Brett Baier caught putting mustard in a water bottle at RNC

>Brett Baier caught putting mustard in a water bottle at RNC

>Mustard water is a common technique used by bulimics to induce vomiting

>Baier lost 50 pounds after years of yo-yo dieting

What are the implications hmmm

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He literally said he did it to fuck with Colbert.

>this is what he said

...Or to save face? Lot a pressure too look good, he's on television every day.

He runs over. Looks directly at the camera and runs off.

What did he mean by this?

I take it he's looking and walking off because he didn't notice it at first and was embarrassed

True. Baier confirmed for 16 year old girl

I love how Roman brands of hedonism have been repackaged with a fucking victim label.

K, this was rude n male eating disorders are not funny but it another thread an user was joking he was pressured into sex for his place on the news so if he really is bulimia suffering i do feel bad

>roman brands of hedonism

you mean over eating a throwing it up in general?

it is my education bulimia is a mental disorder

who gives a shit? let the guy do what he wants. Is thsi a slide thread or are you really a gossip bitch? fuck you

Dude, this shit is just sad and proves that EVERYONE has their dark secrets, skeletons in the closet.

I had anorexia when I was 16 until I was hospitalized at 17 and seeing Colbert call this guy out and laugh at him for his issue really gets me.

He'd look a lot better without his caveman face.

I like Brett Baire. He does a solid job of keeping things grounded in reality and going full tilt shill.

*not going full tilt shill.

i am in fact a massive gossip fag, and the only place i can do this is here because I don't want people irl to know i'm weird and obsessive shhh

I thought it was funny at first until someone pointed out the bulimia thing. It stopped being funny immediately. And I'm sorry about what happened to you user, hope everything got better for you.

It was very popular for Rome's elite. They would gorge themselves and then throw up immediately afterwards to make room for more.
I don't see much of a distinction between that and what's happening now. Anorexia is a different matter. THAT shit is fucked up.

Right, but I don't get how repackaging is a bad thing in this case. It's got a proper, classified label now as a mental disorder. Most people with it don't realize they have it even. There's lot's of things that happened in Ancient Rome that have a proper label now, that's not a bad thing.

Aww I want to be his friend now

The thing is that it's repackaging it as a self-image issue, when the issue is an obsession with constant gratification and indulgence.

That Explains Cankles. Before she can Spend it All, she wants More.

Awww, we should accept him for who he imagines himself to be.

It's the right thing to do.

Barf your brains out, Brett!

Tweet him and tell him you know his secret, and say he has to be your friend in exchange for silence. You'll get him on something, I'm sure, if not this

>then share secret here anonymously

Isn't that just some pop history myth?

If I understand eating disorders, he either imagines himself as being a failure and extremely obese, or as very very thin but not yet perfect thinness

either way that isn't... good...

I hate shit like this
I don't like Fox but leave the man alone it literally has nothing to do with his job
If he wants to let a woman with a strap-on destroy his asshole he's more than welcome to do it and the left won't even write an article on it so why is this being thrown around?
Every fucker in the senate does coke and there are plenty of video of it but they don't blast that all over the news do they?

calm down buddy, we know the news was the wrong priorities sometimes and I admitted I just love gossip

I for one am hoping that the Hogan case will slowly make this stupid shit more uncommon. These cunts ruin lives out of malice while using the first amendment as a fucking fig leaf.

>be fat
>people tell you to lose weight
>lose weight
>people criticise the way your lost weight

what? he drinks mustard to get over being a whore? elaborate

bulimia sufferes are special, no one else gets depressed

glad you maked it yo

I don't like that cunt, and it's not because he has an eating disorder, he just strikes me as dishonest

>K, this was rude n male eating disorders are not funny

The fuck are you doing in Sup Forums, faggot?


What a fucking weirdo

Ha. No, those are two separate things.

I feel bad if he really did turn to bulimia to lose weight.

In another thread about the RNC convention, and user told me he heard from someone else on here that Baier was pressured into sex for his position on tv or something like that idk it was weird tho

>men are incapable of experiencing body image disorders, and those that do should be ignored


>those that do should be ignored

Yes, for acting like women. Or better yet, shamed.

Yes. Vomitorium meant a place to spew forth. But this referred to the entrances of theatres, etc. where people spewed forth into a venue.

Just because vomit is in the word doesn't mean it meant then what it means now.

my compassion stores are low today

in fact, I can't even give one fuck about a reasonably handsome corrupt empty headed talking head

The myth is that it's what the Vomitoriums are for, but it was still done.

Suetonius talks about this issue with Emperor Vitellius (16 April 69 – 22 December 69)
"He always ate three meals a day, sometimes four: breakfast, dinner, supper, and a drunken revel after all, which he was able te bear very well, by reason of regular vomiting."
From the tone Suetonius takes in this passage he makes it appear as though behavior is either uncommon or at least frowned upon by others, but I can't say for sure. I will look for a couple more sources and edit my post if i find anything else.
-Rome The Autobiography by Jon E. Lewis

The strange thing is, I get where you are coming from, but women too often hide the issues that face men, especially those that effect them more often and it isnt cool or fair in any way

anyway, this is an user image board, please say how you feel because i certainly will

It means that liberals are hypocrites who on the down low, make fun of people with eating disorders if they disagree with them.

I always do, unless rusing

there are many terrible mental and physical illnesses

it's not special if some well-paid shill happens to share yours

lots ofpeople have low self esteem, read the power of positive thinking,m and replace every menton of Christ or God with Kek

may dubs bless you, faggot

All this because I'm a gossip fag?

Ya'll know I'm not bulimic. Or at least let me tell you now.

>it isnt cool or fair in any way
No, but life isn't necessarily cool and it definitely isn't fair. Get fucking used to it.

I don't think men generally suffer from anorexia or bulimia, but in our feminized culture it's become an issue. These faggots need role models, not psychiatric help.

fire up those sjw twitters, how dare colbert mock a man for having a disease.

I watch his show every other day.
Brett seems to be a pretty good news guy.

>life isn't fair
>i don't want to talk about it even in a place where it won't matter the least

i wish this happened.

I don't know how some people don't watch certain anchors, I just watch whoever is on and flip between news stations.

But news culture isn't huge here, our news is government regulated.


I don't mind daytime news Fox anchors all that much and most of the time I just use the channel for background noise. It's when the prime time pundits come on that I sometimes tune out and turn off the TV, depending on what's being talked about and who the guests are.

I don't think so. We talked about roman architecture in my Latin classes, and I recall floor plans of large houses with Vomitorium rooms.

Latin teacher specifically mentioned these rooms and their purpose for gorging during parties then vomiting so you could go and enjoy more.

for some reason this made me want to look at his twitter, and all the posts by him are so awkward

he retweeted someone who insulted him

i have a feeling some of these tweets to him are from here

nice job, guys. sorta


I dont get why people get this meme wrong ITS YOURE FUCKING A WHITE MALE. JESUS CHRIST

works both ways

Vomiters are scum.

I could fast for weeks and die of malnutrition with no problem.

I've never had this


Voice in my head that all these hungry hungry hippos seem to have.

I mean I like food. I even have a big stomach. I could out-eat half the people in this thread.

But a lot of the time I have to force myself to eat. It's time consuming. It can be expensive. I get tired after I eat.

If I could recharge like a Borg I would.

They have to get it right. Like how he said it.

>his name is jimmy

Like said, could be pressure to look good.

I feel you, sometimes it is a hard thing for me to eat, other days I could eat a four course at a restaurant, go for mcdonalds, then come home and eat stuff out of my fridge

but i also have stomach problems, maybe that affects it

>you're fucking a whyte male

