Excuse me Sup Forums, do you have a moment to explain to me why you aren't a practicing Christian?
Excuse me Sup Forums, do you have a moment to explain to me why you aren't a practicing Christian?
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Because most people on Sup Forums, despite their claim to be redpilled, are extremely brainwashed against Christianity by the same Jewish sources they claim to be aware of- media, education etc.
I am still questioning myself about that. I would rather just convert to Christianity then watch our people die.
no family history of any religion
unable to see one religion as more valid than another
God is an ass. Satan is where it's at.
You're an idiot. The Jews are the children of Satan, and they're doing his will. Satan is trying to destroy our people. God created us and He wants us to live. Hitler believed in God. Anti-theism is degenerate. Gott mit uns.
Christianity is the only way our people can live eternally.
Because science has more to backup what it says unlike Christianity which has a book written by a man
because christcucks like are _quite literally_ afraid of a red man with a pitchfork that lives in a land of fire underneath the earth
I am personally not religious. However, there is value in Christian morals and faith is a necessary ingredient to a healthy society.
My parents don't practice so they didn't force me to. Now that I'm old enough to actually think about this shit it seems pretty silly to get into it now
Christ is a cuck is all
Cuz im not a mindless retard, now fuck off and go have a orgy with Jesus and Satan
Because I'm not a weak minded faggot who needs fairy tales and the promise of immortality in order to act according to my morals.
Like all people on pol, we're jewish. Keep your snake waving bs away from us
>book written by A MAN
way to show your intelligence
>a red man with a pitchfork
Also, the Bible says not to fear the devil, only to fear God.
Like I said, brainwashed and ignorant.
Because my fedora has cut off blood flow to my brain
THIS IS STILL THE CORRECT ANSWER. Most people on Sup Forums are not even self-reflective enough to question where their hatred of Christianity comes from. They're brainwashed against it.
>Also, the Bible says not to fear the devil, only to fear God.
Yeah, because if god exists, he's an egocentric asshole with a power complex. I'd rather burn forever than kneel for someone like that. Go ahead, turn me into a pillar of salt, dickweed, we both know you're just an insecure pissant.
Already am.
Good point, G-d is a dick for not letting me fuck dudes!
I can't get past the first few pages in Genesis without questioning the validity of the story. I would like to be a Christian because I believe it gives good morals but there are several things that just don't make since like what I mentioned above. I also have high anxiety and I am too nervous to go to a church.
I was raised a Jehovah's Witness. really ruined the whole thing for me
>this dude
I can never watch him and enjoy his banter after the story of how he became a christian. Jesus fucking christ
Honestly threads on Sup Forums turned me away. People on both sides seems so bitter and angry.
If God exists, and He does, He created you- He gave you life. Everything good in this world is a gift from Him. SO YOU OWE HIM. HE'S GOD. He has the right to demand that you worship Him.
You're an unthankful little cunt, and you'll get what's coming to you, don't worry.
My bad, he's not a red man right, he was a half man half goat type motherfucker right?
Man the delusions you idiots come up with, you seriously think the blood of some jew is going to give you magical powers? Scratch that, I don't even need to guess. You do, your parents did, your grandparents did and probably generations before you, so much so that you think anything else is moronic.
Because your Abrahamic Judeo-Christian belief structures are asinine.
Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, fucking wankers.
>worshipping Joseph's wife's son
>the story
what happened?
What church?
Wrong again. You literally have no idea what the Bible teaches, do you? The worst arrogance is speaking from ignorance. You've rejected something that you don't even understand.
>implying I'm not
because I'm god
It honestly baffles me to no end how religion is still around in 2016
I have lost all hope in humanity and I doubt we will ever soar to the heights of which our potential as humans had indicated through various means of of technological advances
We will most likely always be weighed down by religion and humanity as a whole will pay a hefty toll for this
Nicely done, mr. Satan
>is atheist whole life
>starts becoming more and more edgier
>reaches peak fedora
>becomes hardcore nihilist and starts doing typical teenage anti-social shit like drugs and vandalism and getting into fights, all for no reason
>decides literally nothing matters at all
>decides to murder his dad for literally no reason, just because he can
>his dad was never abusive or anything, actually a really caring man
>goes over to dads house with a hammer
>hangs out with him for about an hour before bashing his dads brains in
>dad barly makes it, but survives
>he goes to prison
>his cell mate is a christian
>they always debate religion, but eventually hes convinced and becomes a christian himself
Too busy worshiping the old gods that my ancestors made sacrifice to under the stars in days of yore
Peace be with you.
most people are becoming nonreligious at a very fast rate
It's called the great falling away, it's in the bible ;-)
If you can pick up a holy book, read it front to back and take it for more than bad fiction.... you got issues.
Probably because I hail the old gods. I know a southern baptist former preacher and a very kind catholic fencing teacher, though.
Christianity just doesn't appeal to me as much as germanic religion does.
I don't owe him shit. He didn't ask me if I wanted to exist. He doesn't supply me with any evidence of his own existence. If everything good in this world is a gift from him, then everything bad is from him too. He's the reason children starve to death. He's the reason good people get cancer and die horribly. Fuck you and fuck every boot licking servant who is too cowardly to stand up for themselves. If he wants my respect or admiration, he has to earn it.
Because the fact whether God exists or not does not change the fact that Abrahamic God is made up bullshit.
Only in the West, and look at the fucking West... what a shithole it has become.
Islam truly will dominate the world soon, we don't stand a chance.
Hey Christcucks, where is your empirical evidence?
>make up fantastic claim
>include the possiblity of people not believing said claim
>use self-fulfilling prophecy as validation for claim
t. i have no idea what faith means
No need to argue with me. I honestly don't care if you believe or not. In the end you will see him and in the end you will regret.
Do you boo boo
Do you
You do realize that there is absolutely NO WAY the universe, given its immense size and incredible complexity, could possibly be created by any being less than the God the Bible describes?
In other words, the Norse gods do not exist and cannot exist.
Pagan myths are stupid. They say retarded things like the sun is drawn by a horse.
A lot of stupid shit is in the bible. That doesn't make it true.
>people believe in a book that preaches that the sky is blue because it's another ocean separated from the earth by an invisible force called the firmament
I know exactly what faith means. It is belief without evidence. That's the literal definition of faith.
no evidence? no argument
What does it teach? Compassion for your fellow man? Charity for your community? Piousness and modesty along with honorable ideals of humility and decency? You think these ideas are new?
It teaches you to worship something YOU literally have no idea about, or know at all, and you're fine with that because da lord werks in da myasteroiosu waysz.
>believing in muh skydaddy and special friend haysoos this hard
Do you take people seriously that have faith in Thor?
I'll be really happy when I see you tossed into the Lake of Fire. You didn't ask for existence, but guess what- God doesn't fucking care. Deal with it. You're NEVER going to cease to exist. Too bad for you. Death won't be the end, or any form of release. You'll be in conscious torment for all eternity. Curse God all you want then....I won't hear you, and neither will He. We'll be enjoying ourselves while you rot in darkness, you ungrateful worm.
>Imaginary friends are serious business
>Feels = reals
Stay woke
nobody here is arguing
only bald autists with kiketube channels argue with people
Catholic, converted this year.
>In the end you will see him and in the end you will regret.
Nice impotent power fantasy you got there.
because it's a load of stupid bullshit, and seems like a general waste of time. smart people aren't religious.
I understand it for population control, but I can't be bothered personally.
because i havent even read the bible yet, so I have yet to even probably understand it
I keep putting it off, but Ill reserve judgement until I do
no but people misunderstand what faith actually is
hence why no matter how logical your case is, they still won't believe you.
I'm trying to be one, OP
oh look, another personal attack. *yawn*
anytime now buddy.
>you ungrateful worm.
Delusional fuck
A very sensible comment that shows deeper intellect than most. I hope you will read it soon and consider seriously what it says.
I think people understand very well what faith is, it's just that "b-but I believe it" isn't really worth the effort of typing/saying it.
I'm gonna read the bible and see what I think of it and decide if it's something I want to pursue
great meme
im sure you're just waiting to dump your whole stefan folder, aren't you...
by my guest, you meme-spouting autist.
Stay salty.
islam will dominate the world within a decade so who cares
I'm not even the original commentator of your comment, baka.
0 (zero) arguments
>implying we're red pilled to hate Christianity
literally there's just no reason to believe in it. there is absolutely nothing to support it other than assuming shit about the unknown
literally cancer
God bless.
Never said you were.
>still no argument
Keep on replying not like I am a christian or anything who just likes to play around with other christian thoughts.
May the faithfull unite and restore Christendome to it's former glory. Deus vult.
>still replying to someone thats literally only replying to you because hes buying time while he tracerts you and collects all your personal info via your exif data intact images
Senpai David Wood is based. Destroying Islam, one video at a time!
I'm not an autistic retard who needs a religion to base my moral values and principles on, and who needs a god to believe in to make sure I'm a good person and won't go to hell.
Because I have actually read the bible.
>other people's torment makes me happy
If you think you belong in heaven with an attitude like that, you're sadly mistaken.
This is why 90% of your births are aborted
And which part of it convinced you that there is no God and we are merely the result of a chemical reaction?
There's no "needing a God to believe in." It's just a fact that God exists. Paintings have painters; books have authors. Thinking the universe has no cause is RETARDED. So you need to figure out who He is and what He wants, fast, before your ass is toast.
which translation?
How's it going being a literal cannibal and believing that the Pope is infallible?
>belong in heaven
your understanding of the Bible is pathetic
Right Wing politics are concerned with the long-term survival of Civilization
Christianity is only concerned with personal salvation to become part of a nebulous afterlife for which no evidence exists, and for which this world needs to be sacrificed, which is best expressed in the way early christians like Martin of Tours refused to fight enemies of their nations, insofar killing in this world could cost them heaven
When Jesus says "if they take your coat, let them have your shirt as well", "do not resist evil", "I have come to turn a man against his own household", "if you don't hate your self and your own family you can't follow me", "love your enemies, pray for your persecutors", "the meek will inherit the Earth", "those that wanna die will live", "blessed are those the persecuted, for they will be my Kingdom", "do not save treasures for tomorrow", "carry your cross so that you can receive eternal reward", "Sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you'll have treasure in heaven", "it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for the rich to enter Heaven", "Woe to you who are well fed, Woe to you who laugh, for you will mourn and weep" he is not kidding, or meaning the opposite, but actually setting down a morality where the world is a lie and only the afterlife is the real deal, so destroying your life in this world, "carrying your cross" as he says, is completely logical
Sup Forums "christians" seem to believe Jesus actually meant the OPPOSITE of all that, and that Jesus wants you to defend your family, that Jesus wants you to kill your enemies, to become prosperous, well-fed and rich in this world, and to avoid persecution and death!
Only a person that does not actually believe in the Heaven bullshit and in eternal rewards for dying a martyr would actually re-interpret Christianity as a cult of earthly power which declares "the strong shall inherit the Earth" and "you must destroy the enemies of your nation"
Lel, not everything has to be taken literally, you know. The point is that the gods, though imperfect (like humans), represent key archetypes of characteristics living things and universal forces that humans should be aware of and incorporate into their lives. I've got no comment on the universe's size and complexity being incapable of creation by anything "less" than YHWH, being that the Judeo-Christian narrative has a god as a prime mover, whereas the version of Germanic cosmology preserved in Norse literature would assign the prime mover role to the world itself or the ultimate cycle that guides all existence. They rest on the same principle.
>pagan myths are stupid
The hook bites too deeply.
>the aeneid is stupid
>the story of prometheus is stupid
>the epic of gilgamesh is stupid
Yeah, no.
>He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord.(Deuteronomy 23:1)
Holy k
I'm not here to fling shit about weird passages that don't necessarily form the main message, but hey, right back at you.
Mostly genesis with the ridiculous claims, but also the fact that matthew and luke are two completely different stories that are supposed to be about the same event, and the countless contradictions on top of the fact that most of the bible was plagiarized from ealier works.
>a practicing Christian
Practice makes perfect?