The call that killed /r/aznmasculinity
The call that killed /r/aznmasculinity
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/u/spez looks good these days /s
>be a fucking billionaire
>get whatever fucking woman you want
>choose that
>your the shadow president now Mark
>Name my wifes son.
lol white people are so fucking lame
Lmao you can see his skinnyfat belly and titties in that pic
Funny how white men can only pick the ugliest kind of Asian girls that left over by the asian guys
reminder that elliot and mayli's fathers were jews too
Yeah, he should have just married a soulless plastic whore
This is why you deserve to be poor
he does it because he knows she won't leave him
It's only fair that he gets a mistress just to use like a dirty rag but comes home every night to his steadfast wife
>be rich
>can chose any girl you want
>end with an ugly chink
What the hell zuckerdickerberg
>implying not all women are soulless
>implying that bitch wouldn't try to take more than half
>implying he should just settle for garbage
>de Grood
Because when an Asian guy could pick up a white girl, the guys have to be good looking and tall, and they go for the beautiful white women.
When a white guy picking up an Asian girl, it's mostly because the guy didn't do well with the white women, and the Asian woman only go for white guys when no other Asian guys want her
Serious question Lu Kang, where do I find one of these left over azn women?
I'm ice skating uphill over here
Yeah, even as a billionaire he has to settle for us superior asian mens scraps. Whats your username on the subreddit we should talk more.
>implying you have any experience with women at all
>be rich
>marry your college sweetheart
>virgins on an anime make fun of you
>dry eyes with endless stacks of money
>being ugly automatically makes you a better person
lmaoing at your ugly life
she's not even a good looking asian.
since zuck stole facebook he deserves an ugly chink though i guess.
Welcome to Trump's America
Better to marry the person you were.with before you were rich. Anyone else would only be after his money
who's more foreign and unamerican:
or indians
>this is what r/asianmasculinity actually believes
asian americans are more american than indian americans. if theyre foriegn then both are equally unamerican
I can't wait to see their kids
kek nice deflecting fag. Enjoy fucking a fat tub of lard
>b-but she's loyal
You think ugliness = depth. Youre a woman or a virgin.
>t. betafag willing to settle.
There's an anime where they make fun of his wife? Fucking japs
>Bill Gates: how do I not own this?
>U.S. Congress: It's not 1998, Bill.
Bill Gates: Oh right.
He probably wanted a smart woman that is loyal,nothing wrong with that.
Why are they wearing flip flops when they arw fucking rich? Rich people shouldn't wear flip flops
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Sup Forums Good Hahahaha Nigga Just Leave Shitposts Up All Night Like Nigga Only Participate In Garbage Threads Haha
Once you've gotten your dick wet a few times you'd realize looks are one of the least important factors in selecting a life partner.
Chick's a driven doctor with extremely positive and selfless life goals. Imo Zuckerberg couldn't have found a better person to marry.
It's not a meme that beautiful girls (as in beautiful by Sup Forums standards) are usually self-centered, ignorant and misguided. It's not their fault of course, it's because their attractiveness causes everyone around them to become servile to their will. Most of them hide it very well and it's not until you're married to them that they reveal their true face. Odds aren't much better for average looking girls either. Always always marry for personality and not looks.
>be a billionaire 58 times over
>marry this
like the other user said
ugly does not equal depth and it sure as shit does not equal intelligence.
>this is the only retort weebs can muster up
Where did I say that?
All I'm implying is that it's better to stay with the girl who was by your side before, and not some makeup-slathered bimbo.
He can wear whatever he wants, he's rich as fuck. Only tryhards and niggers show off their wealth
I'd date a poor asian woman before a i'd date a rich white woman. Even if she were slightly less attractive.
Didn't she go to Harvard too?
Asians fed my ass throughout my childhood (chinese food)
Asians help build up the west (rail roads, labor, etc..)
Asians gave us transportation (nissan, honda, toyota)
Asians gave their pound of flesh
Hindus came and shat in the street. They're worthless
Mark's gay, he just married her to keep his secret. He won't have kids.
They still shouldn't wear flip flops. He could get walmart shoes.instead but.not flip flops
such an obvious chink
Bravo for having principles?
Frankly i wouldn't date a rich asian woman because her family would be judgemental of my stupid ass.
>spotted the faggot that can't dress
Flip flops are comfy when its hot
Why? Did you fall for the "le asian purity" meme? Asians (yes, all Asians, before you try and dump that shitty "#notallasians just le degenerate americanised ones" meme on me) are the biggest whores on the planet and the culture in East Asia is terrible for the man in a marriage. Real life isn't like your anime, Asians aren't all some weird caricature of a super traditional submissive wife.
Despite what you may think, women who will stay with you for your money despite being a literal, insufferable autist are quite rare
I don't wear flip flops, faggot. I'm just saying he has fuck you money and it doesn't matter what he wears
>retards too stupid to know they're on the same side
give it a rest, Mark
>running across the country taking pictures with families and factories
This cuck is actually planning to run in 2020. Why did moot never tried to run for president?
>never tried
american only board
Better than what i'm used to. I want someone who appreciates having me. Not someone who can replace me on a whim, and knows it. Also, how the fuck would you know?
2 scoops
That is not the sole reason people find asians appealing,it is because they are uncommon in the west
Read about western women going to asia and how much they get sexaully harrased and it is because of the same reason,rarity.
You could also say asian women look and dress more feminine but that is subjective but personally i agree.
>white father
You're not even trying chinky poo.
Jews and chinks tend to intermarry a lot. Ain't nothing wrong with that.
He's over six feet. Nothing on that side is true about him, considering he was a successful and well reputed officer before all that shit happening to him.
They met in Harvard dumbass.
underrated kek
Where do you live? In the summer they are a blessing here.
>he's over six feet
literally the only thing that's wrong on the chart
he looks like a straight up downy
she's pretty cute desu
jews are not white
this is what white father + asian mother produce