Why do we hate California again?
>Warm weather all year
>Amazing beaches
>Delicious seafood
>Beautiful Aryan women everywhere
Is hating California just a meme?
Why do we hate California again?
>Warm weather all year
>Amazing beaches
>Delicious seafood
>Beautiful Aryan women everywhere
Is hating California just a meme?
> Warm weather all year
Being on fire 24/7 doesn't count.
California is a shithole. Northern Cali (sans San Francisco) isn't too bad but southern Cali is basically Mexico.
>>Beautiful Aryan women everywhere
This state is full of ugly nonwhites
>Beautiful Aryan women everywhere
Yeah no
>Delicious seafood
East Coast has better seafood
Hating Commiefornia is completely justified, take it from a native
yeah this, tried looking for an average californian woman but got tired. just look at yebs wife
Florida is better.
Temporary resident of California here
It's because of the Mexicans and leftists
commiefornian here. tl;dr our state government made us the shithole that were are
>had a conversation with a fellow half mexican recently
>rambled about pussified america and how jerry brown is building labor camps and is going to kill the rest
half mexican master race
>This state is full of ugly nonwhites
True but I've seen hundreds beautiful aryan women
>East Coast has better seafood
I agree but the seafood is still pretty good
i wanted to blame hollywood and the jews but i recently read the history of california, and wiki pages on the 'californios' like pio pico are so relevant to how mexicans act here today. corrupt etc
>ruined their own economy
>shit tier politics drove everyone out
>they move to colorado and texas
>they bring their shit tier political beliefs with them
They're just like cockroaches?
Florida native here, this state fucking sucks. Majority of the people in this state are either hick simpleton, evangelical, or latin cuck from south flroida.
>He didn't move to Del Norte or Chico
>tfw its always been my dream to live in california
>its full of niggers, spics and commies
>no guns
tell me its not all like this
come January 1, 2017 user, it will be
>no guns
i got bad news for you user
That's pretty much it.
I can testify as someone in CA.
CA is a shithole.
I'm from the glorious high deserts but I had to live in LA for a while after the housing market collapse and my family got evicted.
I can almost garuantee you those beautiful Aryan women you see in downtown or West LA are whoring themselves out to hip hop niggers, rich hajis there on vacation or the resident jews.
I had to stop going out with friends when I got out of the Muhreens because I couldn't stand the sight of some dirty haji, nigger or cartel mexican't loaded with blood money at the clubs my buddies like to frequent.
One Of these days I'm going to pull a Taxi Driver on thise fuckers, I'm not even playing
>lol edgelord lol'd
I know but it never stops bothering me
Also the illegals fucking suck
California is honestly pretty great if you move to one of the wealthier parts.
It's still run by the Democratic Party, but that doesn't matter as much in, say, Santa Barbara.
People on Sup Forums are retarded contrarians who hate nice places
The governer pisses me off and their senators are cunts.
I saw all the beautiful Aryan women in my time visiting San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Half Moon bay and that whole area in general
Couldn't tell you about the Bay area but LA is a degenrates paradise
Hey guys stop hating on California, there are plenty of conservatives here. Actually I am a national socialist myself. I did my people and my nation many favors by poisoning lean at parties and I also have terminated multiple people's ebt cards and food stamps.
Stop trying to convince hipsters and spics to move here. You're probably a fucking tourist transplant yourself.
Cali sucks. Beaners and niggers everywhere, shit gun laws, Expensive as fuck. Nobody move here for any reason, ever.
Go move to Oregon. They like losers from other states and countries. Get the fuck out of here. True natives hate you and hate themselves for being stuck here.
It's best state geographically, but worst politically.
I don't even live there I was just visiting
stfu, you are the reason they are leaving that shithole and invading other places
Not a meme, its the rational thing to do.
>Warm weather all year
Why is this a plus? It means that we are constantly drowning in vacationers and such.
>Amazing beaches
If by amazing you mean you've never been to Oregon, sure.
>Delicious seafood
Meh, you can get that anywhere on the pacific
>Beautiful Aryan women everywhere
Pure lies.
What you are forgetting is the:
>Gun Laws
>Regulation of when you can take a shit
>Hipster liberal douchebags
>Dirty cities
>Forced subsidization of illegals
>Forced voter registration
Fuck off. You've either never been to California, or you've never seen any of the other states in the Union.
I live here smack in the middle of reseda CA.
Population is 65% white and 35% non white. A couple of nigs here and there but nothing too bad. We dont have any of the BLM shit either or social movement parades. This city has been cozy for years.
Places that ask for it if not allow it. Go to your city council and get politically involved, don't send those assholes here.
>make memes all year living southern california
>post only the dankest most experimental memes the world ever seen
>poetically and rhythmically do I posts
>Sup Forums still hates me
>I didn't get the girl
I really wish gabi liked me.
God damnit I'm a loser.
>Why do we hate Commiefornia again?
Also, because commies and illegals.
You fucking moron, you have Pacoima 10 miles away and plenty of gangster trash on your doorstep thanks to the Northridge and Canoga Park nigs. I know from experience that you're talking out your ass.
>Stop trying to convince hipsters and spics to move here
No, we them to move/stay there
>Why do we hate California again?
>majority beaner
>libshits everywhere
>two Jewish female Senators
>retarded nogunz laws
>cucked by a fish (delta smelt)
>home of Hollywood (Jewish propaganda capital)
>makes the country risk electing Hillary
I basically see California as just a port for taking-in Asian goods. I wish California would sink into the Pacific, and Nevada would become the new port state. At least Nevada is manageable.
It's an overpriced shit hole
that. Califagian
Sour grapes from poorfags who can't afford to live in the greatest state in the union.
bunch of communist sand niggers
I don't know if you've been paying attention... But Californians chief toxic waste export, themselves, make up the majority for the transplants who everyone seems to hate.
>Make their own state shit
>Want to leave it
>Go somewhere else
>Make it shitty too
Just look at colorado. Unsustainable development, rising costs across the board, more and more liberal policies that somehow don't make life better for anyone involved. The list goes ON.
My parents were Californian transplants and I fucking hate their guts.
California is like Africa.
Wide variety of terrains and climates.
Abundant natural resources.
The ability to be self sufficient both agriculturally and industrially.
Literal paradise...
If it wasn't for the fucking retards that inhabit them.
Its hard to like my state
Northern and southern California is very very different. the farther north you get, the more meth head rednecks you find. There is a significant white supremacy coalition slightly north of the State Capital of Sacramento.
If you remember that's were the Neo-Nazi Vs ANTIFA stabbings happened.
Also the Pastor that wished more Gays died at the night club shooting.
>Why do we hate California again?
>>Warm weather all year
Nigga wat? Are you in San Diego?
>>Amazing beaches
Shit covered sand. Do you enjoy fish piss/shit?
>>Delicious seafood
Salmon. That's it. Everything else is garbage.
>>Beautiful Aryan women everywhere
Aryan? Are you shitting me? Mexicans aren't Aryan.
>Is hating California just a meme?
You're a meme.
If California is so great, then why are you faggots flooding the Cascadian states? Fuck outta Oregon already
>People are fake as fuck. Plastic tits, plastic faces, delusional ambitions, shit politics, man-child ideologies filled with hypocrisy.
Nah, the hate seems legit to me.
hmmm I wonder why people don't like California hmm
forgot my fucking image. Check this shit out.
...... ................. ....
Any Santa Cruz friends in here?
Europeans came in and made it some socalist shit hole
>San Francisco
Californian here, please just burn this place down. I live in one of the last "conservative" bastions in so-cal (orange county) it's still fucking crap. Shit skins literally everywhere, it went from all white to all beaner in my city in less than a generation. Take a look at the elementary schools to see the future demographic, it's pure mud.
Militant liberalism is the default, even the most extreme liberal virtues are assumed here. Because our education system has been throat fucking us with them since we could walk.
...at least the beaners shoah'd the blacks.
>...at least the beaners shoah'd the blacks.
Elaborate pls
Boulder Creek here.
Hi, friend.
los angeles resident. this state sucks. i just really will shill for it to flip so hard because i want to see every beaner kicked OUT
reseda...white??? its is even worse than northridge lol
the last white bastions are maybe south of ventura (jews and persians anyway) and chatsworth
Spent a week in Reseda back in 1989.
It was an absolute shithole then, can only imagine what it's like now
The problem with CA is Los Angeles and the Bay area. The rest of the state is actually conservative but the population density of the coastal cities overrules the rest of the entire state.
So Cal gun owner here.
You're wrong bruh
>why is Cali shit
>proceeds to name stuff that isn't related to politics
Yes I live here and I tried other places and nothing will ever compare. Its literally heaven on earth. Niggers and Nazis just mad they don't live here.
Going to pleasure point tmmrw fir a surf
Grew up in California, moved to the Midwest.
>Warm weather all year
Depends on the location. It's rarely warm in San Francisco, and it can get quite cold in far northern California
>Amazing beaches
Fair enough, but there are lot more important things in life than the beach
>Delicious seafood
New England is better
>Beautiful Aryan women everywhere
California is going to become a brown, mongrel shithole of Asians and Hispanics. Fuck off beaner.
yes California has shitholes infested with Mexicans and rednecks
but high income neighborhoods tend to solve that problem
Also we have better oranges than Florida
Whole state's a meme. Been up and down california. been to the rich parts, been to the ghettos.
The only advice I have; avoid Irvine.
Avoid Fremont, Milpitas, East San Jose, and Cupertino like the plague, unless you want beaners and low-tier Asians like Indians and Vietnamese trash.
The lands great the people and the cities are total shit nothing but fags feminits mexicans and blacks.
who /humboldt/ here?
anyone know a good place to shoot?
All those """"Hispanics"""" cunts in california ARE MESTIZO INDIAN BEANERS not real hispanics, don't lump the non meszito hispanics like spaniards into this okay.
I moved here (Oregon) from Michigan. Am I okay senpai?
Personally having spent a few years in Michigan and realizing how niggerified it was (nearby Detroit), you're welcome as a refugee.
They are affecting Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado and Texas.
>warm weather all year
I live in San Francisco you dick
They literally are like locusts. They love Oregon especially because of the low tax rate and weed.
Literally the first day the Northwest Front war begins I am making sure all the niggers who drive to Crater Lake to smoke pot and camp end up buried below their tents.
Because hail Caesar, obviously
mexibros are our bestfriend against the spanish-jew/blacksican
take it to /k/ faggot
Soon brother.
We really overdue for a civil war at this point.
Hopefully the next civil war is when our currency weakens to the point where its better used as toilet paper, and the military will have no reason to intervene. Thus, allowing for us to bring our ideas into practice.
As well, I'm not even sure if it's possible for the US dollar to crash. We've gotten to a point where unemployment is similar back to the early 1930's Germany.
If Trump wins, I only two outcomes; him fixing this country and putting it on recovery from life support or doing an "Old Yeller" to it.
On the flip-side, if Hillary wins, I see Mr. Covington's damned prophecy being foretold and that road sounds like living hell.