Anyone been outside lately? Am I seeing things or have the majority of women become fat/obese?
I was shut-in from the early 2000s until recently, this is a pretty big shock to me, I don't remember seeing many fat people back in the 90s.
Anyone been outside lately? Am I seeing things or have the majority of women become fat/obese?
I was shut-in from the early 2000s until recently, this is a pretty big shock to me, I don't remember seeing many fat people back in the 90s.
Australians are fatter than Americans mate. Girls are ballooning up everywhere. You almost have to meet a girl at the gym now if you want a decent one.
This. American white women are some of the skinniest in the western world now, and that's fucking depressing.
>tfw American obesity rates are so high cause 1 in 2 black women are obese
>I was shut-in from the early 2000s until recently
wew lad
>tfw my town is full of hot young women
Its the American white men that have become fat as fuck.
tfw these hot young women have to cover up head to toe because allah said so
LOL why did you use a pic of Bridget Jones?
True. But so have the men of the other races.
The point being that waistlines everywhere are expanding beyond healthy limits, and the problem is getting worse and worse. Humanity has no business being as fat as its getting.
>I was shut-in from the early 2000s until recently,
so what were you doing? you never left? why? i'd rather hear you describe your life as a shut-in than talk about fat chicks 2bh.
are you fucking kidding me? Dude's have to be fucking jacked and ripped out of their minds to even have a shot at OP's pic. WTF are you smoking? women are getting fat as fuck and still think they are 8 9 and 10's where the fuck do you live nest to an anorexia clinic or something? You clearly have no idea wtf you are talking about
Mate, it's the same here. Walking whales everywhere, you have to meet women at the gym and that's another mission on it's own cause they know they're better than average.
Not just fat, but there are a lot more old people around. Old fat people are a fucking drag.
And feminists are using the fat acceptance bullshit to recruit landwhales into their movement.
dont know what crack you're on, im guessing you are in fact roasties.
Every average american girl by age 25 is at least chubby, sometimes obese.
>white men
you mean one of the LEAST obese demographics in the country?
Ok, sure
Overall white people are less obese than minorities with asians being the exception. However the rate of "extreme" obesity in adults over age 20 is literally double for women.
>I was shut-in from the early 2000s until recently
Same, been a NEET since 2007 and went outside in 2015. The fact that everyone, even the poorest poorrfags, had a tablet or smartphone made me uncomfortable.
Women often crave junk food and have terrible metabolism so it makes sense
Except most of them are whores.
Wish there was like a Christian gym or somehting where fit, non degenerate people could go to meet
LOL go on youtube and watch peoples' home videos of disney parks from the 80s and 90's. It's amazing how fucking fat we've become. It's to the point where we don't even realize it because our point of reference is so fucked. You literally have to nostalgia to old videos, go to NYC or another pedestrian oriented city, or a cosmopolitan european city to understand what "normal" is supposed to look like.
In the future, there will be VERY fit people, and adipose, bloated fat fucks. NOTHING in between.
That's not chubby, that's downright fat.
You Americans have lost sight of what's normal.
Many churches actually have these you fucking cringelord
fucking gross
I hope you get diabeetus
Agree with the kiwi. That chick is fat.
that's boomers for ya
That was awkward
they also have feminism and "fat acceptance" to fall back on.
While fat men are guaranteed to be wizards shunned/mocked by society, even by those fat girls who claim they believe in fat acceptance. Its actually a one way street, no fat woman wants to settle for a fat man, even though they are equals.
some of my plates are a little chub
the 4 girls i dorm with are skinny af
i dont see it op
Yuck. More for you. You should also know that others look down on you for this and whenever you go to a venue that involves the two of you as a couple you will be looked at as trash for only being able to get a fat girl.
I live in Cali where its beach season all round. The pressure on young girls is to not be fatties here.
A lot of really nice fit girls here.
Fat beaners are a ridiculously common sight here, same with negresses. I swear 50% of my city looks like this.
Fat white and asian girls are common but not nearly as much
Mexicans do have good food.
just fuck my shit up senpai
>be american
>be one of the last aryans in my shitskin city
>lift erryday, take care of myself, 6 figure income
>fatass bitches want my dick
>literally no skinny qts anywhere
>people start to redefine obese as chubby, fat as normal, skinny as anorexic
>literally no breeding stock
western civilization is lost bois, best utilize sharia or just an hero at this point
when people live comfortably they become softer and squishier, it's an absolute inevitability unless you take drastic measures to toughen up the population
>I was shut-in from the early 2000s until recently
You didn't leave the house for a decade? That's weirder than some fat slags.
>majority of women become fat/obese
Gym junkie here.
No, sorry, most girls I've noticed have bubble butts or waifish physiques or are kind of muscly but not actually fat. I saw a fat girl once, but she never returned.
>lol how does perspective worx?
I feel ya.
I'm lucky to have my QT3.14 who wants to box and gym with me. It's fantastic being the best looking couple in any room.
They do, but at most mexican restaurants you get:
>tortilla chips and salsa
>2 tortillas on the side
>main dish is usually fried or sitting on a tortilla
It's really no surprise they're so fat. Especially the women, since the men usually have labor-intensive jobs. Add Coke or sweet tea to that and it's even more ridiculous.
Yes its depressing as fuck.
Only good thing about all the asian immigrants here is they are thin and take care of their bodies
Usually have some nice D or DD implants too
Iunno. I live in Edmonton and fit women are everywhere.
fucking is weird unless they are a liitle chub
dont want mrs skellington stradling me
This guy looks like the lovechild of Hitler and Elijah Wood
By percentage senpai.
Men with "beer bellies" (aka skinny fats) take up a large proportion of the metric.
Girls here come in three different types. Obese, "oi ya cunt" malnutritioned bogan and absolutely smoking fucking hot.
US women can only be measured in Don Vitos. With the women mostly sitting around .5 Don Vitos to 3.9 Don Vitos.
Most countries using metric scales would call these people "obese".
in the united states, in the youngest adult age (twenties) brackets, 40% of women are obese compared to 30% of men
Most "modern" women seem to either have a gigantic kike schnoz or a gigantic gentile belly. Not always, but generally, women are either scrawny, defective, kike infected, twitchy, passive aggressive, sluts OR they are chubby to fat with normal personalities. Some women have both the big nose and fat... unlucky or just lazy kike sluts?
I believe there is a genetic war going on currently. Food and water (and air?) additives are proven, and maybe even GMO genetic weapons are half proven. It is proven that glyphosite insecticides cause leaky gut... and I assume the khazars have some natural resistance to this family of chemicals.
Yes, yes, all the kikes at the kike "venue" will huff and judge and mumble...about a murder of pecking crows.
Here in Canada there always tons of fatties with tattoos. The only ones that are fit and tattoo free are bitches that are young or are running or working out
I don't know. Where I'm from girls have been about the same for the past 10 years. Then again, I don't go to the lib arts side of my college often.
>not liking full figured women
faggots ITT
Yes full figured. As opposed to fat, which is completely a different thing.
> Dude's have to be fucking jacked and ripped out of their minds to even have a shot at OP's pic
how low is your self esteem?
How do you stay inside nearly a decade and not also be obese?
You're probably a transexual or other type of faggot though.
>register on plentyoffish
>browse my city area
>women in fit/athletic category have muffin tops and mini pot bellies
>women in average category are full fatfuck and THICC mode
>women in 'a few extra pounds' category are bbw in denial
>women in bbw category might as well audition for My 600 lb Life show
it's fucking depressing
You're going to get herpes from using that site user.
So what, in this thread, do you folks think should be normal?
>Not going outside = all you do every day is eat
Fatties are retarded
I refuse to believe this.
I believe you have looser definitions on obesity.
Shit that sucks: in more culturally athletic places, this is nooooot the case
Can't get it if you already got it
Herpes is the mark of a degenerate.
It's fucking gross bro.
Seems fine around here.
Totally fine with this.
Been here for two weeks now and only ever saw one overweight person. It was a frenchie.
Cattle. Literally.
The hormones in food feminize men and cause bulking and growth in females.
>tfw eating cutthroat from a pure mountain spring
I actually saw a fair amount of overweight Japanese girls when I stayed there. Nothing compared to the US though of course.
what? no. fatties are easy as fuck. they have the lowest self esteem. when i was a bit lonely i let girls like her suck my cock and its a win win situation. i get to cum in the bitch mouth and she get to feel more attractive.
now i have fit gf and all is good.
fat bitches are the easiest prey.
Barely any of them have any muscle or curves though, they're mostly flabby or sticks.
Pretty sad desu.
As a Russian who came to NYC, I was surprised by all the fatties.
You mean to tell me that the tourists in Times Square are representative of the average American?
Fucking Christ, is it really that bad out there?