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It's gonna be even funnier when black people on Twitter actually think someplace like this exists in Africa. The entertainment value on black Twitter this movie will generate alone justifies it being made.
>a fucking skyscraper
>with a fucking hut on top of it
Niggers aren't THAT retarded... right?
that would be a fun little conspiracy to start and then perpetuate
the magical land of Wewuzkangza
>ayo nigga, I'm finna come in fo a landin in dis spaceship n sheeit
Lmao just wait senpai
They are. And they are fucking superstitious. Thats why you will never see them hiking in the Woods because they are scared, believing " Things " are there.
I guess you haven't been on Twitter for a while. Good for you.
>britain STOLE the Gherkin from africans
What is this? A video game?
>those giant nig lips
maybe 3 actually from africa, at least other are brits as well
Gues who are the bad guys.
Only 3 black people look/are African. The rest are African-American.
>yfw it has already begun
Look at that magical diversity among blacks in isolationist, xenophobic and racist state in heart of Africa. BLEACHED.
How do these people explain the fact that "white people" stopped giving two fucks about most of Africa long ago but Africa is still a shithole? By saying that the damage was too severe or something?
The only places with concentrated white people in Africa is a fucking paradise, too.
Thought provoking stuff
serkis and jordan
Isn't that kinda racist? It's feels like they are saying "Who cares about ethnic accuracy? They all look the same"
Not like anyone will ever bring it up.
Yes. Or any other retarded argument they can think of.
>mfw a whole bunch of little black girls that are born in the US the next few years will be named Wakanda
Beautiful. This is how ALL movies should be cast.
So Africans were spear chucking savages for thousands of years but, for no apparent reason, they would have suddenly leaped forward technologically one million fold, if it were for white people?
>Sell their own people to whites
>It's whites fault
And that Paradise is turned into Hell since Niggers took over. Poetic.
Majority of the cast are halfs or quarters.
"wakanda" is a native american word so there are probably some people named Wakanda already.
I recommend reading the replies to this. Amazing
And? They don't look african, which is my point.
That's like casting an italian as a british character just because he is 1/4 british or something even though you can tell he doesn't look british at all.
damn those native americans culturally appropriating the rich african history of Wakanda
>I recommend reading the replies to this. Amazing
Any Link ?
link it
Man what a shitty design
>a glass skyscraper with a straw hut on top of it
>random tweets deleted
>the video of a black guy getting set on fire by other blacks is still there
lol, Twitter sure has weird priorities
>But, it takes intelligent peoples to build technologically advanced civilisations. Africans, over history, have proven to be incapable. This is St. Albans Cathedral in England. Built in 1089AD. If you can show me similar quality African architecture I'll eat my hat.
The response?
>The Pyramids of Giza???? Sit down.
I thought wewuzzing was just a Sup Forums meme.
To be fair he didn't specify sub saharan 'black' architecture. Posting the Hagia Sophia would've been an even greater effect, though.
>500s AD
I'm gonna guess his logic was "Egypt is in Africa so the egypcian count as african"
what anime is this?
their logic is actually "Egypt is technically in Africa, and everyone knows that Africans are black, ergo Egyptians must have been black, ergo, all Africans can claim credit for all of Egyptian civilization"
>sub saharan 'black'
but that's where african americans come from
That shit happens all the time though.
Wait... I'm behind on BP comics (a lot) but aren't Wakandens (or whatever) all about nature and hatong overcivilisation? Like, they have tech but use it in an echo-responsible manner? I don't remember Wakenda looking like NY on steroids by way of Blade Runner.
From what I remmeber the tech buildings are underground and not numerous.
Holy fuck, I laughed
holy shit this is twitter kino
They already made the best Black Panther possible. Go watch that instead.
Aside from the opening song and based Djimmon it was dogshit. Motion comics adaptation of one of the worst Black Pather runs.
Ichigo Mashimaro
SOL loli kino
muricans did not kidnap every black person to slavery just small portion of them. why those majority of people who stayed in africa did not build skyscrapers and invented flying cars plus cured cancer?
>nigger starts wewuzzing
>all the spicy memelords imediately reveal their powerlevel
Hillarious desu
>Ichigo Mashimaro
is this loli armpit kino?
>white people was YOUR people that introduced black slavery to foreigners in efforts to acquire trinkets and goods. Not to mention you were practicing slavery long before foreigners arrived.
facts don't matter
They do!
not to the voting public
But user, what if those "facts" deny the experiences of others (especially minorities)? We need to give precedence to people's feelings of oppression.
Kinda lame get
didn't notice. sorry
You've been reported for hate speech. Obediently wait for the van to pick you up for further questioning.
Can't you let them have just one?
Before you type anything out, think about it. Imagine, being born a person of African descent - a nigger.
You have no history to be proud of, no culture, no art, no significant person who accomplished anything that will be remembered by across the world outside of liberal foolery. Not a single one of your people discovered a cure, pushed a technological advance, created a work of art, created a culture, wrote a symphony - your people continuously conquered in war. Your people sold out by your own since the earliest days that can be remembered. Your race enslaved by almost every other race that walks or walked this planet. On top of this, everything you have in life now is because a race that used to enslave you took pity on you, and only by their hand and their push to propagate that change across the world - reaching even into Arabia - are you allowed to be free. Your freedom is held for you by someone who isn't a part of your race. Imagine how humiliating that is. Imagine walking the streets and the cities of the country and knowing deep down you are resented by its citizens because your very nature is beastly. You have no cultural or historical shield to walk those streets with pride.
You are a nigger. A worthless part of humanity that by the law of evolution has no right to continue to exist. But because of an arguably misplaced empathy by the race of whites; you are allowed to.
That is a truly shitty existence.
It's just a movie, let the poor sods have it.
He didn't talk about any hats...
I might torrent this just for Serkis.
>rich isolationist ethnostate
But isn't that racist?!
Keep pushing the progressive leftist horseshoe segregation and black power evil whitey narrative, hopefully it'll convince nogs to move to Africa
Martin Freeman really manages to insert himself into everything
But it's 100% black so it's also completely diverse!
Damn that's cold
It's only racist if it's white.
>decide to act kind to nigs
>get robbed, raped and murdered
Sup Forumstv has no right of making fun of the liberals when they are as easily triggered and sought to create a safe space for their "discussion".
>Sup Forumstv
how about /t'pol/?
What does Sup Forums have to do with anything? Fuck off.
>when humourless libcucks use 5 year old pol memes
Not if you like non-gender specific blowjobs.
Their isolationism isn't a good thing (in the comics, at least). It's a flaw. People and things that are flawed make better fiction stories.
They even made a parallel with the segregation of white and blacks that was going on in lots of African countries in the 70s/80s. Some of T'Chala's adventures with the Fantastic Four had these themes as an integral part of the stories.
im pretty sure everyone remembers michael jordan.
this kind of shit is why I don't really care about anybody.
Blocks your path
Well there are things out there like bears and moose. Are you fucking dumb?
it's gonne be even better if americans are going to start having that lips circle/ring to enlarge them and feel more connected ot their "roots"
The guy with the talk show that was charged with sexual harassment?
Fuck, google tells me it's Montel Williams, not Micheal Jordan.
This. It's also why I don't use social medias that much. That girl make an obvious joke and people on both sides of the SJW/pol border got triggered.
Look at all that wonderful diversity. Oy gevalt!
Might consider watching this just for based Serkis
Niggers (and many others also colonised by Europeans) unironically believe that there are no natural resources left in Africa because the Europeans took all of them in the
She is truly /ourgal/
Nah fuck Niggers, give them an inch they take a mile then whine you took a lightyear from them. They deserve nothing.
>don't care
>don't care
>don't care
>don't care
>don't care
>don't care
>don't care
>don't care
>Michael Jordan
Is the black panther gonna play basket ball in this movie at some point?