Is Kevin Spacey the best actor of all time?
Is Kevin Spacey the best actor of all time?
best gay actor of all time
that would be this guy
>implying you wouldn't go gay for Spacey
I'd argue Dustin Hoffman.
I believed it was Spacey but once I took two cinema classes at college and watched a shit load movies across the spectrum of genes, I noticed that Hoffman has better range and comes across are more genuine.
Spacey is solid but I always get that air of 'superiority as an actor' undertone is all of his characters.
More like the cringiest
No. He has the same smug expression and tone in every scene he's in, unless he's pretending to not be a pompous asshole, in which case it's obvious that he's either pretending or hiding his smugness underneath another layer.
Given the behavior of rich boomers, I'd say he does a spot-on job.
Spacey looks nothing like Washington.
No, Daniel Day Lewis is.
No, He's behind both Toms. Cruise (1) and Hanks (2)
No, Karl Malden is.
To add to my previous post: He can scarcely hide his psychopathy. He seems great because of the roles he plays, not necessarily because of his skill.
What? Spacey is psychopath?
His only act is that really pretentious guy you're supposed relate to because you think you're smart.
>Le super intelligent secret villain every role
>Best actor ever
hes the 937th best english speaking actor of all time, so you were close
Not even close. He's like Nicholson or DeNiro, he basically plays himself and lets the role adapt to him, rather than vice versa. I'll admit he's got more range than either of the other two, but he's in the same mold.
That said, I fucking love his work.
He's a star. Not an actor. He always plays Kevin Spacey. And that's what people like and hate about him.
>i want you to think I'm really smart but I'm just a homosexual with good enunciation
Laughable. Cruise never, Hanks maybe 20 years ago when he still gave a shit.
How come he was balding 20 years ago and now has a perfect hairline?
>prime kevin spacey
Do you really have to ask?
Cruise is #1. This isn't a negotiation, faggot.
He is a character actor which some consider a maymay but it all depends on the person and if the reason they're doing it is to genuinely understand and convey their character better.
Yeah you guys hit the nail on the head; he really is emotionally dead inside but he's white and gets the job done.
Even if the the fact that he loves cock is true, it wouldn't change my opinion of an actor. Most my my favorite authors and artists were homos.
Personally, I wish I was gay because men are much better company than women.
Sorry, I meant method not character.
There are guys working in local theaters doing hack versions of Cat On A Hit Tin Roof that could act circles around him. But go ahead, cling to your delusions. Sure is getting summer in here though.
>t. reddit
You know how you hear about big players in hollywood diddling kids?
He is who I think of that does some of the diddling.
I mean, he was confirmed/heavily rumored to be included in the Bryan Singer Twink Gang Bang Club. Along with pic related and that weird guy from American Pie that plays Stiffler.
Yes yes well done madam secretary well done
> calls himself kevin spacy
> not remotely cosmic in any way
*teleports behind you*
Ummm try again sweaty
All actors are gay
Oh wow, your argument from authority sure convinced me, you fat sperg.
WTF I love Dustin Hoffman now!!1
Post the entire list you motherfucker. I bet you don't even have a complete list and just picked a random number, you faggot.
Fucking cockmutant, where is the list.
I hate you.
Edward northon.
Watch that documentary An Open Secret. It covers all this shit. Creepy has fuck and it still goes on.
That would be Brando, who thought acting was a complete joke and didn't take it seriously.
He read his lines off queue cards, he would ad lib lines when he thought he could do better.
Related question: was his portrayal of Tony the best character portrayal of all time on a tv show? My vote is yes, incredibly and consistently nuanced over the entire run.
I prefer bacon
Definitely a contender.
>He read his lines off queue cards, he would ad lib lines when he thought he could do better.
amazing thing to do when you act WITH OTHERS as well, what an ass hat. no surprise that he was crazy and died as an irrelevant old fart and only played shitty roles before he died.
*Stares at camera* (smirks)
Yes. Not even really close, honestly. I know someone will try to say Walter White but that performance had nowhere close to the nuance of Tony Soprano.
The only movie I've seen of him where he doesn't play the same person completely is American beauty
Spacey used to be so cute
I wouldn't say he's the best ever but he's definitely great. I think any actor being the best ever is a matter of personal opinion, obviously. This last season of house of cards was amazing though. Frank Underwood is a perfect character for him. Also american beauty was an instant classic for me.
Is House of Cards worth watching? I've heard mixed things and I'm not sure if I want to commit.
S1 yes everything after no
1-3 are fine, 3 falls off a bit towards the end but its still good overall.
4 and 5 are unsatisfying
Phillip Seymour Hoffman and any other answer is flat wrong