Where does Sup Forums get their news from?
Who is the least biased?
Where does Sup Forums get their news from?
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I use a variety to kind of even everything out, they're all shills but more sources is the best you can't get.
is it wrong to get news 100% from Sup Forums? I trust you guys
We are NEVER wrong.
I usually keep my TV on MSNBC all day. Mostly out of laziness and Morning Joe.
Also funny to watch the opposition rage and shit themselves over that mean ol Trump fella.
CNN is the least biased. That doesn't make them the most credible though.
fash the nation and other TRS stuff
Sup Forums
The thing about using Sup Forums as a news source is that you'd think it's completely biased, there's so much counter-signalling and shilling going on that you end up learning all the other side's talking points and news stories anyway.
>Clinton News Network
They are the 9th largest donor to her campaign
boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/
I always find out about happenings here way before the MSM talks about them
honestly Sup Forums is my news source.
if it's not important enough to get posted here, it's not important enough to care about.
cnn is as bad as msnbc. both are garbage.
its best to cross reference data and remove any obvious opinions that have nothing to do with facts
i prefer bloomberg, forbes, cnn money, cnn, the department of labor and statistics web site, the irs web site, the fbi web site and the one for gdp growth specifically bea.gov
1.2% gdp growth last quarter and adjusted 1st quarter only at 0.8%. thats fucking pathetic. alex jones and steph give some good critiques on things but i dont take their word at face value. i require another source to verify
if anything they give the other side easy attention by spamming their posts with replies
Taki Mag
Zero Hedge
Drudge Report
Info wars if you don't take alex too seriously. He also has awesome reporters working for him.
Also breitbart and drudge
I get all my news from twitter and Sup Forums.
Now you might think that's a bad idea, but I'm not getting news from the posts themselves, but the links and sources that are posted here, which there are many of. Sup Forums acts as a great news aggregator because dissemination and commentary helps with going through multiple sources and news articles much quicker.
Twitter can also be good but you have to follow the right groups and there's still a lot of shilling going on there.
Drudgereport Is by far the bet.
Yahoo Canada sometimes has interesting stories on it. Yahoo U.S. is trash.
>OMG a news channel don't cater to my favorite politician???
Alex and Infowars will talk about anything, true or not
at the very least though you can be sure the truth got covered somewhere
To be honest I get my news from Sup Forums but I don't believe it unless the source checks out and if enough people are saying the same thing.
Sup Forums, just Sup Forums
Infowars first.
Then Sup Forums to sort it out.
FOX if there is a minor happening.
FOX Business if there is a serious happening.
CNN and MSNBC after debates to listen to and gauge butthurt.
They're too busy catering to Shillary
MSNBC actually plays Trump ads, I couldn't imagine CNN doing that.
This is what I do, and it paints a pretty grim picture of the world, when viewed with unbiased eyes.
The only redpilled answer is to look at multiple outlets on any issue, then use what you've learned from Sup Forums, basic research, and your own judgement to piece together an accurate picture.
A good combination is CNN, FOX, WaPo, RT, Al-Jazeera, and Haaretz. AP is solid too for leads, as is Reuters, just don't trust them.
BBC, (((Breitbart,))) and the NYT are good too, but apply the same rule to them as all other outlets, keep your bullshit filter on at all times and don't fall into the trap of just nodding/agreeing just because whatever you're reading supports your beliefs.
I read the bbc, idk why its awful biased trash, but better written than american and canadian news sources
I've found that to get an actually fairly balanced view of news (from a coverage and opinion point of view) I watch the furthest left American news outlet I can (super left MSNBC) and the furthest right American news outlet (the moderately right FOX News), once you see what both "extremes" are saying, you can judge that the truth falls somewhere in the middle, although Fox (though admittedly right-LEANING) is probably the most balanced news network on television in the States.
RT for general headlines
Sup Forums to discuss them
CBC to rage
Go to the source:
Cspan radio
Hey can I please get a rightwing equivalent recommendation for NPR? I grew up listening to it and have occasionally tuned in solely for its classical and jazz music nowadays, but theres just too much pandering.
Any good radio stations in this vein that are right wing or at least willing to highlight more than just leftwing shit?
At least Don Lemon still loves White Males
My mom has the TV on MSNBC all day more or less.
But holy fuck do they support Hillary and demonize Trump hardcore.
Like fuck at least try to be a tiny, tiny bit impartial.
But I can't think of any news sources that aren't anyway so whatever.
And then I get my daily dose of super right wing news from Sup Forums.
I try to take literally everything I hear with a grain of salt unless it's a primary source though.
Primary sources being stuff like the candidate's facebook or twitters or whatever.
>once you see what both "extremes" are saying, you can judge that the truth falls somewhere in the middle
oh no no no no
you're incredibly amazingly stupendously dumb
Do you remember when the catholics and the proddies were fighting in europe? Do you think "the truth" was somewhere between those two extremes of the time? Pro tip: it wasn't
oh god I think I just got an ulcer from your terrific idiocy
/r/Politics, completely unbiased
Anderson Cooper also loves White Males
that absolute mad man
FOX is an interesting study in how insane the world has become. They were literally founded to shill for Neocons, but between how extreme the left has become, and the revolt of people like Hannity, Oreilly, and Cavuto against the network party line, they looped back into sanity starting at about the Baltimore riots.
Nobody else was actually interviewing average blacks, cops, or covering the looting, and I think Trump gave many at FOX a new purpose.
Know the biases of where you get your information from, then look for other sources which have opposing biases and make up your mind. It's the only decent way to get a clear picture of what's going on without being there yourself.
For that you're still stuck with mostly Rush. If you live in the PNW, Lars Larson can be based, but focuses way too much on local issues for my taste. (((Savage))) is always a good time, but can be a bit obnoxious and autistic sometimes, even for a Sup Forumsack, and he shills for Israel and muh 6 gorillion a bit too much, though there's plenty of gold there also.
>MSNBC actually plays Trump ads
RT and Zerohedge
god I fucking hate CBC. I remember when the election was going on and they were ripping on Harper and all my friends told me they were shilling for him because it's a GOVERNMENT network.
Democratic governors and CNN anchors
In the Mario Cuomo family, more connections than Tony Soprano
Sup Forums, RT, pzf, and Breitbart
Anyone with a leaf on their flag.
I don't get any news. I just watch the source. Since literally all the news nowadays IS DONALD SAID A VAGUELY RACIST STATEMENT, or DID DONALD REALLY MEAN THIS, or my perennial favorite, DONALD JUST RELEASED A NEW TWEET HOW WILL THIS AFFECT THE ELECTION.
Unless its a Habbening, in which case Sup Forums has me covered, literally all the news today can be obtained from following Donald on twitter, watching his rallies, and watching his interviews. Think about that for a second. There has literally never been a more accessible candidate.
I get all my news from here. Everything I see posted here I take as fact.
I like them, but cmon now
They're nice for a different perspective
Everyone is biased.
So you get news from all sources to cancel it out.
doesn't get much more comfy than Fash The Nation
Whats with the Fuckin Moolees?
They are all biased.
When you don't see the bias it is because they are reflecting your own.
ARIRANG is the only news I can watch without talking back to the screen
Arirang is also biased, but their bias is aimed at the Japanese so they don't make me rage
They run some story reminding people the Japanese raped Korea at least once a week.
It is kinda the British and mentioning Germany, it triggers their Nazi Tourette’s.
Also: I follow news stories, not networks.
When something catches my attention I read/watch multiple sources, helps to compensate for all the bias.
Well I also read local news but you know who runs those
>tfw no irl friends to talk about white genocide with
MSNBC is a joke
Bill Still
All sources are biased, read as many sources as you can an learn to distinguish it so you can pick out the objective facts yourself.
Sky News
Sup Forums
Thanks I'll check em out.
>not sifting through shit on Sup Forums every day to find diamonds
Report of the Week
whaaaaat ttttttthhhheeeeeee ffffuuuuuuuuuuucccccccckkkk
>Sifting through planets of shit for hours just to find one diamond or one single laugh
a bit of serious advice: read the bible, start to finish, over and over again, and pray every day upon waking and upon lying down to sleep.
repent of your sins and pray for wisdom. your eyes will be opened to see the truth revealed in everything. the ultimate redpill. you will see the subtext in all that is said and unsaid no matter how despicable the news source.
They're also always late.
>Coup in turkey is already a failure
>We have report of a coup in turkey
NPR and Sup Forums
I think that's a good combination for getting both sides of everything.
thats what he said
>When two men are fighting and the wife of one of them intervenes to drag her husband clear of his opponent, if she puts out her hand and catches hold of the man by his privates, you must cut off her hand and show her no mercy.
>Deuteronomy 25:11
I see, everything is clear to me now
I get news from many sources then read between the lines to get what the actual truth is, if possible.
But all mainstream media is lies.
Go away
>#ClintonNewsNetwork is above absolute shit
Basically this, but its more of an opposite filter. If every outlet is saying something almost identical, its bullshit and I should look as closely as possible at sources. If a bunch of sources a reporting on the same thing but at unique angles it happened basically how the sources line up
BBC is my go to for quick morning headlines
the rest is mainly aggregated from different news applications really, at this point the level of shilling, propaganda, and censorship by omission in traditional televised and journalistic news outlets has gotten to the point where I'm just trying to find someone who will actually report on world events.
Associated Press
Propaganda aside you will at least avoid guardian levels of censorship and get some sort of information on global events.