Is it possible for a woman to be redpilled? If so how do you meet them? Trump rallies?
Redpilled women
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maybe an indifferent one, one who cares only about her family
woman redpill = fucking a guy who is redpilled
whoever a woman fucks is who ever her allegience is tied, that's why crackers are so pissed all these redpilled aryan bitches suck so many black dicks and tale black seed
Is it possible? Yes.
Naturally? Yes, albeit younger women can only be shifted to the righr via conversion to libertarianism.
Church. Not even joking. Especially an Eastern European church.
Wrong, some of us do think freely.
You mean you grew up with a conservative father?
This. Women are actually easy to persuade but you must be firm.
yes, with reason and logic, if they are of that breed of women that can actually think and reason.
Women do what you say. Everyone here gets mad at women because they have a fantasy of an egalitarian marriage and they know that women are too stupid for that. Women are literally your clay. They're not men, if you give them a reason they will listen to you.
Pretty much this. Look for calvinist/presbytirian/lutheran etc. The hard core reformed churches are all white and very antijew. They hide it in public but among friends "The jews did 911 and black people are gods curse"
>My mom hates niggers
>Gays & Lesbos
>She's been working hard all her life but used her brains for business and ended up making a ton of money
Is my mom cool or what?
> Get /fit/
> Get deus vult
> Take woman
> Woman adopts your views
That is how it works.
Girls are not redpilled, until someone would do this. This is possible, but you shouldn't expect someone else will do this instead of you.
Hi Jillian please be in London
A woman is incapable of having thoughts of her own.
She parrots whatever males around her tell her to think.
If she hangs out with beta cuck numales, she will have liberal views.
But if she hangs out with alpha Chads, she will be redpilled.
But know that even if she seems redpilled on the surface, her opinion changes like the wind and will go wherever she's told to go.
Your mom was cool in bed.
Yes, but the mind of a woman isn't exactly like a man's. Being red pilled is one thing, but if she notices that you enjoy her being red pilled, she WILL make sure she develops into a blue pill just to spite you, so you will always have to check her on that. The woman's primal urge is to disobey the man and cause him grief. While the woman can be naturally red pilled, as soon as your penis goes inside of her, her primal urges take hold of her and her mind goes to ruining your life slowly with every little bit and to undermine you.
Some women give into this temptation and become succubi, others fight it and try to stay strong to their beliefs (very rare, but usually these ones are your sweetspot girls), and some others have male companions that keep them in line.
Yeah, but they're almost never blondes, unless from the country.
okay, the term "redpill" on Sup Forums is extremely fucking vague
some of the shit people come out with is just irrational and emotionally-driven
girls interested in politics, are what 90% of Sup Forums would consider "red-pilled"
our system is very transparent if you do a little bit of digging
>mudskins hating mudskins
Is it possible for you teenagers to stay on your own board?
Hard left ones? Nothing short of getting raped or repeatedly mugged by a minority would change their views.
Otherwise, you'll have to find one that is somewhat redpilled and be consistent.
No. Women are bluepilled by nature, it's literally in there DNA
Can't wait for summer to be over
I have a South African girlfriend
She lived in SA for 18 years and hates blacks because she knows what they are like
I've managed to convince her Muslims are scum as well and she believes it
Redpilled girls are the only ones you should ever date
fuck this meme
Lol My familys from SA we all hate blacks now, love it when my mom calls them nigger or kafers when she see them on tv.
post menopause women can be redpilled,
God damnit, Tyrone !
Take care for your children once, you could have prevented this !
holyshit, she's so good looking it actually hurts my soul.
>degenerates have invaded Sup Forums