>Women and children only. Shoot all white males.
Women and children only. Shoot all white males
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but sir, why?
white males caused the tragedy, they deserved it to be honest
There will be no dawn for men.
To think that evil white man BruTe Ismay got away with it.
hold on a sec, white males:
>designed the Titanic
>funded the Titanic
>built the Titanic
>piloted the Titanic
>were the only ones who could afford a trip on the Titanic
everybody else should get the fuck off. to be honest,
>b-but sir we are white males
>and its about time we accept our privilege, put the bullet in that hollow, racist heart of mine.
Were there even any blacks on the ship?
>but sir-
In reality he said "women and children first" but other crewmembers misinterpreted his order and wouldn't let men on the lifeboats even if there were empty seats
you forgot
>fucked it up so the Titanic crashed
>Captain please, you're scaring the passengers.
>I see now that we must do our part to purge the toxic masculinity that has doomed this vessel and secure a peaceful future for women and minorities.
>Directed by Joss Whedon
This is why the feudal system was just.
Are we so far into this "literally anything that prioritizes women, children or anything that isn't 20 something white dudes like me" aptitude that the Women and Children first rule is bad for you guys?
This was one of only two recorded instances where this happened
If you find the traditional confines of domesticity and matrimony to be oppressive, then you cannot in good conscious accept the benefits of said systems.
It's a bad rule. Modern evacuation procedures prioritize people who can't escape on their own, such as children and injured or elderly people.
Why should women be favored if we are equal? How is that not sexist? Can they not take care of themselves just as well as man?
>Kill children and save me, the Sup Forums poster instead!
I didn't reference kids, presumably under modern society they would still be considered a priority. I referenced women.
It's the gentleman thing to do. We prioritize our mothers, sisters, daughters and young ladies. Men are usually bigger and take more space, or are suited more to take care of the situation. This is a thing that our grandfathers and their fathers agreed upon because they were real men with decency.
>Ice (((berg)))
Try again
Men have a natural instinct to protect women because they have the ability to create life
It's not hard to get.
MRA getting butthurt now?
are women sith lords?
>Men have a natural instinct to protect women because they have the ability to create life
But my mommy wasn't nice to me and I haven't had a GF yet so fuck you.
wtf do you think coal powered means dipshit
>White woman and Black man first
what were they thinking ?
if you take away white males from the whole Titanic project what would you have left?
women and children stood on a beach wondering what the fuck to do, thats what.
>saving useless old people
Women > Men > children > elderly
men an women can make more kids, so kids can be replaced
kids and elderly aren't very useful to rebuild society in case of disaster
>aptitude that the Women and Children first rule is bad for you guys?
How it is good rule for us you autistic faggot?
id like to see a guy "let me" do anything in a life or death situation
even if he has a gun i'll just say ok sorry then go somewhere else and start killing people until i've got a gun
this is your life on the line are you really going to just sit there and die because frederick the waiter told you to back the fuck off
Uh, thats two sex affair
I'd agree, but thats because I'm a sexist, because its based of a sexist system, which is fine, because its true.
In the current year it would be "Women and minorities only"
>let me tell you a story about how I cucked your grandfather with a hobo potato nigger
What would your granny say user?
I identify as an agefluid female (she/her), remove yourself from my path Captain Bigot
Because children should always be the priority and yes women do edge out men in priority on a situation like that.
if you took JEWS from the Titanic project what would we have?
You still didnt answear my question, how is dying good for me?
In a culture in which women behaved as ladies and generally knew their place, I wouldn't have much of an objection to this sort of thing; but today I don't see the point at all. Honestly it's offensive to think I should die for some diseased whore just because she has a fuckhole between her legs.
if you took WESTERN EUROPEAN ASHKENAZI jews from the jewish community what would we have?
I'll support this rule as soon as women give up the right to vote and traditional marriage is restored. Women's privileges are one side of a social contract. With men's privileges gone it's immoral for women to keep them.
Billy Zane did nothing wrong
All this reminds me of is the Costa Concordia disaster where the FUCKING WHITE MALES forced their way into the boats.
Why would I sacrifice my life for some woman I dont even know?
But in the remake there will be
>B-but you would feel like good person while dying in agony and maybe you will go to heaven n shieet
there are billions of women on the planet, a few dozen women dying is hardly going to stop the human race from reproducing now is it?
out of the way bitch, that lifejacket is mine
Iceberg was minding its own business before the white captain drove his ship against it
>Ocean explorer, have I ever told you about my former fiancé, Caledon Hockley. He once took me on a luxurious trip aboard the most majestic vessel created by man. A great man of many virtues and success, he used to pamper me and shower me with expensive gifts, basically treating me like a Queen. Oh, he loved me so very dearly and with utter loyalty, this made me hate his guts and thus I was even considering suicide just to escape from his kindness and affection. I showed him how grateful I was by cheating on him with a poor lower-class bum, who hadn't taken a bath in month and had achieved nothing of worth in his entire life. After spreading my legs for him, I watched him die horribly in freezing water, from the comfort of a piece of wood that had room for two but that I kept only for myself. I'm telling you this, because even though I've only known this bum for a couple of days and I now have a loyal husband, loving children and grandchildren, even to this day, the thrill of cheating with a dirty no-gooder just to spite Cal and watching the life escape from his eyes as his body shut down from agonizing hypothermia is still the best memory of my life and still gives my old vagina shivering tingles. I stole one of Cal's most valuable diamond necklaces, but not before leaving him a gratuitous letter filled with poisonous insults, and after we made it back to shore, I never talked to him again. Cal killed himself shortly afterwards due to financial distress. Although the diamond necklace is still to this day worth an immense fortune and holds significant historical value for you, I just threw it in the ocean on a whim 5 minutes ago. Did you know it belonged to the great King Louis XVI? I can't imagine the trouble Cal went through just to obtain it for me. He was a good fiancé.
>kids and childless man and women first
that's how it should be, those that already passed the genes can die, those who didn't can live to do it in the future
Good job (((icebergstein))), 5 shekels has been deposited to your New York bank account
>not white
pic related is am engineer
That's how it starts. The fever. The rage. The feeling of powerlessness that turns good men cruel.
>He was a good fiancé
Not a surprise. If women don't behave in a manner worthy of respect then men aren't going to respect them.
Half the crew and the captain were total cowards, I can't believe they didn't get the death penalty.
Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside
Someone please post webms of refugee boats sinking and drowning
So would they have shot the Irish then or not?
I'd german suplex dumb bitches just to get my spot.
equality bitch
>Who are jew?