> Sup Forums
> loving a jew
it was the same faggots that "love" Octoroon of Akkad
>calling for the execution of gays/Christians
what's wrong with that ?
What's the source on that?
Everything near shillary is corrupt in one way or another. She literally steals the souls of everyone and everything near her
>Mr. Khan wrote a thesis calling for the execution of gays/Christians:
You mean he, a Muslim, agreed with the Qur'an?
And why is this news?
What's funny is that I thought of that quote immediately when I saw that "TYT parody"
(Talking about the pic, obviously)
I like Ben Shapiro and appreciate his arguments, but I don't understand why he views Trump so disdainfully.
I understand that he admits he wants Trump more than Hillary, but his goyphobia really gets the better of him.
This shit is fake.
Threadly reminder that these threads with dubious sources are being posted by Hillary's team to bait people into making false accusations. They ALMOST caught Sean Hannity on the radio earlier with this false flag.
dems BTFO yet again
Sources are legit, it is his writings wiht his name on them.
>Octoroon of Akkad
Kek I think Quadroon of Mossad is the best name for that fat fuck. He does have some good stuff on occasion though
>sources are not reliable eventhough there's links to sources in the article
>nice try shill
Walid has been exposing muslim brotherhood and their plan to infiltrate the west and related for decades since his apostacy from islam, including abedins links aswell as obamas links via malik to muslim brotherhood
nobody has been listening till very recently, this is not new things he's talking about.. This is just the latest example.
Also he was on Michael Savage today precisely because of his article talking more about it (30 minute interview here). youtube.com
Walid was part of the ikhwan infiltration force in the US till his apostacy in the 90's so he knows their tricks and often uses arabic sources etc. and what they say in the arabic. So he's very quick to find out these connections when one of them comes out.
Muslims try to call walid a liar the moment someone links to him.. The reason his family went against him, and thus gave conflicting report was because he apostated from islam. It's not a small thing if you think so..
No, he didn't outright call for the execution of gays or Christians.
His paper is all about how Sharia is the only way, and happened to heavily cite interpretations of Sharia that happen to say that's okay.
>he didn't outright call for it
>he just cited heavily sections about that and says sharia is the only way
Is there really a big difference?
you lying faggot.
faggot liar
shill detected.
sharia called for the execution of gays and Christians.
thank you for attempting to correct the record though.
>$0.25 has been added to your account
>Sup Forums doesn't openly call for gassing the kikes (race war now), they just say that Hitler was right and heavily cite interpretations of Mein Kampf that call for exterminating social parasites
You didn't explicitly shill for Hillary, but..
Oh shit you did, nevermind.
This seems solid. Why are people denying this is true?
Yeah he can be ok. What you have to remember with him is that he has an agenda too. The MSM shills progressivism, Sargon shills muh enlightenment. Everything for him has to be egalitarian and if it isn't he'll ignore that fact. He used to acknowledge cultural marxism and racial differences in IQ. He now says the Frankfurt School is tinfoil hat stuff and ignores racial differences in IQ instead opting to blame poverty.
tl;dr Sargon has a script too. At least he writes his own.
page 10 save rave
there we go, we have our angle.
Probably being ignored because you're a fucking Canadian.
But you're an all right Canadian.
Love ya bud.
More will come. I'm sure of that
>muslim brotherhood
I do not care for what he wants but shoot that cunt already
I really get triggered when I hear (muslim brotherhood)
Saudis control the muslim brotherhood?
Stopping this from getting slid
you do know i's a standard in every Friday sermon to pray for the death of infidels from mecca grand mosque.