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Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me? D-O-N-A-L-D T-R-U-M-P!
>salt mines
I still don't understand what happened with Comey.
don't these people have jobs......
did people honestly think comey had some huge impeachment bombshell to drop
No, left wing politics is a fad at the moment. All of those people would have access to the Internet at their homes, but they want other people to see that they are invested in politics. Same with people who tweet things like "fuck you Trump" - it's all about making sure other people see how politically aware you are.
That wasn't today
He admitted trump wasn't under investigation, that he himself leaked some stuff, and that Loretta Lynch pressured him to go easy on Hillary.
What about people who are blind in liking and supporting trump? Where do they lump in?
Common sense
our guy
Why, did Trump just say something stupid again?
>le pick a side
Bluepilled detected
A lot of Trump supporters are only Trump supporters because he is the total opposite of what millennial lefties want and seeing how upset Trump makes them means they like him.
Politics at the moment is essentially about trying to make the opposite side as annoyed and angry as possible.
Israel > ragheads
This. I voted for him, but I always vote GOP so it's not like this was a deciding vote. I don't even like him, too autistic, but I loudly proclaim it to try and piss people off.
Yes, because the incredibly biased liberal media hyped the hearings up for weeks and mindless sheep are too stupid to think for themselves and lined up to watch c-span
People are literally sheep.
This becomes more and more apparent the older I get. It's not just some dumb villain monologue, its an actual real thing that you're surrounded by every fucking day.
He admitted to leaking classfied FBI information and private conversations with the president to the press.
But he "forgot" to leak the fact that Trump was squeaky clean.
He is literally the biggest fucking retard I've ever seen.
Why are liberals so pathetic?
>Coldwar era warhawks accusations of Russian ties turns out go be entirely false
no shit
im pretty sure hillary blames the russians when she misplaces her diapers and dementia medication
>and your enemies closer
It tickles me pink that there are STILL people who don't know this. Do you not know that Israel and the Rothschild Family are the final boss? You laughable, little simpleton. Donald Trump keeps them close because right now, they aren't the primary concern. They're the final concern. You don't want to fight them while other threats are hitting you from all sides, do you?
Donald Trump is playing 4D chess on a 3D board, against 2D opponents. The smartest of us recognize this. Others, like yourself, don't recognize much at all.
Silly child. Learn a few things about life and get back to us.
Very true considering whats happened to europoo
someone give me a quick rundown on this coney shit
what did libs expect? What actually happened?
They blamed Russia, there was no Russian involvement.
Is he getting impeached?
>Sup Forums - Television & Film
He just guaranteed himself a second term
>those thighs on grey jeans
Stop doing this. This isn't reddit.
>Comey overshadowed in less than 18 hours by Britain shitting the bed
He leaked his memo's which were not classified
I hope you understand you're a fucking retard.
But legally I'm not calling you a retard.
why are people so stupid?
I don't mean that in the sense that I think I'm superior but what the fuck is wrong with people?
what the actual fuck did these retards forsee? It's like they live in an alternate universe. It was glaringly obvious that absolutely nothing would come of this yet these people flock to bars as if they're going to celebrate Trump eternally defeated
>Heads of all US security Agencies says there was Russia involvement
>Comey explicitly says "THERE WAS RUSSIAN INVOLVEMENT"
Go to Bed Comrade
>>letting the enemy fuck your daughter
wow trump truly is the 4d chess master
they can't prove shit though
>The US security agencies can't prove...
You really are a fucking moron
extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
>There was russian involvement
>we just don't have the evidence to prove it
most of america is frothing at the mouth about trump, both for and against. The media whips them all up because it's free money, and people buy it
most of Sup Forums is exactly the same as these retards flooding bars
>believing something with zero evidence
>calling someone else a moron
Oh dear, what embarrassing, unethical, or illegal thing did Trump do today?
>its a Sup Forums on Sup Forums episode
>Since the FBI, CIA, DOD, etc didn't share there info of ongoing investigations with me...
>...there must be no info at all
This is shitty trolling even for Sup Forums
She's just another pawn in his glorious game. How does this make you feel, neolibcuck?
>Literally have a hearing about whether or not the President has ties to Russia or not
>Decide that's not a good time to provide evidence
Ok. so I'll wait for the info.
Innocent until proven guilty.
>It's like they live in an alternate universe.
This is word for word what colbert said in his monologue the night before comey testified
>Im excited
>Its the most magical night of the year cuz its comey testimony eve
>I hung my socks over cnn
>can you feel the anticipation
>I can feel it comey in the air tonight ohhh lord
>I'm not the only one ready to partaayyyy
>bars are opening early tomorrow with drink specials
>orange russian is sitting right there
>people are calling this washingtons superbowl
>comeys testimony could be explosive
>and todays the presplosion
A lot of dems thought this would be it for Trump
>the American public always gets info from the US security agencies
>...because the American public gets to decide if people are spy's or guilty or treason or high crimes or whatever
I really hope you are "playing" retarded
>says there is russian involvement
Like the USSR wasnt paying off antiwar groups, political publications, ect during the cold war.
Its a simple fact that major powers are always trying to influence things. The US does it all the time. Rather then bitching about "omg russia hacked it" you should be asking yourself to what degree did the russians actions influence the end outcome, because its a given that russia will be involved.
No but they have to prove it in court you fucking mong.
>i can prove you've got ties to russia
>i just dont want to
>the us intelligence agencies never get anything wrong
The burden of proof is on you dumbass.
You would think after 9 months of regurgitating the same stupid Russia bullshit you would have an OUNCE of proof.
The only crimes I've seen committed are Obama lackeys releasing and unmasking classified material to the press.
And that's exactly what's happening you dumbass. It's like you have no fucking understanding of the legal system or American history. All the security agencies are building a case against Trump. They keep getting more and more info everyday. Trump keeps saying shit that isn't helping him or "his side of the story". The system is slow, but it works. Trump will have his day in court and it won't be pretty for him.
>admits trump wasn't the target of an investigation
>admits he told trump that
>admits he leaked his memos to the NYT because he wanted a special council
so it really was a witch hunt all along by the deep state
jeff sessions was a pussy for recusing himself
>dude you talked to a russian lmao
>he actually believes this
Dont forget
>mentions that he has seen a number of nytimes and wapo articles that are flat out false
>but the fbi cant come out and debunk them
What a coincidence that the same sequence of events you've outlined in your fantasy happen whether Trump is guilty of a crime or not.
Think about that one sweetie patootie.
>Trump will have his day in court and it won't be pretty for him.
t. I have no understanding of how impeachment works
very nice
you think if they have any evidence they might have done something about it before Trump, you know...became the President?
>The procedures of the justice system work in the same way whether your guilty or not
What crime has Trump committed?
Please be specific.
What are you even talking about? The FBI has said there is an investigation and Comey has confirmed there is no investigation against Trump himself.
>it's a liberals are degenerates episode
Not the guy you're replying to but you do know that neoliberals are just democrats that are fiscally conservative... right?
>he thinks releasing your recollection of conversations is a leak
You really suck at nuance and legal matters, huh? Go back to when Comey was explaining that. Watch it a couple of times if you need to.
Comey even explains why some people didn't want to tell Trump "there is no investigation on him "...BECAUSE IT REALLY ISN'T FUCKING TRUE AND DUMBASSES LIKE YOU (AND TRUMP) WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND IT LEGALLY. There is an investigation into the Trump campaign...which includes Trump the person you dumbass.
He's a racist.
>The procedures of the justice system work in the same way whether your guilty or not
t. still has no idea how impeachment works
Uh, yes sweetie, having a private conversation with the president, then anonymously going to the press with what was said in that meeting is literally leaking information. It wasn't classified information like that user said and it wasn't an illegal thing for Comey to do, but it was a leak nonetheless, which pretty much explains why Trump came to the decision to fire him. You can't work with a guy who is actively trying to sabotage and can't keep a private conversation private without explicitly being ordered to do so.
Stop ruining this board.
Then why did Comey, under oath, say that he told Trump he wasn't under any investigation?
Do you know how government investigations work? Do you know how long it takes to formulate a defense for literally every line of bullshit you'd get fed? This isn't like accusing someone of slander. If you make one. Just one wrong move in a hearing like this, they shut you down and you don't get another chance because even if you're right, the people working against you will shut every fucking door and destroy everything around you if you somehow lose.
You kids really don't know how a fucking thing works or have any sort of analysis skills whatsoever.
You can't just have private conversations with the president and then immediately go tell the press what he said
>it will really happen this time
They actually said that no votes were changed and that the "Russian Involvement" was propaganda like online trolls and RT.
So basically nothing.
At the time he wasn't. Now he more than likely is.
This is like when I saw that epic MSPaint "blowout" of someone saying Comey lied under oath when he said he released the memos in retaliation to Trump's tweet. But the Sup Forums shitter went and found an article from the day before about him leaking the memo. Well, you do a search on this smoking gun article and there's literally nothing but Comey mentioning that he had a weird convo with Trump.
My point being, you fucking Sup Forums shits are not bright and lack any sort of ability to figure shit out from yourselves and cannot understand anything and jump the gun just as much, if not more than the people in these pictures.
>I-I got him
I don't care what happens. Trump will die of health problems before his term is up. History will repeat itself and you will still be really bad at having conversations outside of a Yotsuba Blue screen with people who have actual names.
But by all means, go to bed with the thought in your head that you "goddem" with this post.