How come there isn't there a lefty version of Sup Forums on Sup Forums?
How come there isn't there a lefty version of Sup Forums on Sup Forums?
Well for one, I think Sup Forums has more Right-Winged people in it then Lefties.
there is but not on half chan
lurk moar faggot
>implying we need a /leftypol/ here.
Can't handle the bantz faggot?
In all seriousness though, the last thing we need is to divide the board up. I saw it happen on 2+6chan and shit just gets more polarized that way and after a certain point all forms of rational discussion break down.
There was one.
They redistributed their lulz.
Now all is quiet on the Lefty front.
Soviet Canuckistan.
Lefties have no sense of humor. Only toxic victimhood
>how come there isn't a version of Sup Forums still heavily indoctrinated by (((media))) tricks
Go to kikebook or reddit. Much easier to condition groupthink and bully alternate perspectives with herd mentality
nice meme
Rational discussion is pretty shit here too. At least double Chan has worthwhile information being shared every once in a while.
This place is at chanology Sup Forums levels of bad.
The very concept of a "lefty pol" implies that we gather here under the basis of political affiliation. We don't.
Sup Forums is simply a refuge from the bullshit hugbox mentality. Anyone here is welcome to speak their mind, and they are judged according to the effectiveness of their argument, not their political affiliations.
Though there is definitely a certain type of idea that flourishes here, don't get me wrong. Right now the left is feeding us shit salad 24/7 via mainstream media, so leftist ideologies have a hard time taking root here--many view that any acquiescence is a slippery slope. But that doesn't mean you can't redpill people about certain "leftist" things. For example: blind, arbitrary, broad scope racism is wrong. But the current dialogue on racism from the left is also wrong, in fact--it's much worse than even traditional racism because it encroaches basic the human right to freedom of speech, and has Orwellian implications. Many respond with the hard opposite because they're force fed a destructive narrative in everyday life. And there are many truths behind the stereotypes that inspire racist ideas, so it's understandable. Black people, as a community, are disgraceful right now, but Ben Carson is a still a great guy, not "despite" being black, but rather BECAUSE he doesn't give into the victim oriented, selfish mentality that generally plagues his race.
Sup Forums is fixated around truth, and the truth is complicated. It has nothing to do with partisanship. A lefty pol would be entirely antithetical in the search for truth because it would separate the extremes in the dialogue, making it harder to know where exactly lies the "rational middle ground"
Leftists are retarded people who actually don't read much beyond their "approved" literature.
Lefty ideas don't stand up to criticism, they can only grow in places that lack free speech and anonymity. Lefts always get completely rekt in political discussion.
>and they are judged according to the effectiveness of their argument, not their political affiliations.
Unless they're aussies or fucking leafs amirite?
There are lefty threads on Sup Forums all the fucking time. It's just you retards get consistently btfo. Leftist ideology cannot survive outside hugboxes.
I have always believed flags are one of the worst things to ever happen to Sup Forums
What you have pointed out is an unfortunate truth—good arguments are often lost in the fray by means of personal bias. It's a shame. While it often seems that Canadian posters are some of the most transparently desperate shills out there, there are plenty of great, insightful comments that are met with "A FUCKING LEAF" by Sup Forums mouthbreathers. So it goes.
This is it.
This board isn't limited to right wing ideology. Anyone can come here to Sup Forums anonymously and refute what is being stated. It seems like that's all we do, dismantle the same liberal arguments day in and day out.
Lefty Sup Forums simply cannot exist with free, anonymous flow of information, no matter how hard people try.
Leftism is the mainstream.
Sup Forums is un-PC, that is to say not mainstream.
It would be shit fest in minutes.
Troll bait and trolls thinking they are trolling the bait.
Trying to keep alt/right wing troll materials and comments out of there would be a mods nightmare
We blend into the satire fool
because lefties need censorship and safe spaces. Sup Forums provides none of this
Its better this way so all sides can discuss something ( until it devolves into a shit fest or Canada shows up)
us 4channers are enlightened by our own intelligence, libtertarianism is the only way forward
>Leftism is the mainstream.
Only politically correct liberalism is mainstream, other form of leftist thought are not.
At any given moment there are tons of leftists on Sup Forums.
We just happen to be the racist, antisemitic left.
look at any political compass thread.
it seems like at least a third of respondents fall on the left side of the grid.
t. Sup Forumsack communist
>>Leftism is the mainstream.
>Only politically correct liberalism is mainstream, other form of leftist thought are not.
this t͏͏b͏͏h f͏͏a͏͏m
most people on Sup Forums don't suck hitler's dick nor are marxists. the worst kinds of threads on pol are circlejerk threads. "le ancap thread" "le nutsoc thread" "le lefty thread". fuck off to your shitty subreddits if you want a place where whatever group you think you identify with dominates discussion.
wow how new are all of you? this existed a while ago, it was called LF or laissez faire and was a popular board on something awful. Sup Forums is basically right wing, low-rent LF. it got shut down cause lowtax got a visit from the secret service after a user said they were going to blow up obama with bazookas and grenades. eventually everyone moved to twitter. where do you think that whole "maoist third world communist anime poster" shit came from?
You don't need to be anonymous to spout far left opinions. Also, for some reason the Solviet flag is more acceptable to wear in public than the Nazi flag even though is has just as big, if not more, of a death toll associated with it. /lefttypol/ failed because it had to compete with bergbook and leddit.
>nu-Sup Forums
they go to tumblr.
>lefty version of Sup Forums on Sup Forums?
there is:
but you have to let a tranny fuck you in the ass before you're allowed to comment
why are you here?
you like bad? ; )
what the fuck
that's called reddit
There is
/lit/ and /his/
leftists aren't funny and not politically incorrect
Mate, your mainstream media is right wing.
The Overton Window has moved so far to the right you no longer know what "left wing" means.
/his/ is a weird battleground.
Both Sup Forums and /lit/ are fighting for it, so you get DEUS VULT and Stirner Posting at the same time.
We need to go in there and purge the lefties tbqh.
because lefties can post here if they want. they just have to defend their claims.
>dat boi
it was amusing watching that "meme" crumble and burn under the power of KEK
just go on 8ch and look for lefty pol
It's called reddit
>b-but we lefties can be politically incorrect!
>tfw shitpost as a communist in some threads to rile stormtards
>tfw shitpost as alt right to join in the Trump fun in other threads
who /devilish/ here?
Pic related.
Left wing economics isn't unwelcome, it's just just left wing social issues
This board was lost to SJWs long ago.
You're in the right place, OP.
There is, it's called
Yu looking for a "safe place"?
lefty threads don't flourish when you can say anything you want without getting banned, upboted, or muted.
When right-wing politics are popular pol will be left
Left wing threads get plenty of posts and good debate sometimes
But then a bunch of stormfags rush in and call everyone they disagree with Ahmed
The left can out modernist the right by a country mile. You guys are fucking amateurs compared to us.
Pic related.
It's called reddit.
The right wing have their own notions of "politically correctness", they're just too stupid to realize it.
>the flag
This is all right wing political corectness, if you challenge them on any of it, they go full SJW on you.
Just post here you goddamn retards.
>1 post by this ID
It's called the rest of the internet.
There is, it's called /lit/ and /his/
There you are
It's called every other acceptable social media outlet
nice bunch of tipical nazi faggots
8 chang has /leftypol/
It's literally bizarro Sup Forums with the shittiest memes you can imagine
You mean like the rest of the fucking internet?
Get fucked you useless cunt
really? Is that your best? Hell Ive dressed up to a Halloween as Stalin and nobody thought anything other than "that is funny". Now if I had went the route of Hitler things would have been different.
Just face it; lefty Sup Forums is acceptable in mainstream.
I thought Tumblr was lefty Sup Forums?
I thought Tumblr was lefty Sup Forums?
>really? Is that your best?
I raise you Mao Zedong.
YOu right wingers cannot compete with the leftists on political badness.
We fucking own you.
The workers know Uncle Joe was a hero.
and he fucked hitler in the ass so bad
We don't need one, paid shills are loud enough for this place not to become an echo chamber.
fuck off, literally kill all blacks and jews
>Racism is wrong
back to the cuckshed faggot
Same reason Sup Forums isn't /rightypol/.
Could it even be possible for a white man to be educated on leftest politics without subconsciously wanting to suck little brown Arab cocks?
We will slowly turn Sup Forums completely /lefty/ comrade.
you are too dense to realise what political correctness is
There used to be /leftypol/ but they ran away to another imageboard once you redditors flooded in.
1. Marxism is gay
2. Lefties had their day on Sup Forums
first of all, it`s Australians and Canadians, and second i would tell you to go fuck yourself in afghan bushes but i`m too polite and classy for such lowly move against scum like you.
>1. Marxism is gay
not an argument
How new are you
Facts can't be argued
Only thing worth mentioning from your country
Except the fact more often than not Canada is either trolling or shilling.
Its like niggers, there is ones like Ben Carson but by far more often you get lil Wayne.
Leftists aren't fun
Nigga those are called: fumbler plebbit and goybook.
The fuck outta here!
Because there isn't a right-wing version.
You can be a faggot leftist on Sup Forums if you want, it's not against the rules.
We had intense debates in the infancy of Sup Forums, sometimes we have a thread or two popping up when an eager newfag seek to discuss, but most users already have been there and digested most argument both sides have to offer.
Free speech's and free political discourse's equilibrium is genocidal fascism sentiment. That's just how it is.
> left vs right
>they still fall for that tactic
Wew lads
I don't care to hear leftist viewpoints, but I would respect if you were able to trick me into considering them. Maybe post less huffy outrage and passive aggressiveness and put more effort into presenting and defending your views carefully and with respect.
People rebel against any idea that's shoved down their throats. But if you lay the pieces in front of them in such a way that they stumble upon the conclusion you want them to reach, they'll feel like they came up with the idea, and that will multiply its legitimacy in their head by 10.
>don't care to hear leftist viewpoints
lol and then Sup Forums has the audacity to mock tumblr for its "safe space" shit