i feel like having a nightmare. anyone got any 10/10 trypophobia skin crawling claustrophobic movies that will haunt my dreams for a week.
>inb4 friday night jumpscare special
try harder.
Horror thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>still having nightmares from movies
18+ board
>meh i'm an adult and nothing scares me
>ooga booga i ain't afraid of no ghost
Yeah, dude.
Thread them:
>easily angered
>easily scared
18+ board
I have never seen a film that scared me let alone even gotten close to giving me a nightmare.
the most scared I ever got watching a movie was when I was about 11 and I watched The Shining around 12:30 when I was home alone
I just didn't see the ending coming and the whole ghost dog costume bj thing was very disturbing to me at the time
the machinist is great and pretty unnerving.
You're an adult now. It's very unlikely that any movie will "haunt your dreams for a week" unless you're a woman or a huge pussy bitch.
With that said, start with Jacob's Ladder and A Field in England.
Threads has been the most disturbing thing I've watched since I turned 18.
For some reason try-hard shit like this makes me mad.
The Blair Witch project
The VVitch
The Amityville horror (1979)
These are some good, pretty scary horror movies.
Suspiria and Inferno have some good atmosphere.
I also enjoy Lucio Fulci's gates of hell trilogy, The Beyond probably being the best out of em. Zombi 2 has some good gore as well. None of these are going to haunt you for a week, though.
Is the most recent texas chainsaw any good?
Also some of my faves
>grave encounters
>hell house llc
>midnight meat train,dumb name good movie
>Creep (2004)
>pulse,not amazing but pretty good atmosphere
>the tunnel
I recommend watching masters of horror too,its hit or miss but the hits are very good and the misses are so weird they are worth a watch too.
Fuck is this cuck shit
Never heard of a field in England read a synopsis and not really sure what to make of it. Is it pretentious shit like Antichrist or actually good
lel, summer faggot
I love this movie
nice, too bad it's shit
Wheres your list kumquat?
The best recent horror movie is The Witch.
> Antichrist
literally the one movie i wish i could wipe from my memory.
>Kairo (Kurosawa)
>Cure (1997, Kurosawa)
> .REC 1 & 2
> Them ("Ils")
> Calvaire
> Gozu (Miike)
> Audition (Miike)
> Blair Witch Project
> Lake Mungo
I agree that these are some cool italian flicks, but they arent scary (the ones i have seen at least). Maybe the atmosphere in Suspiria van be a bit frightening at some times tho.