Why is western world destroying itself?
What do you get from it?
Why is western world destroying itself?
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Id fuck her in the ass of you know what I mean
i just want a qt jp gf
KGB used multiculturalism to bring down the West. It just took so long the Soviets collapsed before they could take advantage.
Nice proxy
>The country that won't fuck
>destroying itself
Said OP, moments after stepping off the plane, ready to start his new life as an English teacher.
This desu
Let me into your country so I can spread my seed with my BWC. I will save Nippon.
You made this thread yesterday and god BTFO. highlights inclide
>Tiny dick
>low birthrate
>so beta Japs hire women to cuddle with
>Being Americas bitch
>Ugly gook women
Kill yourself you race mixing faggots.
I don't even care if your an aussie / burger cunt.
The damage it does to the kids is irreparable.
Personally I think it's a small mix of things
Humans seem to have an inability to live 'equally' and peacefully together, although we have great potential it's a societal problem
Media, government, capitalism, greed and 'human nature' are the route of humanities problems.
They are obviously what gel our society together but you can easily take a look throughout 'history' and repeatedly see our behaviors as a species are irrational, violent and quite detrimental to our own kinds progress
Millenia's have passed and we can't even look past the colours of our skin, let alone solve more complex issues
Can't wait to die and transcend back into my alien form
I should also add no actual Japanese people use Sup Forums so you are likely an American with a proxy or a foreigner teach English there
The top 1% gains tons of money out it, they control everything.
They've sold out the american people, and there is nothing that can be done about it at this point.
>only girl I ever had sexual relations with was a fobby Chinese chick who just wanted to stick it to her parents by dating a white guy
oh well
Are you talking about yourself?
Go to a mcdonalds or wallmart or wherever the fuck it is you find dates in America.
Akarin is worst Yuri.
Kill yourself inbreeder.
>American calling someone else inbred
we get an enemy to crush
how do you get through high school and uni without women throwing their pussy at you
even autists can do it
you dont even need to say anything
>one of the most genetically diverse countries on earth
lel what?
Europeans claim we have no white people and that they are ALL mixed(untrue but whatever) but now they claim we are ALL inbred too?
Typical retarded Europoor doing mental gymnastics. Europe is the land of inbreeding, especially the UK and Iceland, deal with it.
Go rape your sister again Cletus.
Marxists keep pushing their agenda and they're slowly getting what they want: the destruction of Western Civilization.
If you kill your enemies, they win. -JUSTin Trudank
you ever fucked a barrel dripping wet with cosmoline, limey? You will never know how it feels to slide in it with ease and then clear the jam, sweat and lubricant filling the chamber.
>you will never hold your gunfu tight as you fall asleep to operate the next fay
The only thing I fucked was your mum m8.
An excuse to come over there and help you guys with your population problem.
I went to a "special" high school and commuted to university
that pretty much takes care of it
the post
I was raised by a glock, fucktard. My real mum left me as an orphan, putting me in a basket at the front of a gun store when I was only two months old. My glock mum isn't even allowed in your country you stupid fucking nigger. KYS PLEASE
we get to say that when we're bound and gagged by the religion of peace and about to be executed, our last thoughts will be "at least no one can say I'm racist"
Man, this picture confused the fuck out of me.
it's not what we get
it's what (((THEY))) get
And the Japs get more Aussie POWs to eat.
"Tachibana, known to his staff as a sadistic, alcoholic commander, issued an order that all American prisoners of war (downed aviators) be killed.
Two prisoners were beheaded in a public ceremony and per an account in Time Magazine, their livers were immediately cut from their bodies and served as sukiyaki. It was not disputed that eight prisoners of war were executed, and some of the bodies were butchered by the division’s medical orderlies and portions were eaten by the senior staff of the Japanese garrison."
Oishii ^-^
>human liver sukiyaki
I ain't gonna lie, I'd eat it