The thread
Republican middle/working class voters VOTE AGAINST THEIR ECONOMIC INTERESTS
What's that lassie? Neoconservatism is shit?
>The world revolves around money, nothing else matters
>no kike stars
what a shitty graphic
it does unfortunately, all else is a distraction to keep people sedated
Government social programs rarely work. And they require tax dollars. So I can vote for people that want more taxes for programs that rarely work/only work to help niggers or I can vote for people that would lower taxes so I can keep the money and work up the economic ladder myself without government handouts. Not that complicated.
They also finance most of the federal government
that's just obesity
from the waste up she is fine, paco.
Most of the federal government does their bidding
As a Republican, I would only be voting against my economic interests if I were superwealthy or on welfare.
stop pretending to know what my interests are
Most of the money goes to pay for old people, Medicaid, Medicare, welfare and defense, defense being lady in that sequence.
This is a slide thread.
Pic fucking related, democrats always have it wrong.
That's his shallow point fucknuts,that govt programs encourage unhealthy lifestyles
>voting against their interests
Yes, it's totally in my interests to have my country flooded with brown people
so what? democrat middle/working class voters vote against their economic interests too by approving of further immigration
>the money is this way, therefore it's a distribution
Can you make that right image red/white split more of a diagonal putting more of "rich" into "enemy" and you'd be golden
>it's in my interest to violently steal from you
OK Tyrone. Hide your welfare money best you can, cuz you're not gonna live much longer ;)
Most people in the US are poor as dirt. That's the fun little secret no one wants to admit.
$100,000 salary puts you in the 5%
You speak like voting the donkey party would be for their interests?
Even economically it's in their interests to vote republican. If everyone has the same amount of money how do you expect there to be people with billions to invest in innovation?
Making money isn't hard.
Both parties are for the rich and corporations.
The only difference is Republicans will let you keep your rights.
The problem with this graphic is that the 1% is not a class of people, but rather a position 50% of americans will find themselves at one point or another.
Remember, spikes in income come and go, and so do the 1%, generally speaking of course.
In fact, this also true of poorer people as well.
Economic class is not a sentence, but rather a circumstance one finds oneself in.
The problem is that the rich are not really investing in many productive things or real innovation, but in the inflated financial markets
Yes goy listen to
>Rothchild family
>mark zuckerburg
>mike Bloomberg
>Jeff Bezos
>mark Cuban aka Mark Chabenesky
Don't forget Bill Clinton, Goerge bush jr and sr and Barack Obama all agree!
we are for the middle class worker! That is why we what your guns, want to raise your taxes, and shower with third world immigrants!
Just look at how wel we have done so far, trump is dangerous!
How the fuck do the people who earn more money vote against their economic interest?
Democrats earn 20% less and this is just with primary voters, in terms of general election it's probably 30%
I'm pretty sure the Dems vote against their own interest too seeing as how much deregulation and how many global trade deals Bill Clinton pushed through. Inequality has only risen under Obama. He failed to prosecute anyone involved in the financial crisis or in the Silicon Valley wage-fixing cartel that nobody ever heard about. Even fucking Bush locked up the Enron guys and they were his boys.
I used to be a Dem, but Obama was Bush 2.0 with less boots on the ground and a shitty healthcare plan that nobody understands -- I mean he made the Bush tax cuts permanent, signed the Patriot Act, the NDAA, bombed 8 countries...come on people
why would someone with a job vote democrat? we already making money we don't need government handouts.
Liberal will never understand that economic interest isn't everything
> Republican middle/working class voters VOTE AGAINST THEIR ECONOMIC INTERESTS
Neither party represented their economic interests. (Until Trump came onto the scene and represented them at least)
However, one party insulted them and called them evil cis-scum white oppressors, and the other did not.
So you can sit there in your smug self-satisfaction of knowing that you are better than everyone else that doesn't vote for you, and get Trump elected. Or you can actually stop insulting the working class and importing third-worlders to replace them en-masse and actually represent their economic interests like you used to and maybe get a few of their votes back.
Your choice.
Just remember, just like the Christ-fags say the wages of sin is death, the wages of smug is Trump.