It was better than Logan.
It was better than Logan
Because Logan was actually shit
>watching capeshit
Sorry I'm not a mouth breathing numale or a movie going mexican, faggot
Yeah but Logan was garbage. Fucking meme British villain makes wolverine fight himself but like the younger version lol
Genuinely enjoyed it alot. The fighting when she pulled out her lasso was great. No mans land scene was pure kino
t. paid-shills
>anyone who likes a movie I don't is a paid shill
Stay delusional, reddit.
Even Suicide Squad is better than Logan. It's not that hard.
>a fucking capeshit eater called me reddit
I hope, for your sake, that you're being ironic.
>DCuck calls someone a redditor
Fuck off, Marvel shills.
So we hate Logan now? I guess I should have known since the bluray rip dropped a while back.
Wonder Woman was great and I really liked it, but Logan was better.
Eat a Snickers. You're being a whiny bitch.
>no, you
Heh, nice one, child. You almost made me reply.
We always hated Logan. Fucking shit trying to be meta with those comics
BvS>MoS>>Fassbender X-Men>Wonder Woman>POWER GAP>Suicide Squad>POWER GAP>Disney marlel
Stop that.
In my opinion it was.
Logan felt very average the only good points were X23 and the main deaths.
Wonder Woman had a lot of good scenes.
The Ares plot twist,that i did not expect,the romance could had been omitted but it would had been a missed chance
We know
haven't seen wondies but Logan was shit. Outside of Logan, Professor X, Laura it just sucks. Fox pretty much wasted Hugh Jackman for 20 straight years as Wolverine. I'm happy for Hugh Jackman leaving the X-Men shit show. Wolverine is a great character but X-Men are the new fantastic four and had it's hayday in the 90's
It legit was. This one managed to give us a Wonder Woman movie without butchering the characters like Logan did, both figuratively and literally.