Cast these two
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me on the left
I'm not black, I don't watch Dragonball Z.
Idris and Elba
Odd couple with Vegeta as the stuffy neat freak and Goku as the slobby one always leaving messes all over, and never doing the dishes.
Gyllenhaal as vegeta and Maguire
As goku
Pure dbkino
Mel Gibson and Danny Glover
Sophie Dee and Gianna Michaels
Back around '00 black people did not like Dragonball Z and I remember them making fun of me about it.
Don't know why, but the bad guy in Billy Madison always reminded me of vegeta
RDJ and Bautista
This, blacks didn't culturally appropriate DBZ from us nerdy white folks till jay-z or some other rapper came out and said he watches Goku turn super Saiyan for the first time before he goes on stage.
which one is vegeta
also sophie pre or post boobjob
they already tried it and it was if not the worst movie in existance
Daniel Radcliffe and Chris Hemsworth
i didn't know black people liked dragon ball
Goku - Chris Pratt
Vegeta - Tom Hardy
Freiza - Tilda Swinton
Cell - Lee Pace
Majin Buu - Toby Kebbell
damn i couldnt even think of one and you knocked it out of the park for top three at least
That was dragon Ball, not dragon Ball z.
It could be done right by someone like Micheal Bay. I mean can we all agree krillin is kind of wack and would be better if he was a robot? Master roshi is too damn old, we'll get Shia lebouf to play him, then cast and get Johnny Depp to play yamcha.
Right there we're half way to having a chart topping summer blockbuster.
chichi - jennifer lawrence
bulma - margot robbie
it's relatable to them.
nobody will allow it
the west had its chance and blew it
it was insanely popular with blacks when i was in school
where do you live? they loved it during the early 2000's
This is really good.
It was actually RZA, but that's not surprising.
What? I remember rushing home to watch DBZ and the rest of Toonami in the late 90s.
>I also played the DBZ TCG.
pic related. I had this goddamn card in my deck.
so this is a card to basically restart the whole match?
I cast modern.
Yep. You restart the whole game. It was so ridiculously OP that they came out with a rule later that said that DMB had to be removed from the game at the start of the next game because, otherwise, it was reshuffled into the deck and potentially used again.
Underrated post
>the card that restarts the game is limited to 1 per deck
>implying you'd use it twice in a game
Childhood is adoring DBZ.
Adulthood is realizing Dragon Ball was superior.
Childhood is starting a X vs Y internet war
Adulthood is calling said poster an underage faggot, you underage faggot.
Manga is superior and there's not such thing as Dragon Ball Z.
Will Smith and Martin Lawrence.
DB was a pretty good gag manga.
DBZ created the legacy.
DBZ is probably one of the rare cases where the anime is better than the manga. It owes its most defining features to the anime portrayal, like hour long transformations. Love them or hate them, I don't know how many people would say the manga versions of goku turning ssj3 or gohan going ssj2 were better than in the anime (also, english dub >>> jap dub).
Well well if it's my old friend Kakaroto
Y-You t-too?
Chris Pine as Vegeta. Chris Platt as Goku.
Dwayne Johnson as Goku
Kevin Hart as Vegeta
Will do you one better.
Tyrese Gibson
Crispin Glover
I would rather watch a Mortal Kombat adaption than a dbz one
cast him
also that freeza vs Goku scene this week episode was Kino
Ezra Miller
We already did it in Brazil.
Kino choice
>go back in time
>bring prime Arnold and Franco back to 2017
>record DBZ with Arnold as Goku and Franco as Vegeta
Tom Hiddleston with long hair.
>Jackie Chan and jet li
Weeaboos btfo
CHris Pratt and Tom Hardy are already great picks, but Tilda Swinton for Freeza is a 10/10 pick. Good job. Don't know the other two.
them and south americans
>all white people for Japanese characters
I'd rather watch forest Gump remade with all north Korean characters then this Michael bay shit fest. Imagine all the giant fountain drink cups with these faggots on them. Smmfh
Lemme guess, vin diesel as krillin? You American fatty
>people still want a white dragon ball movie
>all white people for Japanese characters
I'd rather watch forest Gump remade with all north Korean characters then this Michael bay shit fest. Imagine all the giant fountain drink cups with these faggots on them. Smmfh
Lemme guess, vin diesel as Krillin? You American fatty. Brock lesner broly? The rock as piccolo?
Keep in mind Goku is 5'9" and Vegeta is 5'5" (minus hair), have fun.
Tom Hiddleston for Vegeta. Hands down. I don't care for Goku.
What is this meme?
Now we just need a Goku
>chichi taking selfies of her butthole
why are you outing yourself as a weeaboo nerd?
Theyre not designed to look like real people and their personalities are designed to match their unrealistic look. It just cant be done.
>Dragon ball z 4pm
>school out 330
>run home 2 miles.
>majin buu series
Luckily I found the movies and the android saga.
The characters dont look Japanese and the American voice acting is iconic. 99% of scenes after the original Dragon Ball have nothing to do with Japanese locations or culture except maybe tournaments that seemed like they had fighters from around the world anyway.
goku looks like Adam Driver actually.
Nobody after the cinematic abortion that was DB Evolution.
I like this fight scene. Its a better live action dragon ball fight than all the fan films ive seen.
they literally have the same face, how do Nip ""artists"" keep scamming viewers decades later?
They actually dont, Goku's eyes are usually round and change when he gets serious whereas Vegeta's stay like that the whole time. The art style was lost as the series went on. Goku is also taller, and its all in the hair.
Enlightenment is realizing the Great Saiyaman saga was the show's peak
black people have ALWAYS loved dragonball. literally the first time I encountered the word hentai was on a DBZ fansite i frequented (on dial up) called dablackgoku.com
First time watching ninja scroll was with a black roommate. Usually blacks that like anime are brothers of autism.
user, I got some bad news. They weren't making fun of you because of DBZ.
>Back around '00 black people did not like KFC and I remember them making fun of me about it.
>josh from west wing
> bad guy from Billy Madison
You should probably end your own life
>Japanese characters
Half of those characters aren't even from earth you fucking racist
Miles Teller and Zac Efron.
This, DB Evolution was the worst thing imaginable. No way Toei or Toriyama will trust Hollywood with the title again.