Why is this boy wearing a bra?
Why is this boy wearing a bra?
who fucking knows, its a tv show made for redditors.
>implying you wouldn't fuck his asshole
Stop his engorged nipples from chafing on his shirts!
is gril
sticcs r qt
flat chest best chest
what tv show?
That's no boy, that's a spooky skelly
Sanford and Son
Why do flat girls even bother wearing bras? Might as well save yourself some money since there is no need.
t. Closet homosexual
Stranger Things, watch it, it's a good show
> tv show made for redditors.
Found the redditeur
the fuck is even the point of a bra when you're like that
It's like makeup. It's to trick boys into thinking they're hotter (or in the bras case have a better body) than they really are / do.
>TFW you are both stick/THICC loving idort master race
Is it true that Finn friend zone' that girl who plays eleven?
You do realize "for redditors" is no longer an insult right? Sup Forums is pretty much just as bad as reddit now. It's filled with capeshit threads and daily GOT and whatever else threads.
Yeah, he's in a committed relationship with e-celeb, Josh Ovalle.
he's a slut
nips still get hard and need to be covered
Wait, Eleven is played by a girl?
No, that's a meme. His real boyfriend is from Vine.
i honestly assume any guy that finds this body type attractive is a closeted faggot and probably a pedophile too.
More for me :^)
Why is a boy giving kiss?
Pls use spoiler tags when posting spoopy skellingtons
yes, I also got spooped by this
So nobody has any real world creativity in this thread? She's ideal. Friendly and warm but with serious confidence issues expressed in her eating.
Don't you want to be the hero? The guy who builds her up and gives her confidence, becoming the hero of her life. Don't you want to take her for big meals and receive grateful blowjobs? Don't you want to see her gain weight and watch as her breasts fill out, her hips become fuller and her ass plumps out? And when she has an ideal body, blind adoration of you, and everyone around her thinks you're a great guy for what you've done, don't you want to settle down with her and make every night a kino night? Cos she'll do it, cos you're the hero.
Think about it.
this ist just anorexic
I knew who you were talking about, but I didn't know that was his name. Isn't he way older than Finn?
neh. Nancy is worstwheeler
I don't want her to fill out though desu senpai
Was Romeo not way older than Juliet? Look at Finn's twitter.
thinking you can fix an anorexic bitch by encouraging her to eat is just as delusional as thinking you can a fix a fatty by encouraging her to eat healthier
I can encourage her to eat my benis. Metaphorically, of course. That bitch spoopy as fug
What are we looking at?
>Was Romeo not way older than Juliet?
Well, shit. Guess I can't argue with that.
But they're good buds, they seem happy together.
the banner of the two of them together, their nudity tastefully cropped just out of frame
I, for one, wish them nothing but happiness. They're adorable.
flat chest=/=mentally ill anorexic
Same here, senpai. Finn seems like a good kid, I want to see him go far.
Keep up the positivity.
This was very wholesome
post more S T I C C s
finnfags are good people.
Froggofriends > Branbros>>>>>>>>>> The Mazouz guy
That's good. Is the Lip sync battle out/worth watching?
Yes to both. I think the individual segments are on youtube.
>being this much of a beta provider
wow she is CUTE! is she pure?
Finnfag and Branbro here. Not a big fan of young bat, but he seems cool.
The screenshot is right before she gets fucked by the cute jock with nice hair.
Forgot to mention, he raw-dogged it.
Needs short lesbo hair to make that joke OP
I'd even argue that Sup Forums is worse than reddit. At least r/movies has proper discussions, here it's almost impossible to find a thread that keeps on topic and those that do = Thread pruned (5 replies)
whats the deal with the blatant pedos on Sup Forums and stranger things? I know it's one or two sick fucks, but are they also the cunny fags?
>ywn lick those god tier pits
Literally why even live
No, you very clearly have the gay pedos and the straight pedos (also cunny fags)
The lack of posting best girl is disturbing
Come to think of it, her death was her own fault. If she had just gotten in the car and driven off, she'd have left the D-Gorgon's hunting ground
Instead she sat around and moped, got a cut on her finger, the 'Gorgon ported in and btfo her