We need to raise taxes on the rich to 91% again. It worked very well when Eisenhower and FDR did it.
We need to raise taxes on the rich to 91% again. It worked very well when Eisenhower and FDR did it
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The effective tax rate on rich people back then was like 30%. Either way comparing the economy now to what it was is comparing apples and oranges.
How rich do you need to be to be rich? 1mil$? 100k$? 10k$?
Capital gains rates were always much lower.
Fun fact: This is why hedge funds charge "2 and 20" (2% of assets, 20% of profits) because when the first ones were set up in the 1950s, this allowed them to pay their traders capital gains instead of ordinary income, allowing them to pay under 30% instead of >90%. Confiscatory taxes only incentivize evasion. Stop being so damned greedy.
Rich people are globalized now.
They'll just renounce their citizenship and move more of their money into Swiss banks or whatever.
There's a reason why Leona Helmsley said only the little people pay taxes. The reason she went to jail is because she got exposed. What she said is true.
>he doesn't know that the tax rate was set so high to force businesses to use a series of massive tax breaks written into the code
>he doesn't know no one actually paid the on-paper rate, nor was anyone intended to
Literally, read a book nigger.
Obama can sign an executive order preventing them from renouncing their citizenship and moving their money out of the country.
I can't trust this youtube channel after watching their vid on the Israel/Palestine conflict. Total shills.
So your solution is to literally strip rich people of their rights without any courts or congress and basically just steal their shit?
That's how we communism.
He may or may not, but regardless, those massive tax breaks gave incentive for rich people to invest and spend, rather than hoard like they do today. The rich do need to get taxed much higher, with more incentives.
that's the only solution the Left has to anything. "give us your shit. OR ELSE"
Chances the upper bracket actually paid that?
Any thread that discusses actual policy is a shill thread?
Sup Forums has really gone to shit, but it isn't because of the shills... it's because of overzealous paranoid autistic summerfags like yourself. You're literally shitposting, fuck off and let the adults discuss politics you little faggot.
Rich people need to be forced to pay higher taxes, and they can't be allowed to evade taxes by storing their money overseas.
Faggot OP posted this same thread yesterday and he will post it tomorrow, and the next day and the next. Let it slide.
Communism > Capitalism. This isn't Communism though, it's Socialism. Learn the difference.
>posts a nigger image
kill yourself
No one actually paid the top rate, with income that high they usually qualified for various tax breaks from different activities.
You're absolutely right, but to the OP's point taxing people isn't taking their rights, it's taking their money. If rich folks don't want to pay more then let them become the majority and they can change the law.
Although if the rich became the majority then I imagine the country would be in a much better state anyway.
91% rich tax and an executive order preventing people from renouncing their citizenship and moving their money out of the country is way into communism territory.
Tax rates don't matter if corporations are globalized and stashing all their money overseas. Apple literally pays nothing in tax and has upwards of half a trillion dollars in liquid cash stored overseas. GE also effectively pays nothing in taxes. The loopholes have to be closed first.
Welcome to the internet, newfag. Did you sign up for Sup Forums yesterday?
How is summer break going?
Thats why we need to raise taxes on the rich, and close all the tax loopholes too. If they want to own 90% of the wealth, they can pay a 90% tax rate.
Because you're entitled to their wealth? get out of here with your gibsmedats
No it isn't.
Why do liberals like to lie so much?
>rich people need to be forced to pay a higher tax rate
nah fuck off statist cunt. if I was rich I'd burn all my money, my house and my cars and then kill as much IRS cunts if I was not allowed to leave with my money
Then why is it literally the first move communist countries do?
>Massive rich tax.
>Nationalize assets.
Are you being paid to act retarded?
They can't be allowed to hoard as much wealth as they do. Some of it needs to go towards programs like universal health care, and free college education.
you're literally proving his point.
>we need to steal their stuff so we can have it and spend it on shit we want!
I know you wanted your (you) s-o-o-ooo..
No, you're just wrong. You don't know the difference between communism and socialism.
88% sure this is b8
If not, please watch this program
You should look up historical tax rates in capitalist countries. We're in an all time low right now.
Every word of that is bullshit lies.
Why is Sup Forums full of bootlickers?
>muh poor billionaire job creators oppressed because they have to pay a few more million a year in taxes
Wrong, wet need to deregulate the market to get the prices of these services DOWN.
The government props up the price on the first place.
Read pic related
Because taxation is theft and theft is wrong, no matter who you're stealing from.
Nah eat shit totalktarian authotarian cunt.
This. What Joseph Stack or Mcveigh did but 50x worse.
I can't keep my hard earned money? I'm burning it all down and waging a one man war.
sure, but lets fix the tax brakets first though
>wants the government to steal money from you, monopolize products and services and destroy technological production
>calls others bootlickers
fuck you fag
my dad works 35,000 times harder than you wage slaves and deserves to make 50m a year
so do you also think we should raise the taxes of the first bracket from its current 10% to 20% as well as eliminate the earned income tax credit?
i mean, it worked very well when Eisenhower and FDR did it.
>Reagan ultimately raises taxes for lower classes
>Bush lowered taxes for lower classes
>Obama raises taxes for upper class and calls it "Taxpayer Relief", lower classes stay the same
What the fuck is going on here?
This is so fucking confusing.
No, we need to strictly regulate the prices of things to bring them down.
Jesus fucking Christ you didn't even try to have an argument.
Price controls never fucking work. Go move to Venezuela if you like them so much.
It's mainly the fault of liberals that prices for healthcare and college education are so high in the first place.
Read the image I posted. Oh wait you're too much of an economic illiterate/religious fundamentalist to do so.
You won't if Obama signs an executive order saying you can't.
>it's like politicians will say anything because they know that the people they're talking with have less knowledge about the subject than them
The image you posted is wrong and stupid. Fair price laws are the only way to bring prices down.
Rich people don't "hoard" money.
If they gave all of their money away to the poor it would simply cause inflation and the poor wouldn't be any better off.
The rich saving their money means the value of the money the poor and middle class have GOES UP. They're making is richer by NOT spending it and NOT wasting resources. Idiot.
Why do leftist believe that money equal real tangible consumer goods?
Lol are they actually that stupid?
>not an argument
Okay, you're just repeating yourself now.
If you didn't actually wanted to debate this why did you even start a thread?
You got BTFO and are winning about it now.
Why do you believe so?
Nice source there, OP
Because it's true.