fucking hell why didn't you lot tell me this was such kino
Fucking hell why didn't you lot tell me this was such kino
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw parody movie turns out to be better than the movies they parodied
Because when it was released you were just a twinkle in the eye of your mother's bull.
We aren't here to tell you everything, fag.
Easily one of the top 10 most quotable movies.
Oh my God that's going to stain!
>you lot
Be the ball..and throw yourself
That never made any sense to me but I say it to myself every now and then
>the anti-kino poster is the BLACKED poster
of course.
Because you're either retarded, new or both.
Any and every time Not Another Teen Movie is brought up or mentioned here, it's talked about fondly and enjoyed.
It's one of the few movies/shows that most of Sup Forums seemes to actrully like.
Mr. Not First String Anymore, isn't first string anymore *chuckle*
You're right op. It's total fucking shit. Pure kino.
>tfw NATM revival on Sup Forums
>mfw the sister
tfw braggin to the boys about seeing this in theaters in 6th grade
Guys, I seem to recall some early 2000's comedy movie that starts with a guy faking an orgasm with a girl and she finds out about it. I always thought it was Not Another Teen Movie but it's apparently not. Which movie was it?
Whoa hold up! Are you telling me that a kinotard thread is also a shot posting thread created by some brain damaged memester?
No way!
these posts are embarassing
What's with the discoloration on the foreign girl's leg?
it's literally the only funny "dumb" comedy of that era.
We did when the 'last lot' hit the bump limit.
Also, pic related
You can't meme me into watching this, Sup Forums
We have threads about it all the time.
>mfw the foreign exchange student
Maybe Penn & Teller's Bullshit is your tempo.
Did that happen in 40 Days and 40 Nights? I feel like it was a Josh Hartnett movie.
40 Days and 40 Nights.
Stars Josh Hartnett as a guy who has problems cumming after a bad break up, so he gives up sex/fapping/orgasms for lent to try and sort out his problems, but everyone who knows him are cunts and try to force him to have sex/blow his load so they can win a betting pool that his "best friend" started.
In the end his ex rapes him while he's delirious from lack of sexual release, in order to win the bet and the new girl he's been chatting up/taken an intrest in him dumps him for being "unfaithful", so he has to win her back.
lmao, retards can't even express themselves without parroting the latest meme
Hello hothead
You, senpai, are MAH NIGGER to the nth degree.
No really, you're a one BIG FUCKING GUY.
That and MacGruber are the two funniest movies known to mankind.
But I'll raise you this; I would also post a WebM of Fatal Instinct if this board let us post them with sound but sadly, it does not.
Also, I know I'm getting greedy but Dracula Dead and Loving It.
If you don't agree that all five movies in my post are not hilarious, I will literally fight and then rape you.
Fun Fact: Kino is German for awful
Meaning, dumb movie nerds that can't cool their jets get the awful waffle express
There was an oxford study that said the repetition of memes actually damaged your cognitive skills and reduces your ability to communicate.
That they actually work like a detrimental virus on the brain causing irreversible damage
Once I knew this I completely understood Sup Forums
are there any good recent parody movies with so much capeshit you think there would be enough material for it.
Dude getting legit raped, it being played for laughs, and then him being blamed for it is super fucked up.
Detention is alright.
>Shows picture of Jake.
>Jake walks up to picture of himself and looks at it, beaming with pride.
>Feeling pleased with himself, he starts walking away...
>To view another picture of himself but this picture is a picture of him while he's looking at the previous picture of himself.
Mind and sides:
It's at that moment, I realized that I was going to need harder and harder comedy to ever come close to this moment.
Six months later I was sucking black cocks just to hear some new, original nigger jokes.
Really makes u think
>fro. 2 of the six guys that made scary movie
In all honesty, Baseketball is funny no matter how much Matt Stone and Trey Parker shit on it.
Baenposting is art and doesn't ruin discussions while "kino" provides nothing
Truly, parodies are one TRUE kino film genre.
They often surpass many of the films they are parodying.
That is the equivalent of a Sith apprentice striking down his master and rightly taking on the mantle.
There is no greater glory.
Black Dynamite was the last good parody movie
It's unironically Evans best film performance
Can I just say something for a moment.
You genuinely sound retarded. I'm not trying to be mean or anything but it really seems like you have a low IQ.
I'm starting to believe that stuff about memes damaging your brain
This guy hates the back of Forrest Whitaker's neck.
Yep, definitely a brain damaged memester
>not having sex for 40 days
whoa.... how did this guy survived?
incoming parody kino
Fuck off you pretentious faggot.
it's fiction, obviously it wouldn't happen in real life
Please repeat some more memes. That's the only way you can communicate now.
Let me explain this in a way you can understand
>kino brap cunny bane big guy for you crab legs no singles falcon blocks your path what did they mean by this
KEK look at this asspained redditors
Back to your cuckshed libshit
>meme meme meme meme
Jaime Pressly is a fucking goddess in this
I saw that. Probably the funniest satire I've ever seen. If you only watch American cop dramas you might not understand it though because the parody is very particular to Britain.
I cannot imagine the state of someone's life where the use of the word "kino" bothers them.
t. simpleton
*BURP* memes aren't real morty
I'm happy stoner comedy movies are pretty much dead now.
It wasn't a stoner comedy you faggot
Seems like this movie got slammed when it came our because so many other parody films came out at the same time that were total shit? Now everyone seems to like it.
He couldn't masturbate either. They tried to get him to throughout the movie. It's almost works
Well the genre is pretty much dead now
>Catherine you're my SISTER !
>only by Blood
Jaime Pressly was so fucking hot in that movie.
Comes to Sup Forums and can't figure out the word parody.
> le passive aggressive statement
I think about the old lady kiss scene from this movie sometimes and how I found the spit absolutely disgusting as a kid, it's interesting how things have changed
Which ones kino? I don't remember anyone named kino. Was it that white Asian guy? Is he a me me now?
Stoner movies are movies stoners watch, not literally with stoners. Freddy got fingered, super troopers, beer fest are all stoner movies. I guess your right in your little world too.
Dracula was pretty good.
You should try Vamp U (2011). Very underated little comedy. It's not a parody of other movies, but it's worth the watch.
Hate that movie. Two weak little losers who hate being bullied by jocks bully someone smaller than themselves to feel tough. They're idiots who deserve all the shit they get.
TFW Mr T will never mentor you.
So it's like Kusoge?
What the hell happened to her ?
She was fucking gorgeous
She still is. She was the best par tof The L World. The more her character was crazy, the better the show was.
You should also try the movie New Best Friend. It's a lot better than it had any right to be.
hmm na hmm na
What was the purpose of this scene?
>Unironically thinking this is good
I'm convinced half of Sup Forums is underage.
it is a parody, but it still is very much that teenage comedy that it parodies.
it's like making a parody of action movies that still has action scenes.
Cerina Vincent should have gotten the Oscar for Best Costume that year.
Ripping off Cruel Intentions
It's funny because you understand the reference.
I remember that being more of a comedy than an action movie, yet another teen movie was all comedy while parodying comedy = parodying the same genre it belongs to. Still I could see someone saying "last action hero is the only good schwarzenegger action film". I mean they would be wrong but I could see it happening.
this post is desperately trying to fit in
fuck off reddit
Being this angry and unhappy all the time must be exhausting
>if you don't like the Sup Forumscore movies that there is a thread about daily to fellate each other, then you are unhappy
that's where you're wrong
are these guys done making movies together?
I think you need to put the bottle down, drink plenty of water, and go to sleep.
Short answer yes
Long answer yes because this was part of a trilogy and they finished the trilogy