ITT: Dirty, backstabbing celebs that throw innocent people under the bus
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Wat he do?
Yeah, this.
i thought y-you guys liked non stereotypical black men, im confused my f-friends
got sam hyde fired
Wut t downlow af nyccu do
dude proly got 10 types of AIDS
Cosby,his career skyrockted after.
Accused Bill Cosby of being a rapist which every single network decided to run in a media blitz that was obviously coordinated. The media pressure was enough to get an elderly black man arrested and charged on very flimsy evidence, just because he's conservative. Fucking libs are sick people and the tap-dancing negro in op's pick just so happened to get a lot of work after this whole charade.
why do people answer as if ur braindead, i know you know you loser
The dude is still funny; all of Cosby's shit was out there, it just woke another audience because another black comedian said it. Can't call him racist. What innocent person did he throw under the bus? Oh yeah, this is bait for a weak ass thread.
>the rapist nigger is actually le based black man XD
you have to go back
Hi Camille. Sorry about your shitty marriage. Get some sleep. Drink this.
You liberals are going to feel really dumb when he's exonerated. All because he told nigger kids to pull up thier pants and stop talking like retarded niggers. Or did you think hearsay actually works in a courtroom like it does on reddit?
zoiks @ this post, that image, and your life, my man
Sam what are you doing here don't you have more KickstarterTV to record
Bill Cosby being a rapist was already a joke and had been for years.
This is from 2006
go back to your cuckshed, faggot
lul k
Hes a celeb?
Not saying he isn't funny but a broader audience got exposed to him because of it.
It wasn't really even that funny of a bit compared to his other material,it was just the fact that no one really knew and it was shocking.
Also cosby being innocent is debatable to me,not saying it's not plausible but it's unfair to go on a witch hunt for people without forensic evidence,at least in a serial rape case.
He was doing that bit for half a year before suddenly it went viral.
On off hand joke is different from straight up saying "cosbys a rapist,i'm serious guys look it up"
It was a well-kept secret that Cosby was a notorious coozehound
Many impartial parties have related firsthand experiences of his licentious behavior
Wasn't it just at small clubs though? I saw him on tour before it happened and he didn't do it,so maybe he was testing the waters or does different material depending on the size of the audience..hmm.
Did he know about it?
It could just be juicy gossip though
>"Isn't it crazy cosby is the complete opposite of his on screen persona?!"
It just seems too easy but sometimes thats how it is i guess.
This post is the equivalent of Lord Jamar's rants on VladTV.
>unfair to go on a witch hunt for people without forensic evidence,at least in a serial rape case.
Ah, but here's the catch. When you're persona is Mr Lovable/Mr Trustworthy, nobody believes the allegations enough to collect any evidence. Plus, these guys are pros at picking perfect victims.
>Woman accuses Cosby of fondling her 14 years after the fact
>admits she went to this married man's house for "wine and dinner" on the night of the incident
>accuses him of giving her Benadryl which she gladly swallowed without question
>continues to visit and meet with him, including 52 phone conversations, in personal and professional capacities in the months following
>finally makes a public accusation 14 years later when Cosby (net worth $150 million) is blind and crippled
>Janice Dickinson and a dozen other disreputable washed-up reality show cast offs bravely come forward on daytime talk shows with their previously-unknown-for-three-decade accusations
>all suing in civil court
Find a sturdy willow where we can lynch this nigger boys.
>Jerry Sandusky
>Dennis Hastert
>Jimmy Savile
All victims came forward years after they were raped/molested. Have to go through civil court because the statute of limitations has run out for criminal charges. No forensic evidence. It doesn't mean they weren't raped/molested. Their testimonies laid out a pattern. They came across as believable to a jury and time finally caught up with the perps. An old, blind rapist is still a rapist.
t.bill cosby
Unless you are under 18,a literal sex slave or handicapped there should be more evidence required.
>The pattern
Unless they were describing specific details about his house,i don't get how it would be difficult for all of them to say
>i was drugged and raped
Its a very basic narrative for all of them to follow but maybe there are things you know that i don't though
I think Americans like to feed into the gossip machine more than brits
We love our scandals here
Name 2 funny things Hannibal has done
Eric Andre and Broad City.
>Broad City
Are you a woman?
His stand up and his guest appearances on broad city.
He's not groundbreaking but i couldn't understand actively hating him when there are people like chris delia and jim gaffigan out there doing regular stand up,he's pretty inoffensive compartively and i think thats apart of his appeal
His scenes were,haven't watched it since S2 though,he was good in high maintenance too.
except those guys were pedos user.
Didn't bill admit to it?
And Savilles activities and interests were an open secret in the business. There's a YouTube video with Frank skinner joking about Savilles 'tastes' at the time
The bill cosby meme was just used as an excuse for states to lengthen the statute of limitations on rape/sexual assaults/etc...
How come Cosby got thrown under the bus but Trump gets a free pass when the number of accusations are similar and there is far more evidence of malice in the case of Trump? (Epstein case)
I don't think he even understands whats happening
I was talking about cosby not the guys you listed btw
This user is right, what the fuck happened with Trump's rape accusations? It was all over the news back then, now not even libs talk about it
Their net worth and image.
Trump defended himself more aggressively.
Cosby did not.
>Are you a woman?
Follow me on kik and you might find out fuckboi
Broad City is great
Do you have forensic evidence proving he is not?
So you know what "forensic" means, or do they just say it on the TV you watch?
Do you know what is required to be proved guilty?
Are you a liberal falsing flag as a conservative idiot?
Uhm, I thought it was pretty well established that Cosby is pretty fucking guilty, since there are like 59 different accusors. Or am I misinformed here guys? Are they all lying?
A bunch of them admitted they were false accusations after he was elected.
It's almost like it was some kind of smear campaign or something.
The serial rapist with a taste for white women is ze "elderly black man"
The guy who mentions he's a serial rapist is le "tap dancing negro"
Trump admitted to aggressively grabbing their vaginas.
Maybe because Trump was speaking metaphoricaly about the willingness of single NY women to throw themselves onto billionaires? Maybe because Mr. Hillary Clinton took 29 documented trips on Epstein's private jet including many to his "it's a small world" pedo rape Island?
That's Jimmy Savile for you non bingbongs. A once national treasure.
Paper trails,documented evidence you were at his house/with him,Doubtful he wore a condom at least with all 59 or whatever victims so evidence you went to the hospital or purchased some sort of emergency contreceptive,pictures of bruises,evidence you were drugged,friends/family that could attest you got home late and were groggy or showing syptoms of abuse/trouble remmebering the past night,evidence of them calling the hospital at the very least to ask a nurse what is going on with you and if they should take you in because pre internet if you had a relative or friend that had been gone all night and came home off and traumatized wouldn't you be concerned?
I would not call this all forensic,just basic evidence though
IIRC theres only proof of a bank account and that some of them went to his house,which is not concrete enough since hollywood celebs having house parties is not uncommon and the bank account could be because she was black mailing him for whatever reason.
If I'm remembering correctly, he never actually said he was a rapist. His joke was that "bill cosby rapist" has more hits than "hannibal buress", then people just ran with it?
Some of this could be chalked up to it being the 80s and people really not following protocol and taking these steps after being raped and plus hospitals throwing out or mishandling evidence but with the high volume of victims its strange to me none of them took photos or kept recipts or had kept any documents themselves.
Idc if you are brad pitt,if you drug me and rape me i will make sure it is the most documented event since the fucking moon landing.
Or maybe women having drugged up sex in the 80's didn't even see it as rape until all of a sudden 30 years later everyone tells you you're a rape victim.
I wonder if citi bank knew what they were advertising next to
A recent article on it if anyone wants to read through
Again not saying its not plausible but it is hard to believe cases where you have to go by their word alone when there are so many people in the world playing victim to exploit others.
but Bill Cosby straight-up admitted that he drugged at least some of those women, he just claimed it was consensual. Which it really fucking obviously wasn't. You don't admit to roofying someone if you're going to be having consensual sex.
When you've got a known sleazebag who hangs out at the Playboy mansion, was repeatedly accused of predatory sexual behavior (allegedly sometimes with minors) and buys roofies for the express purpose of slipping the into women's drinks, the douchebag is not the guy who calls him out for it.
I'm ha-na-bul, YEA YEA
wasnt it a pill rather than something he slipped in their drink? Why did all 40+ women take it?
Also did you see his interview? Hes barely coherent,would not be that hard to pressure or trick him into a confession
How would want to work with a scumbag willing to make serious accusations just as part of their act? Not even worth watching. His stand up is terrible too... pickle juice haha
>You liberals are going to feel really dumb when he's exonerated
you are going to feel really dumb generally for the rest of your life :)
cite proofs.
also, just like the coming obstruction of justice case, nobody gave a shit about what anyone else did or said. Trump confessed to both with a mic on.
"drugged up sex" is a lot different from "the woman is drugged and the older man who provided the drugs is completely sober sex"
Says the person who trust the word of janice dickinson rather than actual evidence.
>Says the person who trust the word of janice dickinson
I don't care who that is. I'm not even interested in Trump's sexual deviancy. The Russian connection is real and he confessed to obstruction on television. Him being an impotent peeper and molester is mostly irrelevant.
I was confused i thought you were talking about cosby.
>1 rape case against trump, she revokes claim, conveniently did it at the end of the election cycle so of course people are skeptical and of course it was just a political maneuver/Munchhausen psycho bitch
>over 40 sexual assault allegations against cosby
rly makes u think
>over 40 sexual assault allegations against cosby
That came out after a semi popular comedian talked about it in his act
>black man is accused of a crime
>no evidence, he's free, but his reputation ruined
Who'll be the next innocent victim of the libshit whitey? OJ, MJ, Cosby, who's next?
King kenny or Kanye
>goldstein from think progress
100% factual im sure of it
He's already done that to himself.
>watching VladTV after 2015
Or the media just wants him to seem erratic and crazy like they did with Michael before the accusations.
RIP yeezy