Why is Sup Forums afraid of settling down with one girl?
Why is Sup Forums afraid of settling down with one girl?
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I'm not sure if that one has a feminine enough penis.
Because modern women are absolutely shit.
I watched my father get divorced, twice. I then noticed how common it was, you weren't normal if your parents were still together. Most of my friends had divorced parents.
You have everything to lose and almost nothing to gain. That means the only way to ensure a win is not to play in the first place. I'd rather have nothing than to have everything and have it all taken away from me.
Who is the girl in this pic? She looked familiar and then I remembered seeing someone that looks like her on OkCupid, from Pittsburgh.
lurk moar nuufag
This kike dyke is the face of so many shill threads...
Thanks OoT Link
Getting married in USA is retarded.
Just embrace nihilism or at the least hate.
Make a mistake and she'll do everything she can, and lords knows she legally can, drive you to suicide and make your life a living nightmare. I see them as hazardous, even fatal. To date one is to risk a lot these days. I'd rather crow the freeway blindfolded. Would be safer.
If I wanted to settle down with a caricature of a man I'd just become gay.
Real women are gone, or maybe too rare to be found nowadays.
90% of women my age and 5 years younger have had more sexual partners than me, have had more relationships than me, and have had sexual relations at a younger age than me. How can I "settle down" with a girl like that? That makes me a cuck. The only thing I can do is gradually have sex with more girls.
Maybe at 40 I will have had sex with as many girls the average 20 year old female has had with guys and I can get married and not be a cuck.
I can't keep track of every tramp you neckbeards put up on a pedestal.
Child support
My wife's son
Pick your poison.
Is it a trap? I am real leery of this place now. I purged my entire hot chicks folder because I discovered a few traps in there one day and it made me queasy.
Sup Forums and modern western society get angry when the points you both mentioned are brought up. They will talk about "shit tests" and "be a real man" and all that, but most men seem to know these days that it's not worth it, taking all this abuse just so you can say you're a "real man" because you served a cunt.
Most of them aren't worth it.
I've grown up with a single mother and I've seen the horror she put my fucking father through. I've been scared shitless of marriage since.
>implying the reason I haven't settled down is because I'm scared
I just can't get a girlfriend senpai
Modern women have no concept of monogamy, marriage, parenthood, self-control, morality, or having a conversation.
Already have. First and only relationship I've ever been in. She agrees with me on all things politically, and is extremely deferential to me when it comes to the vast majority of decision making.
She's also traditional even to a point beyond me, believing that a woman is incapable of being President.
I had a girlfriend for a little over 2 years. We lived together, and I planned on marrying her. She cheated on me, twice, and after I found out and broke up she proceeded to fuck my (at the time) best friend.
I cut both of them out of my life and have been struggling with Depression ever since.
should've punched your "friend" right in the fucking throat
I actually almost killed him, but decided I'd rather not spend my life in prison.
Soe is female.
You can tell by the way she throws fits in her matches if no one pays attention to her "hey boys gurrrl here ;^)" bullshit.
Traps just want to be called cute, women want to be worshipped.
I know that feel bro
Oh-k...she has some ink I see. Interesting, I guess she also always wants to be on top. I prefer the quiet submissive types but I knew before hitting puberty I wasn't going to get married. Life is too short to spend it all with one person.
No fear here, just an understanding that marriage and divorce benefit the woman exclusively. Don't feel like losing it all, famalama.
Soe is used goods
That sucks bro, hope you're doing well.
I'd love to be with one person for the rest of my life. I crave stability.
The modern woman just isn't stable. The divorce rate amongst my peers is through the roof. I'm 28.
because i tried that already for a long time. it was fun while it lasted but now i'm a broken shell of who i was. i have commitment issues now.
Women initiate divorce because they win cash and prizes. Why not marry a man and strip his assets? The law is on their side.
Because women are parasitic vermin void of human decency and rational thought.
Everyday I curse mortal desires for forcing me and the rest of functioning society to interact with these unhappy creatures in order to continue the ritual that sustains our species.
I've already decided that if I am unable to find a girl irl, I will make myself accept dying alone.
Fuck online dating.
im def not, but I haven't found a single one worth taking that step with. I also rather enjoy being single and dating around, with no commitments, and if I find one worth wifing I will, but I am not holding my breath
why is it so common for a girlfriend to cheat with the boyfriends best friend?
Love is just a chemical reaction in your brain designed to get animals to mate. It fades over the years leaving you in a loveless marriage with a wasted and pointless life.
I don't know. My two relationships I ever had were short lived and seem like a blur now. I am glad I never got involved with women much.
My best guess is that women fuck their boyfriend's best friends because they know it will hurt a great deal for the boyfriend, and women are sluts and whores.
I'm not, given a few modest criteria are met:
(2 of 3 need to be met)
1. Virgin. 2. Believes in God or is serious about religion or traditionalism. 3. Has an IQ at or above 110.
Currently engaged with the love of my life. She's a conservative Catholic qt And we're gonna get married in December (hopefully by then the God emperor will have been elected)
We're both virgins so hopefully the honeymoon won't be awkard. Any tips on first timers anons?
>1 post
I won't let anyone take my mana
I think you are describing a unicorn.... in fact I am almost sure of it...
>leaving you in a loveless marriage with a wasted and pointless life.
He said as he posts on Sup Forums
i read the stats and all the bemoaning on the internet and divorce seems like some kind of pandemic on modern society and relations between the sexes.
yet in my own IRL life, I've maybe only met divorcees at work. Everyone else I know is single, recently wed, or just having kids. Is this an indicator of some kind that my own life will achieve intimate stability?
Wait, I'm posting on a tibetan tapestry manuscript, I'll die alone most likely. rofl.
Sup Forums made us believe that >she won't settle down with just one bull
>IQ above 110
Yeah, you're gonna have to keep looking, most likely forever.
>tfw all I want to do is marry a qt short hair shy girl and be the bread winner for my wife, daughter, and son
Fucking sluts every where. "sexual liberation" I'm seething with rage.
>you neckbeards
>not yinz jagoffs n'at
asian CMU student with dubs detected
Why bother? Have you seen how little women value men these days?
Get lost. I'd rather make money and watch porn. This 3rd wave feminism shit has just ruined pretty much everyone's appetite. Calibros in college have to fill out pokerwork to get laid to avoid being called rapists, and now cunts are inventing this "retracted consent" bullshit.
With enough money (not much) I can buy a US 11.5 from the Eastern Bloc who will not run her mouth about privilege.
What's keeping you from settling down with one man slut?
I have never had that option.
Honestly, if I were you, I would take the first 2 and an average IQ woman just as long as she's a good listener and comforter. I also prefer girls a couple of years younger than me, but that's just me.
The trick, my good friend, is marrying a woman far wealthier than yourself.
My wife is astoundingly wealthy and I can enjoy a life removed from any financial worry while having a good time as a househusband.
the ONE does not exist
May Kek help us find a gf user
I met a pretty based gf in highschool
She's qt enough
Does my house work
Has nightmares about me cheating on her
Supports me
wants me to cuddle her every night
Just needs to stop fucking buying chocolate and lose 5kg
when u're in the top of the food chain (relatively) it's impossible to have just one girl
i sometimes think i do well with women. can afford fucking 2+ at the same time. i have a friend who's seeing 5+. now think actors, musicians, rich narcisists
oh, and: we're polygamous by nature
Sounds exactly like mine. Mine has gained 25 lbs since we started dating, though.
>top of the food chain
>Why is Sup Forums afraid of settling down with one girl?
I'm not actually,
but the girl I want to settle down with has had a relationship and been intimate with men before, where as I'm a virgin, it will never work unless I meet her eye to eye on that respect,
sadly for her I don't believe in casual sex,
and if I get in a relationship said girl will most likely vanish from my mind.
sad feels all around.
Its not that bad dude.
I want to marry my girlfriend, but Sup Forums definitely wouldn't approve.
My mom tried to take me and my siblings away to Texas just to spite my dad. She lost custody for trying.
nigger nigger nigger nigger?
That's pretty much how it is since we became surrounded by narcoculture.
No. She's pretty much if Sup Forums was a musclegril.
But I'm a tinygril though.
Jokes on you nigger. Five years ago I met a girl on Craigslist who has traditional values and takes no gripes about cooking/cleaning/wanting some semblance of family.
You just have to look in the non-obvious of places, but I'm just the exception, not the rule.
120 grand is not enough to sustain my lifestyle as it is. Why would I want a gold digger with no redeeming value whatsoever to be suddenly entitled to my wealth? Fuck that shit.
No women are worthy. They have to work towards making themselves worthy.
Is she chubby or just straight up fat?
I know most of you edge lords are atheists, so am I.
but nothing has been better for my life then dating a super conservative Christian girl. You just have to give up drinking, drugs.
It's not that I'm afraid of settling down with one girl.
It's that I know I'm mature enough to "settle down" with multiple women.
Knowing that I'm capable in all regards not limited to financially or emotionally and being exposed to the selfish side of every female I've ever met.
I ain't no Muslim but the only way I could contribute effectively to society is knowing I have a handful of the most attractive and intelligent female specimens I could possibly procreate with, one of every ethnicity.
We'd all still be one family, but Dad would be the most Dadliest dad.
Because the only girl I ever loved was born with roses in her eyes. But then they buried her alive, one evening in 1945.
Simple, the best friend is more attractive to your girlfriend and that girl had slutty tendencies anyway whether you knew it or not so there you go.
KEK has blessed us with doubles for gfs s-sorry Mexibro
It's been one year, two months, and thirteen days since I broke up with my girlfriend. I had become at that time increasingly convinced that the institution of marriage had strayed so far from its former initiatory value, which in other times had given it a Traditional quality, that it was no longer acceptable for a man of a "differentiated type" to engage in marriage. The Catholics made a grave mistake in legalizing divorce, which renders the holiness of the sacrament of marriage null and void. How can they insist that a marriage binds two together for eternity if one can, under contemporary Catholic law, have two or three wives throughout one's life?
Then, of course, we must confront the devolution of masculinity and the feminine, which in the present cycle began sometime around the fall of Frederick Barbarossa, when, as they say, the White Tree withered and died. When the Ghibbeline Middle Ages came to an end all mores and rites belonging to a properly Traditional system went "underground," as in the case of Rosicrucianism, which may rightly be called the last hope for a primordial rebirth. The rose and the cross...
When women are no longer feminine, why should a Traditional man bring himself down to the plane of the telluric and immediate? Christ said "my kingdom is not of this world," though the Babel-builders of Judaized American Protestantism would like to pretend he did not.
The cultivation of the spirit in this age of spiritual oblivion is a solitary quest. I urge you all to never get married.
"Give up all that you have and follow me."
I want to marry a qt short hair girl
I am not I recently got engaged, it feels great I am getting married on the 3rd of december!
>It's been one year, two months, and thirteen days since I broke up with my girlfriend.
She called me "inhuman" when I broke up with her. I knew this to be a sign that I was doing the right thing. To transcend all that which is "merely human", to become an aristocrat of the soul, I had no other choice.
"Settling down" is a waste of time for a man, and it's a financial death trap that will break your will and make you a financial slave, incapable of having joy or happiness after your marriage inevitably fails.
Women are inherently selfish, self absorbed, resentful and illogical creatures. EVERY woman reaches a point in her life where her brain chemistry shifts. There is no exception to this rule. When that happens they decide that everything is wrong with their lives, and that's when most of them file for divorce. The vast majority of divorces are initiated by women.
Don't let anyone fool you with romantic nonsense. Men and women are natural enemies. The genders are always at war. Women always seek to subvert men, and since they are physically incapable of dominating us, they attempt to use trickery and subversion instead.
What people call "love" between a man and a woman is merely a biological function that compels human beings to mate. Once it wears off you're stuck in a loveless sham.
I just can't trust any of them.
It isn't right that I can't find a virgin or a girl who's only been with one man.
I'll never forgive the kikes of the media for turning sex into a teenage rite of passage.
Why are girls so afraid of settling down before having ten or more cocks in them?
I can't speak for Europe. But it's a sure sign of mental illness that a woman would mutilate her own appearance for no good reason.
Which isn't to say that short haired women can't look good if they've got feminine bone structure.
It's just a clear warning sign, like tattoos or wacky-colored hair.
Sounds like crippling insecurity to me, Tim.
I just get tired of having someone around that much, myself.
>120 grand
>not enough to sustain your lifestyle
wew lad
Well, for starters, im incapable of acquiring even 1 woman.
who dis qt?
Soe gschwind-penski
I find short hair sexy tbqh
Damn she's gorgeous.
>mutilate her own appearance
>cutting hair
Are you a Sikh or Hasidic Jew?
>before hitting puberty
I'm not. You are always supposed to thoroughly test the waters before you do, though.
Because the woman has no intention of settling down she just needs stable living area to fuck Chads while you at work, every modern wife is whore with no loyalty at all.
I wonder if she is a cunt irl. I don't follow that particular brand of e-sports, I'm more a StarCraft guy. I can tell you everything about Tastosis lol, but I know Soe only from pics and the occasional interview I catch.
That girl is always in the baitiest shitposts
i just want her and yames to be happy again
not even sure what she does anymore; last i saw of her was overwatch stuff but that was a few months ago
what went so wrong?