Do you love Japan?

Do you love Japan?

Other urls found in this thread:

are the Japanese organizing a lynch mob against him yet?

Nobody is genuinely upset about it.
He didn't do anything wrong.

he is very ugly and bald and yet he smashes many many underage girls

there is enough of that crap all over cyberspace don't bring these people here pls


who is he?

as long as you keep making those cartoons and and reliable cars you are alright

social media bigshot

threads like these is the real reason why Sup Forums is going down to the gutters

The resemblance is uncanny


This dude looks like he got so much pussy in highschool & college. the epitome of the chad

Only white college students are upset


Some of it seems alright.


I want to impregnate Japan.

Up up

Did this make the news in japan?

at least he's so much bad it's entertaining, in a way

Hair looks like

We really don't give a sh*t about him.

Japanese have lost their once honorable soul.

better version

JUST scourge my shit up senpai

This is Tommy Wiseau's levels of bad acting

I don't get it? so he filmed a dead guy in a suicide forest and people got mad? Is that it?

Why did he come to Japan to film dead body when he can see dead niggers on any street in USA

fucking kek

>become filthy rich by making silly short videos
Really makes you wanna tie a noose.

this stuff is not for filming
but i saw his raw curiosity, everyone else would have done the same

proof that social media and attention whoring truly is unhealthy

well he did that, monetized it while preaching to his viewers about how suicide is bad

> everyone else would have done the same
This is what I was thinking. He's being condemned by people who made the exact same type of video, walking through that very same forest with a camera and hoping to find a body somewhere to film.
Is it just because he didn't act somber or some shit?

Because suicidal beta japs are funnier than just niggers killed in a gunfight

Based Japan

For you.

Those are some really disgusting mcmansions

how are these people so bad at managing money? if i got rich off something so unstable, my first instinct wouldn't be to buy a giant house.

I'm even black and I know I should put 90% of it into mutual funds.

I love how all these youtubers are coming out to slam the Logans for this video. As if by doing so, they are achieving something.

All of them just fell for the narrative that the "Logan brand" is trying to push. That these kids are spontaneous, unpredictable devil-may-care bad boys that do crazy reckless things like this.

The reality is that these boys are making so many people so much money that every action they do is scripted by their managers and stakeholders. Do you really think their managers would let them do anything that would be harmful to their profit?

Uploading this video wasn't a reckless decision made on the spur of the moment by these kids. A group of suits, smart people, sat down, figured out how this action would affect their image, how much of a backlash it would cause, how much publicity it would bring them, weighed up the risk versus reward, and gave the go ahead to carry out this "reckless, sponteneous incident", the outrage, and the associated apology.

And you are going to see people like Pewdiepie, H3H3, DeFranco and other people who live in this strange symbiotic relationship with people like the Logans coming out, doing their little spiel of "ugh this is reckless ugh this is irresponsible ugh ugh ugh" and tacking on a little feel good message about suicide and getting help. And they are going to get clicks and views and placate their audience of cynical Gen Xers. And then you are back at square one.

It's all a play. It's all scripted. Another piece of juicy drama that sustains e-celeb culture.

Things like Logan Paul and the H3H3s that "react" to them form a symbiotic relationship. Each one services the other.

Japs don't really seem to care.

>he buys a huge ass McMansion
literally single hit rapper/nig tier

They do care

literally /OURGUY/

Based Paul.


I’m seeing a little similarity here...



planning on going over there in the coming months
blow some of my savings

he was the only handsome jew in the world, sad!

"Hirhir! Did joo get a beeb surgiri aswerr arice?!"

Yeah the cycle is one that I'm not too big of a fan of. I get the feeling that Defranco, H3H3, other smaller youtuber live off of and secretly love this shit. I mean at the end of the day they have an excuse to make a video about logan paul which gets them mad amounts of views. Sure they may demonitize their videos about logan paul but who cares when you may bring thousands upon thousands of new subscribers who would possibly view your other videos. To be honest the best response I saw was from Markiplier from all places who didn't bring up logan paul or try to make some slide remark about him and his video but instead simply posted a suicide hotline number and information because he didnt want to attract any attention towards logan but instead to suicide in general. Actually now that I think about it neither of these youtubers responding with shitty "look at me and see how much I shit on logan paul" type posts never actually care for the suicide victim itself. they faint caring for the victim but really at the end of the day they care more about the publicity that they will get from hating logan and his shitty video.

呪い と 祟り について そしてその違い

This is a divine punishment he deserves it.

>Perfectly parallel with the table
You mean perpendicular?

can someone link the thread with 200+ replies frome earlier this day please?
cant find it anymore

I really prefer to be represented by the brown goblin than by this guy. that's uncomfortable I feel looking at this guys face.

He looks like a penis with a bunch of hay on top

This guy is a dumbfuck but the huge backlash he got from all the youtube drama queens is just ridiculous. It's pretty pathetic how they all just wait for the right time to jump on the hate bandwagon only to basically say the same things over and over. Even sadder is that it probably won't affect that logan dude in any way. Bet he's feeling pretty chad right now

Are you autistic by any chance?

Stop giving this attention-starved kike your shekels. You're all being played by (((them))).

Literally 50% Jewish, yet nuchan sucks his circumcised cock.


He's probably banned from Japan at this point.
