What does he have?
What does he have?
Other urls found in this thread:
yellow fever
>won't just come out and say it
Probably a torn rectum from excessively rough sex
Inflated EGO.
He probably tore some tendons jacking off or playing video games.
He trolled me last year. What a wanker.
chron's disease
>stops making videos after a threat was made to him about how they could easily get rid of him for making a claim about a man who lied on a trump n photo.
>now he's fucked
Holy shit
He also said he was financially struggling due to medical expenses.
What happened?
Good he's part of the cancer that ruined Sup Forums
can anyone tell me who this faggot is? I don't understand the youtuber shit and can't tell what of it being discussed is relevent or not
>the same cancer that ruined Sup Forums has ruined him
a shitlord that made a few gamegate vids and has since faded to obscurity
le internet aristocrat jim
I'm the one that tried to talk the guy down so I remember it pretty well. Check this guy's tweets.
Hope he dies.
>inb4 edgy
Fuck off.
His balls retracted, his spine is broken and he has a rectal fistula-basically he was torn a new asshole
Also chlamydia, because that's the only way he's getting a clap these days
Why don't you guys make some kind of youtube faggot infographic so when you guys discuss that shit oldfags (not sitewise clearly) can understand if it is worth any attention? I mean, I won't watch the shit but just to know if they are worth discussing and reading the ED articles about?
I think he said it's brain tumor, but he's said it's non-cancerous. As long as it's not terminal, he should be around for improved treatments and eventually a cure.
He's pretty hit and miss. Highly recommend not watching his streams
tumblrisms are pretty funny though, have a look and decide for yourself
Dont know where you got that but i also think it's crohn's disease
Found it, pic related.
I'll get a lot of roachposting for this but I must say that it always gives me sweet schadenfreude when free market fixes those who worship it so much.
After it's cured, he'll be back. It may take 2 decades.. but he'll be back
if he's taking iron, calcium, aziathioprine, pentasa, asacol, or wahtever the thing on television is, there's a chance of it.
any of the above plus prednisone would affirm.
Isn't that the one where you shit yourself?
I don't think so. This flared up within the last year and a half, and he has some idea about whether it's something typically considered "curable" or not, which he did. Crohn's can't be cured, only treated, and typically surgery + 9 different meds are not needed.
Yes, and it's typically painful and out of your control when you need to go, but there are varying degrees. I believe it was suggested that he had a brain tumor.
it's scar tissue in your GI tract. includes stomach, colon, small intestine. varying degrees of crohn's, but generally it leads to diarrhea, excruciating stomach pains, and low iron.
older people who get diagnosed with it typically have to have part of their intestines removed
>not just naming the fucking problem
kill him, please doctor kek
I lost my entire colon to crohn's.
It can get bad.
No we don't shit ourselves, that's being incontinent.
what age diagnosis?
Entire colon? Holy crap. For your sake, I cannot wait for 3D printed organs. They're at most a decade away.
Whatever. I have herpes. Nothing can be worse than having blisters pop on your dick and scab over.
Does being redpilled in 2016 give brain tumors? I can't think of any more psychologically damaging time and place in history besides maybe Soviet Russia.
He smokes a lot. My uncle died from a brain tumor after he smoked most of his life. But his was cancerous, and Jim apparently doesn't have cancer.
Literally who? Cancer sucks for everyone though wouldn't wish it even on Shillary. Get well soon.
Cigarettes, right? I quit a year or two ago(in favor of le vape, so it might do the same thing) but most of my friends still huff cigarettes.
probably a dozen STDs the filthy degenerate
Yup, cigarettes. Don't worry too much user, especially if you quit. Technologies will be very efficient by the age where anything dangerous will likely happen to you.
Some snu snu thread on /gif/
I don't know her name. Have another.
This. It's terminal and he doesn't have long.
Maybe lupus or MS
This really puts my life in perspective.
Damnit Jim. I'm a country doctor not a pathologist.
Those calves look awfully small.
This is a decent guess. Or some other type of organ failure. I'm a pharmacist, and I can't think of many things you'd take 8 or 9 fucking pills for.
crohn's - Mesalamine, Sulfasalazine, MEtronidazole for abx prophylaxis, maybe azathioprine to fight off autoimmune response, a steroid to do the same, and two pains meds, one maintainaince and one breakthrough
Kidney Failure - Azathioprine, cyclosporine/sandimmune, lisinopril, amlodpine, levofloxacin for infection prophylaxis, and two pain meds. Various forms for cancer, same thing.
are you really that retarded to believe random poltards to know the fuck they are talking about. jesus, just watch their videos and form your own opinion.
I'm a grown fucking man that grew up before this "e-celeb" faggot shit son, why the fuck am I going to watch it? Fuck it should be outright banned by the mods but if it won't be then you little queers should at least tell the people on here who don't waste their time watching little kids scream in to a microphone what the fucking political point to discussing them is
Is he still with that big tittied Jade chick?
If anyone needs to take 9 meds a day it's you Wayne you schizophrenic fucktard
Why don't you lurk more?
are you gonna be in the debates Wayne?
Reminder that Wayne Lambright is a hobo con artist parasitizing the people around him and especially the elderly. Wayne Lambright was 5 months behind on the rent for his mobile home before the owner kicked Wayne Lambright out. This guy had also loaned Wayne Lambright over $1000 in his many failed attempts to get the psycho Wayne Lambright to straighten his life out. Everybody coming into contact with Wayne Lambright eventually learn. Wayne Lambright has no conscience, no prospects, no loyalty, no skills, no future. Behind Wayne Lambright is a long trail of devastated and financially inconvenienced people stretching back into Wayne Lambright's 20s. Wayne Lambright also managed to con older technologically illiterate people into handing over several tens of thousands of dollars for projects that could have been carried out by an outsourced indian in one week. In Wayne Lambright's hands, not even that can be done. Wayne Lambright is the perfect storm of incompetence and narcissism and the only people who have been willing to maintain a relationship with Wayne Lambright for more than a few months are a couple of redneck alcoholics and a methhead with whom Wayne Lambright enjoys periods of homosexual debauchery including the use of stimulants while seeking out ill reputed public bathrooms for "slam bams." But don't worry, Wayne Lambright fully forgives himself every time so he's Not Gay.
I think it's neurological he mentioned getting catscans