Batman v Superman Ultimate Edition Scenes

Just a few of them have found their way online:

The additional scenes look great.

Other urls found in this thread:

Good stuff.

>512 replies and 36 images omitted. Click here to view.

Bump for people who want to see some of the scenes before WB takes them down.

>all this Superman material
Clark got beyond shafted in this movie.
>this got cut
>in favor of a shot where Batman walks across a room with a sink

>More Clark being a journalist


>Superman scene after the bombing

Are you fucking kidding me?

How the fuck did they cut that scene????

Jesus, just that alone is such an improvement.

Well. Batman is cooler and extreme and edgy.

Superfag is just boring talk. Who the hell want's to see that? Pfff grown men in costumes talking! I mean: Come on. It's ridiculous.

OP here, the Youtube user just added two more videos so it looks like he's still in the process of uploading the scenes. Personally, I watched a few and I'm really happy with them. I'm not going to watch the rest to keep myself fresh until it comes out officially. Anyone interested in me reposting the list of updated scenes?

>Most convoluted movie of the year
>"b-b-but it will make sense once they add MORE material!! You guys just wait and see!!"

That's because people already know that Superman is a good guy, we don't need to be reminded.

except Snyder said multiple times that Superman is his favourite superhero

even before working on MoS but sure go on
painting him as literal jesus and Batman as the villain of the movie is not enough

>Uploading scenes to youtube instead of just uploading the full movie to a torrent site
Worst leakers since Pokémon XY

Unless this new edition comes with an entirely different third act, it's still going to be a bad movie.

And maybe the team could have written a movie that wouldn't take three hours to tell. Though heaven forbid we ever introduce the concept of editing to true capekino, clearly Snyder needs 17 hours to tell his true artistic vision of two people being very mad at each other for vague reasons.

Africa and the senate bombing/meeting is actually completely redefined in the UC though.

If anything, this Ultimate Cut shows Snyder does love the character and you can far better see what kind of story he was trying to tell.

Blame the suits.

>"b-b-but it will make sense once they add MORE material!!
It does.

There's no doubt this was true now.

Zack made a Superman movie featuring Batman.

Suits told him to fuck off, and rebalance it the other way.

Why was Superman helping people at the senate not in the original release

only a retard would think he didn't help people after he was shown helping people around the world all the time

>this movie

>showing the Man of Feel doing anything but looking sad

OP here, posting the deleted scene list initially collected here:

>Bruce saves more than one kid at the Black Zero event. He’s the BatDad we deserve.
>More violence shown in the village. More dialogue from the African man Lois was interviewing.
>The KGBeast burns the bodies of the men he shot to frame Superman for the killing. An actress hired by Lex confirms that Superman was the one who did it.
>Jimmy Olsen say “I’m Jimmy Olsen”. Him and Lois’ first exchange is funny.
>The CIA attempts to bomb the village with Lois still held captive. Clark intervenes.
>Insignificant: When Clark first starts his investigation in Gotham, there’s male couple kissing in the background on the ferry.
>Clark goes investigating in Gotham, he’s supposed to be there to write his article on the football game, but instead goes to interview the actress Lex hired. She’s not there, but his investigation in The Batman begins here.
>We see 2 different opinions on Batman. A woman claims the only reason to be frightened of Batman is if you have a reason to be. A man says implies that Batman has changed, now everyone should be afraid. “He’s angry and he’s hunting.”
>More Clark/Lois interaction. He’s worried about her investigation into the bullet. He says it’s too dangerous. She says that’s why she didn’t tell him about it.
>Lex has more of a background presence. Clark is assigned to the library benefit because ‘someone requested Clark Kent cover the event’. So clearly Lex already knows who he is from the beginning. Meaning he wanted Clark and Bruce to meet.
>Insignificant: Perry calls Clark a nerd.

>More Lex dialog with Finch. “Maybe if I keep everything the same Dad will come back.” He talks about his Dad almost as if he’s not dead.
>There’s a quick Bruce Wayne shower scene. Yes, we see Ben’s ass. Yes, it looks good.
>Clark calls his mom after the watching the Senator Finch interview. He asks why his dad never left Kansas and ask why can’t life be more simple. Martha responds nothing was ever simple.
>We see Lex pulling the strings more and more. He has the man Batman branded kill while in prison. Then he has the pics sent to Clark.
>There’s a new scene with Jon Stewart roasting Superman.
>Jena Malone plays an unmade forensic scientist.
>Extended scene with Diana she’s talking with a Curator about the sword on display.
>The Knightmare scene is longer. We see all the trucks arriving at the compound Batman is at. There’s a longer shot of Batman walking to the truck. Also an extended scene of Batman fighting the Superman soldiers.
>There’s a scene with Clark trying to find out what happened to the man who was killed. He talks with his girlfriend outside of the GCPD. She tells him words won’t stop Batman, only fists.
>Longer moment between Clark and his mom, she’s giving him advice.
>The actress Lex hired sees the KGBeast waiting outside her apartment as she gets off the bus. She stays on the bus.
>She goes to see Senator Finch to tell her the truth before the senate meeting. The pieces of the African plot line start slowing falling into place.
>Lois realizes the entire thing was a setup. She tells Perry to run the story. Lex set the whole thing up, it was an ambush for Superman.

>Senator knows everything. Lex threatened and coerced that actress into lying about Superman. She realizes Lex has been using the senate, playing them like puppets.
>The KGBeast pushes the african actress in front of a subway car to silence her.
>When Finch says “Today is a day for truth.” she was talking about Lex setting up Superman. That’s when she sees ‘granny’s peach tea’. In the context of the UE at that moment she realizes she’s been played when she sees Lex’s empty seat.
>After the senate explosion, victims are being treated on the steps outside. Superman is flying victims out of the wreckage. He’s helping. He’s saving people. He sees all the damaged caused, of the dead bodies and blames himself. He locks eyes with Lois, and flies away. (Ok so I legit teared up bye)
>There’s a scene with Alfred chopping wood. Out side the Wayne residence. He goes inside looking for Bruce and sees what happened at the senate meeting. The returned checks from Wallace sit on a coffee table. He seems to realize that Bruce is about to do something reckless. He turns to face the lake, worried.
>We see Lex watch footage of Batman breaking into Lexcorp to steal the Kryptonite. He smirks. All according to plan.
>Longer montage of Bruce weaponizing the Kryptonite and a little bit longer of him working out. (God…)
>We see people blaming Superman for the attack on the capital. News outlets are saying if he’s so powerful, why couldn’t he stop a bomber a few feet away from him? There’s a protest where they hang and burn a Superman doll in frustration.
>Longer scene of Clark in the mountains. He walks by a group of men by the base of the mountain. As he walks by they say “He knows the mountain is not passable. He’s come to die.”

>Lois is watching the news. Lex apparently planted bomb materials for investigators to find in Wallace’s apartment. Superman has not been ruled out as a co-conspirator. We cut to Lex on the helipad as the news channel still talks about evidence pointing to Superman being involved. He smirks.
>Lois goes to Wallace’s apartment. It’s completely changed from the scene where we see Lex give him the wheel chair. Anti-Superman graffiti everywhere. Bomb making material on the desk. Lois realizes that Wallace had just bought groceries. She conclude he didn’t know he was going to die that day.
>She calls Jena Malone’s character again. That bullet from the desert? Wallace’s new wheel chair? Both made from the same metal. The same metal Lexcorp manufactures. Also the wheelchair was lined with lead. So even if Clark checked, he wouldn’t have known it was a bomb.
>We see the full Lois kidnapping scene. (Her being dragged out to a truck)
>After the BvS fight, Alfred tells Bruce where Martha Kent is. Bruce says “I don’t deserve you Alfred.” “No, you don’t.” is Alfred’s response.
>When Clark goes to confront Lex he says “You lose.” Lex says “I don’t know how to lose.” Clark says “You’ll learn.” Lex mockingly says “I’ll learn! I don’t hate the sinner, I hate the sin. And yours, my friend, is existing.” So basically this whole scene is like 2 minutes longer.
>There’s a scene of Martha getting rescued by the GCPD after Batman saves her from the warehouse.

By that logic why even show Batman and Superman fighting when only a retard would think they'd actually fight to the death? Just because "oh it'd make sense for him to do that" doesn't mean you don't fucking show it, it'd be like if someone in the movie calls Lex sneaky and manipulative and then the next scene he just has Zod's body without showing him getting it.

Why the fuck would you just leave out a superhero saving people in a superhero movie?

Some of the added scenes do seem to help smooth out the pacing of the film and do make some plot points clearer. However, it doesn't change some of my major complaints about the film/the way certain characters are handled.

because the saving people part was already established in previous scenes, showing it again would have been redundant

>That bullet from the desert? Wallace’s new wheel chair? Both made from the same metal. The same metal Lexcorp manufactures.

That's one of the dumbest things I've heard all year.

Why would Lex make them out of the same...what? Isn't this the Lex that somehow spent 18 months planning an elaborate shell game of bullshit against the leads because of how smart he is?

The entire Lois/bullet storyline is still garbage in any cut. Snyder could have sliced that out entirely, then maybe the movie could have been 2.5 hours from the start.

Random acts of good are different from helping clean up a mess that's partially your fault. There is no excuse to cut out a scene of a superhero saving people in a superhero movie. With how they did it in the original release it was basically "Huh, the senate blew up, fucking whoops" and then after Bruce opens his letter from Lex that whole thing stops being relevant at all.

Now I wish they just shaft the entire Doomsday fight and add all these character moments.

The scene does so much.

- Shows Superman caring for others
- Shows that responders unease at Superman's presence
- Shows Superman's heart breaking at not being able to have done anything as he sees the dead bodies

It's a really meaningful scene. It's insane that it was cut.

They could literally cut Doomsday out entirely.

Lex Luthor in a green mech suit would genuinely be better then Doomsday. At least that would mean the heroes would be fighting the villain of the movie, not a mindless ogre with no character, no goals and no set abilities.

I cared more about Batman taking down KGBeast then the entire Doomsday fight. At least with him they set up the antagonist, had him interact with the hero beforehand, established his competency, and set up a reasonable scenario in which they would fight. And he was a mook with five lines of dialogue, but there was the basic storytelling blocks there to make me care about them fighting.

And then they didn't even fight, because not only did Snyder fuck up the drama he couldn't make the action compelling either.

I originally called bullshit on this (mostly because I felt how they were playing the set-up involving Supes' intervention in Africa seemed to run counter to what we heard in interviews and whatnot), but now it looks like it was true after all.

Problem isn't Snyder being a fan, he might be the biggest superfag on earth but the issues come from his perspective of the character. Like a kid who sees Batman as nothing more than a edgy, solitary and depressive guy. He's still a fan but it he ever made a comic, movie, fanfic whatever the result would be an abortion.

The fact these scenes are better than most of the stuff left in the actual movie makes me angry enough to avoid the ultimate collection all together.

Fuck this shell game bullshit.

>I cared more about Batman taking down KGBeast then the entire Doomsday fight. At least with him they set up the antagonist, had him interact with the hero beforehand, established his competency, and set up a reasonable scenario in which they would fight. And he was a mook with five lines of dialogue, but there was the basic storytelling blocks there to make me care about them fighting.

Wait, that was KGBeast? I did not know that.

Yeah, The main mook that Batman blew up at the end was KGBeast.

>You'll learn

Was his name mentioned or something? I only saw the film one time and that was many months ago so it's hard to remember the little details.

>"I don't deserve you, Alfred"

His name is mentioned when Bruce is on the Batcomputer near the beginning. It's on the screen itself from what I remember.

His actual name 'Anatoli Knyazev' is shown.

Okay. Thanks.

>except Snyder said multiple times that Superman is his favourite superhero
show me where.
because that doesn't mesh at all with the heavy metal thing.

>literally too retarded to understand a simple movie

And people said that "too smart" was a meme.

Meaning aside, Batman not marking Lex makes a lot more sense knowing he's being taken to Arkham instead of being kept in solitary.

I think it was just bad editing that confused some people about a few things. Hopefully, the extended version fixes that.

Those scenes of Clark investigating Batman are useless once their fight fucking ends and Batman is nice to Superman out of nowhere and still threatens to brand Lex

Snyder says a lot of stuff, most of them are lies

>gee thanks Superman, we're gonna need some room here.


>I don't understand drama

>I don't understand Superman
Fuck you too, Zack

>implying Snyder does either

Sad looks do not instantly equate to drama

actions speak larger than words idiot.

Hes shown saving people, feeling guilt about not being to prevent more lives lost, and is perturbed at people feeling uneasy about his presence. He's overall visibly shaken.

I believe he's read The Dark Knight Returns and has watched at least 2 Christopher Reeve's Superman films and that is the extent of Snyder's Superman knowledge.

Where was the editing bad? I see this said a lot but the scenes flowed well for me.

>he's read The Dark Knight Returns

I honestly don't know if he did. It's amazing how any scenes and concepts he stole for BvS and then fucked them up beyond belief.

Remember what Hack said about superheroes talking while in costume!

>visibly shaken
>first priority is not trying to comfort people around him
>instead flies away
"fuck this I'm gonna try and find Nolan Batman in the mountains instead, he's happier than I am"

right, drama.

Looking at the pictures and doodling around extra scowls isn't what I'd call "reading"

>emt not screaming at Superman to stop moving casualties without a board


These scenes should have been in the movie

That he was unable to do a recreation of the "Heat scene" while they were in costume? Because that's basically all he said.

He actually said it was impossible for him to do more than 4-5 lines of dialogue with them being in costume because he thinks it would take people out of the movie or something dumb like that.

The senate bombing aftermath was taken out? WHY

It had Superman in it.


Needed more room for muh doomsday fight

Pretty much the deleted scenes seemed like the perfect transitioning scenes for the movie.

Without them, I can see why the movie felt jarring.

I still don't think Snyder should stick around even if the ultimate edition saves the movie

>I think looking bored is dramatic

He DID say they tried and that it was impossible in their suits. I wish he would release that footage to see if he was lying or if it was actually a legitimate concern.

This should not have been cut. It would have stopped the idiots/trolls from constantly asking what Lex's motivation was since he spelled it out for them.

>shouting at the guy with laser eyes and super strength

No, thank you.

His sperm-receptacle is a big producer at WB

That's why, even though all his WB films have unperformed or outright flopped (Watchmen), he still gets to make movies for them.

>>first priority is not trying to comfort people around him
>perturbed at people feeling uneasy about his presence.
>- Shows that responders unease at Superman's presence

He doesn't even look bored, he looks annoyed.

After all the quick cuts/zoom ins between the guy in the chair, the senator, Superman and the luthorade, there's this big explosion, and Superman looks at the camera, and I was expecting this to play:

Not enough Batman

This makes no sense.

He hates Superman yet creates Doomsday and has a weird worship thing going on with Apokolips imagery.

No amount of dialogue or visuals would have stopped people from saying Lex has no motivation because even in the comics his motivation is "KILL SUPERMAN AT ALL COSTS."

>sociopaths or autists who can't tell emotions apart

Go to a psychiatrist maybe and ask them to give you pictures of different emotions. Just learn them through brute memorization if you have to.

It was already spelled out with his Problem of Evil speech to Lois and Superman.

>This makes no sense.
Maybe he's under Desaad's mind control or something else which has to do with being influenced/manipulated by Darksied?

When the baseline for Clark's personality is what it is, the nuance is lost.

He has no control over Superman. That's the difference.


>I don't know why you guys are complaining about the claws
>you see them putting the adamantium in him
>why are you guys calling him the Wolverine
>it says superman on the title!

You're the ones holding the frown to meaning he is sad, completely ignoring the whole tonal mismatch. You're the austists reducing emotions to emoji's.

>Implying Lex has some control over Darkseid
Maybe he thinks he does.

wow, so this is autism

Did have control over Doomsday?
Even the senator isn't effectively manipulated by Lex, that's why he has to kill her. The only person that Lex actually svengalis properly is Batman, the only other character other than Superman he arguably shouldn't be able to.

He doesn't have control over Doomsday either.

Nah, but he made him with his own DNA so the symbolic victory is enough for him, I guess.

He doesn't control Doomsday either. He tried to kill Lex until Superman stopped him.

That's just an assumption and isn't consistent with why Lex hates Superman before the Zod experiments.

It was but a lot of people still didn't understand. This scene made it very clear, I feel.


>He doesn't have control over Doomsday

I think Lex thought he could have control over Doomsday, but realized after it woke up he didn't.
His plan B was most likely this

>being this autistic
holy shit

This so much. So much context is missing that would have helped the movie come across as more coherent.