>Every demand expect one is met
>Throws a fit and refuses to accept the terms
>Fucks it up for everyone
Is Tasty the biggest dumb ass of Orange is the New Black?
>Every demand expect one is met
>Throws a fit and refuses to accept the terms
>Fucks it up for everyone
Is Tasty the biggest dumb ass of Orange is the New Black?
I never finished last season and haven't looked for this one out anywhere, so i dont know
This show should have ended already.
>expect vs except
What a fucking retard
Has the new season dropped?
Is the american pie dude back?
>Watching this
You're either a liberal, or a woman.
Either way, get out.
yeah I binged the whole thing. It's really interesting but it takes place during a prison riot
like mcc was going to give into her demands.
Can't stand this dumb show but I'd taste that Tasty if you know what I mean.
Even when her demands were met, she wanted more and said they weren't getting enough. So some hispanic freed the hostages expecting time off and the woman wasnt having it lmfao.
So yeah taystee is a dumbass.
No, you are for watching this filth.
The hot cheetos and takis were just bribes anyway. I doubt anything would've happened honestly.
I'm probably in the minority but I'm a gay black man. I watch it for the plot because I have nothing better to do.
Imo this season was just filler.
>Is the american pie dude back?
cameo only
>gay black man
no seriously though what's your take on piscatella? token gay man in a sjw show or key player to the plot?
I feel like he's a token gay character whose sexuality doesn't really play a major part in the show. The only time we really find out about his sexuality is when Piper tries seducing him and he mentions having "two beards."
Red also takes Humphrey's phone and texts Piscatella on some gay shit so I'm guessing Humphrey was on the DL too? I also remember him being super strict so I guess that helps sjws with their whole "oppressive patriarchy" bs.
I also didn't realize the show was as sjw as I thought.
>dat input
thx user
Taystee+Whoever the one other black chick are the best representations of BLM I have seen in media.
>Have the opportunity to get a celebrity to spearhead their cause, bringing natural attention to their cause
>Instead get emotional and go on a tirade when she's a literally who that nobody will listen to
>Fall ass backwards into getting most of your demands met, with public support for your cause
>Fuck it all up even when she knows that this is her last chance due to the dead guard.
They're well-intentioned but retarded, incompetent, and incapable of thinking about the bigger picture.
>Instead get emotional and go on a tirade when she's a literally who that nobody will listen to
To be fair, Taystee didn't let the woman speak but she couldn't because she was privileged as fuck. After she stopped talking, the paparazzi literally swarmed to the woman and basically said fuck it to whatever she was saying.
The negotiation wasn't good either. They gassed Taystee up and they expected to get amnesty when there was a dead/dying officer, and they pretty much refused the hot cheetos and takis once they found out they were "bribes" when they were just getting what they asked for.
>Fall ass backwards into getting most of your demands met, with public support for your cause
"Justice for Poussey"
>Fuck it all up even when she knows that this is her last chance due to the dead guard.
Once the Hispanic freed the hostages they pretty much knew it was over.
>They're well-intentioned but retarded, incompetent, and incapable of thinking about the bigger picture.
They only thought about the bigger picture when it was convenient for them. When Dayanara shot the guard, they decided to turn her in "for the greater good," but they fucked up on the negotiation just because they couldn't get all their demands met.
I have no idea what you are saying. Sure, Judy was "Privileged" but that was the whole point. The media was chomping at the bit to hear what she had to say, she was going to be a willing participant who would tell everybody about the conditions in the prison, and people would listen, giving them enormous leverage in the situation. And she threw it all away because "she's privileged, this is our story, and the world is unfair." She can't think about what Judy could accomplish that she can't because she's stupid.
>she threw it all away because "she's privileged, this is our story, and the world is unfair."
Not to mention how gong ho Taystee was about getting justice for Poussey. CO Bailey went to her dad's house and tried to apologize but Sgt Washington wasn't having any of it.
I mean Taystee is pretty smart and all, but she made some extremely dumb ass decisions. Like I understand that friends stick together and shit, but this woman got sent back to prison SO THEY COULD BE TOGETHER, right? I'd say her priorities were fucked up but eh.. Like she was so focused on getting "Justice for Poussey" that she didn't think about the prison as a whole. Does that make sense?
Is Tumblr: The Show secretly redpilled about how stupid blacks/BLM are or am I reading too much into it?
>The Show secretly redpilled about how stupid blacks/BLM are or am I reading too much into it?
it is
they even had a black character say black people can be racist and black people on twitter got mad
>Fuck it all up even when she knows that this is her last chance due to the dead guard.
They kill a guard?
I think they attempted to represent the movement as true to its meaning as they could. I'm sure that Jenji Kohen has a different opinion of it than I do, but I do think she captured the soul of it pretty well.
Is this new season better than the last one?
>Sgt Washington
pretty sure he was a major. big difference. and he had a cib which meant he saw combat.
By a significant margin. I was close to dropping the show, but the new season is pretty legitimately good. Entire thing takes place during a prison riot (probably over the course of a week or so) so there isn't much filler at all, and they don't overuse the "flashbacks humanizing characters" as much as they did in previous seasons. Overall pretty good.
I don't watch the show, so why does one of the inmates have a gun and have a cop hostage? Why is this even happening?
Is it supposed to be like an empowering scene, because it shouldn't l, they're in prison for a reason.
The only good part was the huge gay guard and what he did to Red.
The show and Jenji are essentially saying that while these movements or ways of thinking are "well intentioned" The people behind them often let ego and personal bullshit take over. Everyone is flawed and makes really stupid choices. It's a nuanced take that isn't 100% yaaasss queen or whatever the fuck.
She did the same with Weeds and her other shows. Surface level people see that she's all about representation and positive reinforcement. When the simple truth is, Jenji seems more interested in people fucking up. Good or bad. People just fuck up.
The flashbacks are one of the best parts of this show.
A guard with a penchant for torture brought a pistol into the prison because another "guard" (really a hitman for a crime syndicate sent to kill an inmate) was killed (while trying to kill an inmate), buried in the prison garden, and his body found when landscaping work was being done for whatever reason. He felt that the guards were endangered, brought it in without anyone's knowledge, got knocked down and the gun got loose during a riot over CO treatment of the prisoners. A prisoner ended up with the gun. It's not an "empowering scene," and the prisoner who shoots the guard later feels remorse and says she did what she did because she felt pressured by the rioting prisoners.
>watch the show
>it's not terrible
a guard snuck it in. the guard butterfingered it and it skid across the floor into the inmate's hands.
freida's flashback is the best in this season.
Why do I keep watching this show? This new season is trash. The earlier seasons had solid character development and interesting story lines that got me hooked in. Now its just devolved into this pathetic riot plot they they're stretching out.
>think the Mexican bitches are going to show their tits finally
>wearing something underneath
Fucking assholes.
I loved the flashbacks in S1, they were OK in S2, but in seasons 3-4 where they were occupying significant screen time they trended towards "nobody in this prison did anything wrong ever." which forgets the premise of the show that everybody is in fucking prison for a reason. Combined with the fact that those seasons were subpar overall I thought they leaned on the flashbacks too hard and that their quality nosedived. The ones they did this season, particularly Frieda's, were actually done pretty well.
Fuck that ending was stupid. Killing the best character and it fades to black. Only good part is they can't continue the series after this.
Can't they? No way are they gonna have the riot cops shoot them up.
Unless they use a whole new cast then no it can't.
its only fitting the best character in the show gets the best flashback too.
I don't see why they can't continue. They did the same shit at the end of season 2. That being said, I'd be more than content for this to be the series finale.
Sending the cast to 3 different prisons? How can they continue that?
he shows up in a flashback
He was a General at the time of her death
> gay black man
You forget that all the women are in a minimum security prison. No one doubts that they are guilty of something but it's not like they're serial killers.
I personally am not yet sure if I feel bad for Linda because she sure as shit is gonna spend at least a few episodes in Max, but I'd definitely smash though
What the fuck are you even going on about? It was already renewed for two additional seasons debuting in 2018 and 2019
I'm saying it may be a misdirection like the whole Piper going to Chicago thing. Evidence of guard mistreatment of prisoners is out in the open, it's clear who shot and killed a guard, and pretty much every prisoner with the exception of the ones who actively fought against the riot squad (who are all tertiary characters) can plead that they had nothing to do with anyone being hurt. They could presumably make up some explanation to bring the main cast back to the same prison.
You've got to be kidding me. Fuck this gay earth.
Nah, S3 made it out like every single person there was a victim of circumstances or patriarchal mistreatment.
S4 got better - like Maritza just being a retarded, terrible car thief, instead of some guy forcing her to steal while holding her family hostage or whatever S3 would have come up with.
Half the Season flashbacks weren't even related to their crimes. The only ones that focusedon their criminal lifestyles were Flaca, Leanne, Norma and Chang and those crimes were
>Fraud (and presumably involuntary manslaughter?)
>Making meth
>Fucking pushing a dude off a cliff
>Being a triad
those are all p. shitty things to do. If you're complaint is that they had reasons to turn to crime then of course they fucking did. Flaca and Leanne were just being shitty teenagers. Norma was clearly somewhat emotionally unstable, etc
Piper went to prison in 2013
She got 15 months
How the fuck is Black Lives Matter a thing? in what I assume is mid-2014
I believe her sentence has been extended twice. Definitely at least once.
The new season is out? I remember wondering how fucking stupid the last season ended, that thick latina went from wanting to get out of jail fast so she can look after her child to pulling a gun on a guard after hanging out in a salon for a week
fuck this show is garbage
blm has been around for a few years. it didn't really get full blown recognition until bernie got cucked into letting them speak at one of his rallies.
It was retarded but there was a reason
and that reason was to write her and the tranny out ASAP by sending them to Max
Norma did nothing wrong.
Piper also used to be the main character of the show. Honestly, it feels like they just have her character there under some contractual obligation to the lady whose story this is based off of or the actress.
It stopped being her show a while back, in S5 she's barely in it. It's good, coz she's a boring shit character.
Was season 3 the last time she was prominent? I feel like 1 and 2 were here as the main and then by 3 it was 50% her and the rest. Now she's like in 5-10 mins an episode w/ the occasional episode about the dumb crap between her and Alex.
she'll pick up next season. to be sure they're going to have her and alex's past come up.
Fuck no! Everything about her and Alex's past is boring as fuck.
They ran out of story for her around the time the tattooed Aussie showed up, so they made it more of an ensemble show instead. And it worked.
there isn't a whole lot of past for them to go over unless you mean more kubra shit
they're gonna focus on the engagement if that
I've just been treating it as a sliding timeline. It's the only way to make some of this topical shit make sense. Like this season, there's a line like "I'm not a nazi, I'm a white nationalist." That's too topical for someone who's been in the slammer for a few months leading into 2014. But if you see it as "10 months ago" instead of 2013 when this show started, then it makes more sense.
yep. all this shifting around is probably going to bring in more hits.
they just had a hitman pose as a guard and try to kill alex last season. that's boring as fuck?
The flashbacks and their relationship is boring. Yes. The hitman thing was actually interesting. Everything else is a fucking snooze.
what the fuck are you on about?
white nationalism is too topical for 2014 but not 2016? really?
Anyway the show's timeline is beyond the 15 months Piper was originally sentenced. In season 1 maria gives birth and in season 5 the baby is over 12 months old. Similarly, Daya gets pregrant in season 1 but gives birth in season 3. Also iirc, season 1 mostly takes place during Winter, and Season 5 takes place in a summer, so it's been at least a year and a half, probably longer
The company woman trapped in the prison who starts enjoying the riot is my favorite from this season.
Even lets Boo eat her out in exchange for protection. Some real hardcore human adaptability, loved it
>left her sorority sister to die
this is why i have trust issues.
I'm really drunk. I meant that in 2014 I feel like there would not be too many people who identify as white nationalists exclusive to Neo-Nazism but in 2017 that would be much more common place, especially among poor rural whites who might not be near Neo-Nazi hotbeds.
It's not like she did it out of maliciousness or because she wanted to kill her. She was just a dumbass girl who could not see the consequences of her actions. Don't trust emotionally arrested people and you'e good.
She's aggravatingly selfish but it kind of looked like she was learning to empathize with inmates. The question is how much time is she going to have to spend in Max before someone at MCC realizes she isn't there?
Caputo probably won't give a shit, which is too bad for him because Linda is way hotter than Fig
Terrible season. We did not have to spend the entire season on a 4 day "riot". Every episode just felt like a reset too. One episode there's a mass brawl at the end of it, the next episode, everyone is walking around like nothing happened. So many dropped plots.
Do better OITNB.
Prisoners are weird, that's how protests go. This is a drama s it's not realistic, but cycling between really angry and active and quiet when everyone gets hungry or it rains, to surrendering when the Jamaicans run out of drugs and want visits back so they can sneak more in.
This is why you have neutral negotiators in these sorts of situations.
Tasty's only concern was her dead friend, fuck everyone's healthcare and $10/hour wages
>in what I assume is mid-2014
Ignore in what year it takes place. The political climate and references need to be current for the show to be relevant.
Well in season 1 she was the "Hey this is your character, new to jail and still "pure" "
After season 1, her use of introducing everybody to the jail system was done. So now we have no main character, but a bunch of story lines.
We had :
Black group
Hispanic Group / Nazi Group
Duo Lesbo
Cooking team
Crazy team
I liked the new focus on some characters like the Feminist Muslim Black Woman who advocate for her husband to get a second wife. It's really weird to see the opposites inside a single character.
This show jumped the shark so hard that Fonzie's corpse is on the moon.
Well the show was filmed last year when Black Lives matter worked, and Season 4 was 4 days before that. So it's probably 2014-2015 yeah.
The tech look older for the most part too, like the cellphones and ect.
When did it jump the shark exactly? Only really weird moment was the Slasher episode.
God I forgot how unbelievably irrational Chapman is. I'm watching the last episode and I just fucking hate her so much.
This show isn't even about her and her book anymore. I really doubt her being tied up in a shower curtain in a makeshift torture chamber was based on a true event.
I'd say as soon as it turned into Magic Mike.
you sound dumb
>it's another "Crazy Eyes has another meltdown" episode
So many good characters have been written out but they just keep giving this retard pointless shit to flip out about.
The Magic Mike moment was good though. It was clearly put there for the ladies, but it was fine by me. It was a little long but the show cant be 100% tits in the background and lesbian kissing and fingering.
I think it's the season with the most penises. "There is such a thing as too large" made me laugh.
MCC girl is also great as a new Chapman.
>get out
>reddit spacing
You people are exhausting.
Crazy Eye was actually pretty good in this season. Made her more human and advocated for the use of drugs because otherwise she just cant control herself.
I don't care about the dude-nudity, it just felt really out of place and a lot of the little side plots seem really weird. Maybe it's just because I didn't rewatch everything so I'm not really familiar with the tone of the show.
Piscatella actually became a little more human with his backstory being revealed. His homosexuality did play a more major role in this season. I liked it.
The show do seem to be a little more weird and extreme, but it was a descent into madness for the season. You give meth heads all the power in a jail, of course they will just do what ever they want.
The Nazi Hispanic love was pretty fun to see. I liked how they tried to make the Nazis as actual people with other things than just "They are Nazi". Hell, they even tried to make the Nazis look sexy in like episode 2.
Who here /tablescaping/? It's a real thing.
Yeah, I definitely didn't think it was a bad season, but it does feel like it's starting to lose its focus a bit. I'd be surprised if it holds up for another couple seasons.
To be fair it wasn't just Taystee that would fuck things up. Even if she accepted the deal, Maria would betray them by releasing the hostages and there's also the dead guard that Kukudio killed. The riot was all kinds of fucked up mostly thanks to selfishness, lack of communication and apathy from inmates.
Well there will be at least two other seasons. And the finale imply that a lot of characters will be cut off too. Cute duo seem to be gone, Ravioli seem to be gone. The pool bunch seem to be the only core group that will stay for the next season.
The nazis were the only ones that stood their ground to fight the riot cops instead of pussying out tho.
What? The Hispanics/ Mexicans were with the Nazis. It was 4 Nazi and 3 Hispanics that fought it. They were saying "You want us to team up?!"
They actually learned to respect each other even if they hated each other based on race.