I'm Dunn Hier

>I'm Dunn Hier

what did he mean by this?

Did he have any idea who he was stealing from?

How did Joker know Dr. Strange?

>they were ghosts
Did anyone else see this coming?

The dialogues are ridden with obscure metaphors and references to old literature and certain historical figures that were involved with the concept of crime, power, and corruption. The characters throwing in those references within their dialogues urges the viewer to make certain connections between the movie and other scenarios, whether they are real or fiction, where those concepts are involved.

Absolute cancer

>ey guise watchh me, im so le mature xdxdxdxdxdxddxdx

you have to go back

>Who was that?
>Just Sam Nautt

Did we ever find out who that was?

Nolan is a true artist
why so serious?

incredible character development in nolans trilogy desu

when I first saw this scene, I shed a tear
he foresaw his impending death, therefore, he wanted his true identity to know. Not necessarily his real name, but with whom he identified...

i swear you people are morons lol

Why did he wear a mask if he was going to reveal his name right away? Was it an alias?

I don't understand why they all had names so prominently featured, it added nothing to the plot.

Tell me about Dunn, why does he wear the mask?

It connects with the third movie.
"No one cared who I was until I put on the mask"
The mask symbolized his true self, when he took it off, metaphorically he was putting on a mask.
Still people ask why Nolan belongs in the pantheon of auteurs.

hot head

You and your friends are dead!

>Actually seeking deep intellectual film discussion on an Indonesian basket weaving child predator cartoon secret underworld

I don't understand, do people ironically find this funny? Is it a meme? You can't be that fucking braindead to actually think this is funny, right?

>I'm McKenna with Draul, here!

So we know that Joker's crew consisted of Dunn Hier, Mckenna, and Draul. Who were his other accomplices? Why weren't they given names?

>is it a problem?
>No, I'm Dunnhier

A strange tale of hubris right at the beginning. Here we see a guy who's so full of himself, he (perhaps constantly) boasts that he can work around any problem, because "[he's] Dunnhier", the legendary thief.
However, almost immediately after his first appearance, he is nonchalantly shot in the back. It really delivers Nolan's message about crime escalation perfectly; the low-life criminals in Gotham have no respect, even for other criminals and their previous merits. Even Dunnhier, with all his skills, is expendable.

>Yu and Yurfrenze

How did Yu and Yurfrenze die? We never saw them onscreen. Or was it a threat?

>No, no. Eikel the busdriver.

>Joe Kerr

>not Thubbus Driver

>hier in french means yesterday
>he was dunn yesterday
Who was he the day of the robbery? Dunn Aujourd'hui?

...have we only discovered this now? This movie is so deep.