How is this not cultural appropriation, libshits?
God is a woman and she's black
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What movie are you talking about?
That explains why life is such shit. A white god wouldn't of let any of this happen.
damn black panther really is changing the game
get ready for the sistine chapel to get demolished as to not offend any minorities
>no 300-style Fall of Man movie yet
So appropriating culture is okay when blacks do it?
>and it's stunning
Stunningly ugly, maybe.
Why are you so offended my special little snowflake?
Whites don't have culture.
Shut up, asshole. This is the art we need right now, and that's a good thing
Not Sup Forums.
What does this have to do with Television and Film, dipshits?
This, desu.
film is art
this is art
Lol white culture is everywhere, my iq-stunted friend. You live under it's massive umbrella
How is this Television & Film, dipshit?
>its another Sup Forums bait thread
I wonder if this gay shit is really embarrassing for most blacks, or if it's supported.
I have no idea how real people outside of the post-Soviet incest-circles that is media and academia feel about things like this.
It's not appropriation because literally everything of any value was created by black Africans and then stolen by the white man. Learn history, cracka.
300+ replies if the mods don't delete it. guaranteed. I always though Sup Forums was the worst with swallowing bait but Sup Forums puts them to shame.
Appropriation is when one culture takes on the customs of another culture that's in the minority. It's not something I believe in but critiquing and repurposing art is not cultural appropriation.
black israelites need better maymay artists. it's been like a decade and there's been no improvement.
>ugly flapjack nigger tits.
no thanks
Liberalism is a sickness
Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ did not die for this nigger shit
So how is Easter celebrated again?
>and its stunning
Why has this become such a dominate trend now - that is basically telling you what to think in the title.
Will she do a black female Mohamed next?
Why do these things tell us what to think? It's always minority did/made x and it's STUNNING/BRAVE/AMAZING.
It's usually aimed at women and people too stupid to think for themselves, and they just soak it up without question.
Why does it matter if it's the minority, you're just playing semantics
Christian culture(sand religion), not white. Even your religion is cucked whiyteboi
a celebration perhaps?
>God the Father nowhere to be found
what part of television and film do you niggers not understand?
>Monkey's can't come up with a profound thought, only copy one.
Wow, imagine America without niggers.....
christian culture (white religion) is the only religion that matters achmed
Mud wrestling, swamp draining, school shooting, cousin kissing.....
All white cultures
This desu
America 100% white when?
>tfw starting to feel bad for white people
How many years until we see them as the poor nigs on Africa?
This is some DeviantArt tier fan art GARBAGE. Pure autism.
Might as well add Sexual promiscuity, teenage pregnancy, 60% divorce rates, whore filled street, Jew shilling, kike worship to the list as well
School shooting up by 500%
Checked and kek'd
>sand religion
>not white
>look up ancient leaders of the abrahamic world
>red heads and blondes everywhere
o-oh shit
without realizing that if you have to call something powerful it almost certainly isnt
Russia or alt right patsies?
>he doesn't enjoy mud wrestling, draining mosquito/disease farms, shooting up soviet hives and kissing his loved ones
You lead a dull life user.
the clothing you are wearing right now
the furniture in your home
the house you live in
While the homicide rate is cut in half overnight, and cities like chicago no longer have homicide rates equivalent to war zones
who the fuck made that? r/asianmasculinity?
I love mud wrestling. Not with pigs.
Man, liberals really jumped the shark when they unironically are pretending Wikileaks is somehow an evil tool of russian propaganda just because they released information that hurt their team's corrupt politicians.
>unironically are pretending Wikileaks is somehow an evil tool of russian propaganda
while also praising """Chelsea""" Manning
without a hint of fucking irony
It's only really propagandists and people with a weird, fetishistic loyalty to the Democratic party. Every liberal of any rigor and authenticity despises Hillary Clinton.
It would make sense she were a black man instead because it's why he left all his children.
Cultural appropriation is "you created this, but it's only cool when WE do it". The implication is that the appropriator treats other cultures as an untapped resource to exploit and discard.
This image isn't trying to displace or take credit for Michelangelo's work. It's fucking Michelangelo.
Imagine if there was a famous black artist who painted a world famous piece showing black people and a white no-name artist would whitewash the entire piece to make some shitty political message. Sure, it's not cultural appropriation, I don't know what name to give this act, but it's definitely pathetic and shameful.
>Cultural appropriation is "you created this, but it's only cool when WE do it".
Also known as the "omg they are posers" argument when it happens in high school
its called being a hack
This is what the internet is about. Two vocal minorities, on either side of the spectrum. Smearing eachother with shit through tactically picked screenshots of the other sides dumb opinions. Nobody should really give a damn, but here we go again I guess.
>it's a uterus with a placenta
>not a brain
Stop baiting Sup Forums you fucking retards.
If you're genuinely upset about this or making memes then you should be upset at Black Jesus from Adult Swim