/doag/ Dumbing of Age General

Mid-Day Edition

In case you missed it, Joyce gets teeth bearing angry at Becky wearing a dress.

Also, Becky looks ugly in a dress almost like she looks ugly in everything because she is a guttersnipe

Other urls found in this thread:


That explains the hideous hair cut I suppose

> Girl wearing a dress
> Violated

Tomorrow's strip.

She's not Trans. She just gay. Still doesn't make since why she cares about the dress. Not all gay women are butch.

this should be ripe for the edits

>that hat

Because lesbians and feminists don't wear dresses. They are tools of the patriarchy to emslave womenkind.

>You can't have characters just say how they feel! That makes me angry!

>This is about you
Of course it fucking is.
I don't get the last panel at all. Getting superglue on her dress to have an excuse to change it, then? That doesn't mean shit unless you carry glue and spare clothes everywhere. It's a complete non sequitur.
Is she then implying that she got glue in her hair to have an excuse to cut it short, because she wasn't allowed to have short hair? That also doesn't make sense since just about everybody else in this comic has short hair, including the religious Brown family.

On a side note about hair, Willis should go back to his old shading. The shine he does makes them look like Lego hairpieces.

The point is that Becky has a goofy bulldyke haircut which is generally frowned upon in religious communities.

i like how her mom is the only one making a human reaction, being a bit weirded out by her daughter and walking away

to be fair she says she's uncomfortable before Joyce gets all mad

cannot believe this isn't an edit

Are we really expected to like this character?

>Joyce is having an emotional breakdown
>but that's less important than how Becky feels about Joyce having an emotional breakdown
>Becky status: Cares about Becky

trans girls don't caaaaaaare about being liked, they're an Oppressed Minority so they're immune to criticism, obvs





>that last panel
I can't believe how disgusted I'm feeling

You'd think that someone who supports their mental illness as much as Willis does wouldn't make the trans character a reprehensible, irrationally angry bitch but here we are

>>This is about you
>Of course it fucking is.

Has Joyce done anything for herself or someone else since Becky showed up? Because she's pretty much been relegated to Becky's servant/yes-man. Literally everything she does has to be 100% about Becky now.

Stop posting this shitty comic.

Is "superglue" a euphemism?

So how is she supposed to be likable?

I swear I've seen this already

>This is about you
Fuck this stupid bullshit. You don't ever see Becky showing an ounce of consideration when she regularly makes a scene and makes Joyce's life difficult.

Calling it now

>Becky makes a scene at church
>Joyce for bullshit reasons gets the brunt of the consequences since lesbians are free from ever having to deal with that in Willisland.
>Joyce decides to renounce religion and become a lesbian rather than giving her shitty toxic friend the boot.


Wait, Do Carla's parents own a smartphone company?

We're supposed to feel that the multibillionaire affluenza child is "oppressed" because of gender identity bullshit?

>When Mary damages someone's property with superglue it's pure evil
>When Becky does the same it's wacky and hilarious

>Carla was born with the most privilege possible
>can't handle even the slightest bit hardship without going into a tantrum or full mental shutdown
>you're expected to root for her

This was a good thing to read right before my starting my shift. Just, really fucking amazing

Some notes.

1. Even the text on the phone is in all caps because Willis is too lazy to make things look like what we're accustomed to seeing.

2. Carla's hat is stupid.

3. The last panel is just the first panel with the layers slightly moved.

4. Carla is a terrible excuse for a human being, and I hope Ruth doesn't end up in the hospital because Carla is too lazy and insufferable to actually take the time to worry about someone else, especially someone like Ruthless who genuinely needs someone to help her. Screw you, Carla. If you're so oppressed as a trans person, then you know what it's like to be utterly depressed, and that means you know how Ruth feels like right now. You piece of crap.

Someone should add "and if called on it, call them a bigot".

He said he's not changing anyone's sexuality.

inb4 willis tells us 'oh yeah she was a bisexual all along it just never came up

Good to see this comic still bullshitting as always.

Isn't Danny bi/gay now though?

>'oh yeah she was a bisexual all along it just never came up'

Pretty sure the same thing applies here. I think he's actively avoided explicitly stating sexualities specifically so he can manipulate them and say it's been that way the whole time.

Only a few people have made references to their preferences, and even then, they're not particularly specific. Even the straightest characters have little crushes on people of the same gender.

I would just assume, because Willis is Willis, everyone is bi. Even Becky. Just because no one wants to be a lesbian THAT badly.

Should this be added to the document?

Go for it.


I swear to God, this fucking writing.

But Ruth is a equally shit person too.
>lol, who gives a shit about the rules I'm paid to enforce

>Billie promise never to leave me
>We have to break up so I don't lose my job I'm shit at Billie
>You promised not to leave me, so even though I pressured you to break up with me it was still ultimately your fault Billie

Seriously, this fucking comic.

Me too. His updates sit on the site and are automatically posted, I think an user went through and found a few a while back.

Pretty cheap to just gloss over Becky's interaction with Carol about the dress and only show the aftermath. Becky's whole character is being a rebellious lesbian, but we skip that part just to have Joyce's reaction.

Joyce's outfit looks cute though.

>Phone takes up screen real estate to show you who manufactured it.
I think I can see where Carla got her insufferableness from.

Hey, everyone. It's Becky.

She's a lesbian. Did you know that?

That's true. But she probably doesn't deserve to die. Let her suffer in life.

End of chapter strip.

Make it 2500 word essay for some realism

What's with the noses? Is that just how noses are in their world, one large nostril facing forward instead of two facing downward?

it's supposed to be a harsh shadow but I can see where you could get confused

They're furries.

Carla's a former member of the beagle boys.

Actually googled the comic to make sure it wasn't edited, the slim chance it was a Sup Forums inside joke or something, like censorship for tumblr noses.

That was my 2nd guess.

Well, that's the joke, Andy is nice and loveable, but also pretty dumb.

I mean, he still doesn't even fully grasp the concept of sex.


I don't get why you post this comic in every Willis thread. I'm guessing it's a parody or something? Other than everyone being at college, I'm not sure though. I'm not saying it's a bad strip, by any stretch, but can I get some context (or better yet, an archive)?

Like, post my site in every post?

Nah, I don't wanna get reported for advertising.
But I will link you too it right now for your convienence. freakanimes.com/collegeusa/

Also this is my attempt at making a better college comic than willis, whilst parodying it at the same time.

You're supposed to hate her but admit she's right about everything. Like Mike, back in the days when a white male could get away with it.

Mike was right about everything, though, when he wasn't purposefully lying. Also, he was very rarely intended to be anything more than a joke character, let alone a sympathetic one.

Lots of comics get posted in DoA threads - Funky Winkerbean, Cerebus... basically anything that encourages people to get out of these threads and read something better than DoA (think of it as a community service). College USA certainly fits that bill, but then I can't really think of much that wouldn't aside from maybe SYAC, Sinfest, and Assigned Male.

I'm not gonna lie, I laughed at this.

>SYAC, Sinfest, and Assigned Male

These threads are fucking bad enough.

Willis did a randomly selected April Fool's swap with David Gonterman one year. If nothing else, it proved he isn't even the worst cartoonist named David. All these years later and he still is more coherent than Gonterman.

So, as someone who has no exposure to this comic outside of stumbling ass first into these fucking god awful threads...

It seems like maybe 90%-95% of the cast of this is gay, trans, or both. Is that actually the case? Is this comic written in such a hugboxy world that the author has convinced himself that this minority actually manages to outnumber the straight cis population?

>Willis did a randomly selected April Fool's swap with David Gonterman one year.

You're fucking me.

Gonterman used the opportunity to imply that It's Walky! took place in the same universe as FoxFire. Willis avoided ever mentioning it again.

JOYCE's mom's going to say she approves of Joyce becoming a lesbian. They'll awkwardly kiss and Dina will find out, and Becky will get away with it and not feel guilty because right(Becky).enabled=true

>Becky's mom
is dead. Do you mean Joyce's mom?

No, it's the opposite of that. He was cultured on communion wafers and soundproof foams to keep the Jesus Preaching inside him, and now is so embittered by how his parents raised him, and so desperate to be accepted, that he is directly creating a comic for the very specific niche of tumblr/the internet that wants that kind of faux-accepting LGBT+, anti-racist hug box which is actually just as homophobic and racist but in new and shittier ways, just so that he can feel vindicated in being in complete and total ideological opposition to his parents.

Yeah I meant that
Yeah I know I know

Tell me you've got a link to this.



Lesbians can't wear dresses? How can she be forced to put on a dress? She's not a complete child.

That hugbox existed before Tumblr, on every college campus. When I was in school most of us ignored them. Now they've metastasized.

We should talk to the QC guys about creating Bad Webcomics General. Also, I don't really think it's fair to call Cerberus bad (unless you're referring to the DoA commentator), it's actually pretty fascinating when you look at it through the lens of Dave Sims's battle with schizophrenia.

>I don't really think it's fair to call Cerberus bad
I didn't, I love Cerebus and Funky Winkerbean, actually I was just using them as examples of things that had been posted in DoA threads so we could read something better occasionally.

>How can she be forced to put on a dress?
Was it rape? Also checked.

Believe me, they were the bane of my LGBT friends' existences. Almost all of them were populated by wealthy suburbanites that had taken a handful of courses on the topic and were basically just utilizing it to degrade and belittle people in new and more intricate manners.

There are a lot of LGBT groups and ethnic celebration clubs that are 100% great people who are there to challenge you as much as support you, but those hugboxes were just breeding grounds for the most unbearable kinds of people.

Oh, good god, he didn't realize it was a negative thing.

Oh I see where this going.

There are people who unironically love Becky, and they outnumber us, at least among those Willis is willing to listen to.

Cerberus is not the same thing as Cerebus.

are RA's paid? Always thought they were just student volunteers...

do you have the one Willis drew? also WiiGii? the hell is that?


Here you go.

WiiGii! is Willis' forced meme catchphrase. It's as bad as it sounds.

I don't know why the fuck Ruth would care about keeping her job to the point of breaking up with Billie so Mary didn't have a hold over her if that's the case. She doesn't even seem to get any enjoyment from it.

Make us

Some people are addicted to power.

Who says you're supposed to root for her?

So is Carla the Bruce Jenner of this comic strip?

what the hell was Foxfire about?

Only Gonterman knows.

Actually yes, that's an entirely apt comparison.

Willis's intended audience

>WiiGii? the hell is that?

In IRC around the late 90s, Willis meat to type "Woo Hoo!!!" and wasn't paying attention like a dumbass. So he ended up accidentally typing "Wii Gii"

Instead of going "Whoops, I goofed up" he embraced it and It became his catchphrase.


Hank expressed that he thinks that Becky's dad is an asshole and has wanted to punch him in the face before. He probably has different values than him. Maybe he thinks that looking ridiculous is the consequence of getting glue in your hair, so she gets glue in it so that she can have a one-side cut.

Joyce's parents believe that Becky is a bad influence on Joyce. If Joyce acts up, they might completely cut off contact, which means that Becky loses a huge part of her surrogate family here, which could also have financial consequences (not good for a homeless person.) Joyce doesn't want to argue on Becky's behalf and risk that happening unless Becky wants her to.

You're stupid.

>Carla looks like she has bacon wrapped around her head

This guy doesn't seem so bad.

When the Browns raised their children, they thought that traditional gender roles were very important. Additionally, it is a common stereotype that lesbians are usually masculine.
Carol is making Becky wear a dress because Becky's sexual orientation defies traditional gender roles, and making her adhere to those makes her more bearable, or even changes her, in Carol's eyes (notice how she's not wearing a dress, and probably won't make Joyce wear one.) Whatever her intent, Becky doesn't want to wear the dress (which people can do without having a particular reason) and Carol is trying to hide or change Becky's sexuality instead of accept and love her, which understandably pisses off Joyce.

He's made several attempts at forced catchphrases, like "It's so babies!"



Left to right, top to bottom, assumed or stated sexualities:

straight, straight, straight
bi, straight, bi
straight, gay, straight
asexual?, VERY gay, gay tendencies but might like dudes
straight, pansexual, straight
asexual (and trans), straight, gay tendencies

There are also a bunch of background/recurring characters who are not straight.

Joyce's would-be rapist (Ryan)
At least one of the Rachels (there are two)


Newspaper editor-in-chief (Daisy)

Josh/Jocelyne (unknown orientation)

And that's as much effort as I'm willing to put into this.

If anyone wants to do a count and include other characters, go for it.

>Josh/Jocelyne (unknown orientation)
shes straight, she told ethan