Why is he obsessed with saying nigger in his movies?

Why is he obsessed with saying nigger in his movies?

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its a black male thing

samjack said its okay for him to say nigger so dont worry about it homie

Why is spike lee?

his wife is black in the movie, so its not racist

He is cultured and wears kangol hats

They both worship Scorsese

Sam Raimi wrote this scene

because he wants to be the cool white guy who can get away with anything

he's a secret racist and a Master Troll.

he knows if he lets the black guy win in the end he can be racist to them for 90% of the movie.

He was the original cuck. Probably wrote the whole Sicilians are nigger rapebabies scene from true Romance while masturbating.

He's a black man born in a white man's body, and if a black man says it it's ok.

Always calls everyone niggers in his movies along with a scene with some woman's feet.
What's with this guy?

>do you see a sign outside my house that says 'dead nigger storage'?

Quentins mom used to bang a different black guy every week and young Quentin was mentally disturbed by all the BLACKED action he witnessed as a boy.

his revenge is to make racist movies. Django was his dream come true where he could play a white slave trader and spend months on set ordering black people about and degrading them.

Off the topic, I'm trying to find an old interview of Tarantino on The Tonight Show where he got fucking wasted and was completely wiggered out, but it seems like it's been scrubbed off the fucking internet. Anyone know where I can get it? All I can find is old mentions of it on forums.

Django is the opposite of racist. Its a retarded power fantasy for blacks about revenge against "ebul slavers"

Are you implying that rebeling against your slavers is retarded?
Are you implying that slavery is not evil?
Not even Sup Forums is that retarded, at least they believe that the west's slave masters are the jews.

Nobody liked The Hateful Eight?

he's a racist cuck

yeah he lets Django win in the end, Quentin couldnt have gotten away with racist power fantasy otherwise.

Is this a deleted scene or something?

He's just a little obsessed with black culture. I think it's quite obvious sometimes that he wishes he was black.

no it's in the movie, when Jules calls Wallace
basically an imagined scene, but still sticks out

Obsessed with saying dead nigger.. you men?

Why are we obsessed with saying nigger on an imageboard?

It was the 90s, why are you upset OP?


his name literally translates to "arnold blacknigger"