Most women would be fuckable if they had a little self control.
Most women would be fuckable if they had a little self control
Men are more likely to be obese than women
a fat woman looks worse than a fat man
Men are more likely to be bigger and weigh more yes because they are bigger, bodyfat percentage women are more likely to be obese.
False. Women are more likely to be Hambeast.
Women wouldn't be fat if men didn't advocate for the HIGH TEST meme. Thick girls are only thick because men made it popular that that figure is attractive.
You have only yourself to blame.
Most fat women get fucked anyway. What is their incentive to change?
high test is only a recent thing. women have been whales for a much longer time
And "muh genetics" is bullshit. Pic related are twins.
Who's the cumdumpster in the right?
I don't even care about the fatties too much, it's the lack of control of shitty bitchy attitude and know all but always wrong running off of the mouth that shits me.
Such women remind me of the posters here who are compelled to post whatever old shit in every thread.
There is literally nothing wrong with being quiet and listening.
But some men like women like that, so your standard of what's "fuckable" means fuck all.
>remind me of the posters here who are compelled to post whatever old shit in every thread.
>There is literally nothing wrong with being quiet and listening.
you're a fucking disgrace to your flag
They mean two different things. Reported
On Sup Forums and the internet, yes, but it's been going on for quite a while IRL. Not to mention men are letting feminazis go wild. If you put women in check we wouldn't have this problem.
Tow thirds of American women are fat or obese,
I always pretend fat women don't exist irl, I consider being fat poor hygiene thing and laziness.
Greed too.
True, the one on the right could learn to eat a sandwich. She looks practically anorexic. Absolutely disgusting.
The one on the left though.....
>not wanting a thicc qt gf to cuddle with
the thicc one looks fine, would be better if she was more pear shaped though desu, that makes my dick diamonds
I am from Fiji
That's 100% false? Women can still be hot, curvy, store their fat properly. Men just look shit when fat, always.
Girl is 16 btw.
This looks so ridiculously unappealing. The shape of her tighs alone is shit. And she has no hips.
who is she
>Women can still be hot, curvy, store their fat properly
land whale spotted
Sup Forums has ruined me
I keep on rejecting girls for all manner of shit now
to a very limited extent. Any woman above 30-35% BMI looks like pure whalemeat
Have fun reading the white knight comments too
I see a lot less cellulite on fat guys than women. So you're wrong
fat boy speaks
>muscle girls
Enjoy your rampant narcissism.
Damn lighting and posture sure helps a lot
>Women can still be hot, curvy, store their fat properly.
you tell em!
Reminder that the biological trade-off between male and female attractiveness is that men cannot pull off being /thicc/, but also age far better than women if they take care of themselves.
she lost her son and it motivated her to lose weight last i heard she was down to 290 lbs from 420 lbs.
Was she hoping he was in there somewhere?
What the hell is the problem here? She is effectively calling attention to feminist men being glaringly deranged. And BTW, she's just chunky, not jabba-landwhaleish.
who is this spunk punk?
That's her pants size, right?
Jesus, so many nu-male cucks in this thread.
"Thou shall not disgrace thine fair ladies, swine!"
Fucking fags.
But I'm sure her cock is fucking massive user. I saw her legs and wanted to upchuck.
did she eat him?
Nothings wrong with a girl that is a little chubby.
I'd take a chubster over a muscle bitch any day of the week, desu
Its okay one day when they're getting actively cucked by some mestizo knuckle dragger they'll learn the error of their ways. I really don't understand why this is even a fucking thing because women find that shit repulsive. This over sensitive safe space nu male faggotry is going to be the end of shit or hopefully a new beginning.
Is is possible for a girl to become a cuck?
little? try getting in shape its a lot of work, now if you dont mean perfect bodies but closer to it than overweight, i giess its correct
>Enjoy your rampant narcissism.
true, but they are still sexy
why of course, my friend. Read this and see for yourself
youd expect it tobe the other way... wth
Just femanons denying facts as usual.
There used to be couples before/after pics on /b and /pol. A pic of a fit couple in their early 20's and another couples pick a few years later - and I mean 2 or 3 - where the girl had ballooned but the guy looked the same. Wish I saved some pics.
ugly feet detected
top kek
some instagram model
i had it a while ago, forgot her name tho
she posted on reddit fitness a while ago about how she lost all that weight
sh'es only like16 tho warning
>fat gf
>used to be fit qt
>says she wants to get thin again
>goes "running" a few times a week (really just elliptical)
>still always eats chips, chocolate, ice cream, and every sort of junk food regularly
>she might have actually gained weight
should i just give up and be gay
Now I know what's eating Gilbert Grape!
liposuction, make her pay for it tho