Holy crap, Lois. This board is worse than that time I drank the tapwater at Gene Simmons' house
Holy crap, Lois. This board is worse than that time I drank the tapwater at Gene Simmons' house
Other urls found in this thread:
>it's a one sided political episode
smash that like button for a free samsung galaxy s6
No worries, as long as they acknowledge that it was a one-sided political episode with a brief quip at the end of the episode it's all good.
>one political spectrum is a literal autistic parody of conservatives
fuck off.
The show doesn't owe it to you to be two sided.
>Cutaway to a clip of Peter drinking a glass of tapwater at Gene Simmons' house and promptly being charged $15 for it by Gene Simmons himself.
Holy crap, Lois. This joke is worse than the time adam west died at 88, oh, wait a minute, where did the mayor go?
What did you mean by this?
I meant this
And I don't owe it to the show creators to enjoy their show, what's your point?
Really makes me think
My point is stop complaining about a literal cartoon not pandering to whatever autistic shit you identify with.
Gee Lois, this thread is worse than that time Melissa McCarthy and Roseanne Barr recreated 2 Girls 1 Cup.
>Don't complain about a literal cartoon
What, so I can't complain about anything then?
>but it's okay and completely non-autistic for me to complain about people who complain about literal cartoons.
You are hitching not about the quality of the show but at the fact that it doesn't pander to you politically as if you are entitled to that.
It's pretty cringe to double down on this, btw. Just take it in stride and walk away. You sound like a needy bitch.
Imagine being this autistic
>criticizing me to stop complaining
>somehow means you are omplaining
>literally "no you" logic
Right, if I kill enemies they win.
I'm the autistic one, sure. At least I'm not crying because a show won't pander to me.
I see you take criticism well.
You're the one who clearly feels the need to defend this cartoon, not me. I made a small quip about how the way the show addresses political issues, you're the one stammering about how I'm autistic and can't handle anyone not pandering to me. Christ.
>Just walk away
You first.
>You're the one who clearly feels the need to defend this cartoon, not me.
I'm literally only telling you that it doesn't have to pander to you, fucking deflecting faggot.
>My point is stop complaining about a literal cartoon not pandering to whatever autistic shit you identify with.
>I'm literally only telling you that it doesn't have to pander to you, fucking deflecting faggot.
This is hilarious. All I did was make a joke about a cartoon you like, and a small one at that. I'm not asking the show to pander to me. On the other hand, if it's going to make jokes about my beliefs, I'll make jokes about the show. If you can't handle that it's your problem.
I actually enjoyed seasons 1-5. After Stewie stopped trying to murder Lois I feel like it dropped off.
You're the one crying that someone doesn't like your meme cartoon
Hey Beter
I just wanted a fun Peterposting thread
I don't even like Family Guy but it is funny how in your mind you think any criticism is magically flipped against itself.
>he criticized me
>that means he's crying
Every time.
dont mind me just
>I don't even like Family Guy
Is that why you've been defending it this whole time? Doubling down like this is pretty cringy btw. Just take it in stride and walk away.
Show me where I defended the show and didn't just offer you constructive criticism about pandering that you apparently got a tad butt tinged over.
>inb4 no you!!!
You think that's bad
I really like this show. Much more enjoyable compared to south park, nusimpsons or american dad. This one actually has jokes that can make me laugh.
I'll show you where you defended the show if you show me where I demanded it pander to my beliefs. Deal?
>oh abloo abloo, it is one-sided! Don't they know I'm entitled to see my shitty beliefs in a Simpsons ripoff for teenagers?
>t. 12
Not my comment. I'm
There are a lot of times where I agree with the Family Guy writers, and times where I don't. Glad we could cleared up this misunderstanding. Shame we had to ruin this thread to do it though.
Since this is Sup Forums, do you plan on watching that new show Orville?
Look in a mirror
Hey Beter
>anyone who criticizes someone is equally upset
This is a common meme with the underaged.
Orville looks like it is funny during the pilot and then gets progressively worse
I was afraid of hearing that. I had hopes because McFarlane is a big Trek fan.
Yes Bhicc Boe from Bamily Buy Bunny Boments
Hey Beter