Hello darkness my old friend...
Hello darkness my old friend
has there ever been a faster decent than bill nye?
I'd say Mel Gibson was comparable, especially since he was much higher up than Bill Nye to begin with.
Other than that eh
He's not even decent, how fit he is is totally irrelevant
I'm a liberal but goddamn Bill Nye is beyond overrated. How much can he possibly milk his success from a 90's kids show?
It's honestly impressive how long he's been able to ride off that success with his charade. I think it's over now though, not sure how he'll recover from this show.
>Other than that eh
You mean oh-oh-oh?
He was making fun of the typo.
>pump your kids full of estrogen and fuck them
in the name of science I will
>Stop questioning the settled science
>Age preference is a spectrum. Some like adults, some like teenagers. And still some, like myself, enjoy those who haven't even started puberty.
How did he get away with this?
I've come to ask you to sleep with my wife again
I like teenagers.
Dear police, by teenager I mean "between 18 and 20".
>took him 60 years and middle age crisis to admit that he takes it in the ass and he is ok with it
Bill Nye the White Genocide is good for the environment Goy
When will he come out as "trans"?
Has he or anyone behind the show responded to the criticism?