how many of you will honestly join your countries army if a conflict you agreed with started?
Will Sup Forums go 2 wer?
Already did join the army. I will join a militia if there even is incredible civil conflict but I will never join the federal military again. 2 tours in Iraq and one if the stan. I've done my part.
Bruh noooo this is a Clinton Honeypot
Oh wait you are too
>dying for Israel
>Join Free State army in hopes to see action after Rope Day
>Get posted to Chad to try stop dindus burning little girls alive for being witches
Will probably join the ra desu
For a religious war, yes.
For my country, depends.
Honestly if another major war actually happens there will be a civil war in the US.
Both sides don't want to go to war. The left doesn't want to go to war because they're pansies.
The right doesn't want to go to war because who wants to die for Israel?
Did my tour in ramadi in the marines, after seeing how politics fuck up accomplishments and sacrifices of war. I will never fight for the current government again.
I will fight with my local militia
Already did 4 years, made the mistake of getting out to go to college. Now I'm too old to re-up.
41 year old chef at Wendy's...
I served in the military for a year & not if, but when the time comes, I will be ready to serve not my government, but my people.
>MFW Hillary Clinton becomes president instead Trump
>Not having Trump as my commander in chief
Joining the military soon.
If it means a crusade against Serbs then yes.
Fucking this, I was Army and if I felt this disillusioned years ago I never would of went to begin with. Fuck Washington and honestly fuck our (((ideals)))
I'm not fighting sand niggers. If more comes of North Korea I'll go.
if i agreed with the war and it was a proper, big war, not just some fucking 'bomb third worlders' campaign then yeah m8
Why do so few talk about this? Both Bush and Obama fucked with the mission to manipulate their popularity.
Served. Wish I hadn't. No thanks.
If it's another "oh, Europe can't take care of itself. Let's go help them" (aka ww3), then no.
Other than that, I most likely would.
We work in the shadows, manipulating others.
Why would we personally go to war?
>Joining the Irish Globalist Army