I am a Muslim. Why do you hate me, Sup Forums?
I am a Muslim. Why do you hate me, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because I'm a ex-muslim
I don't hate you user.
I just want to save the white race
You follow a deathcult based on the whims of a pedophile warlord which spreads misery and death wherever it goes
Shut up, dumb dumb
I don't hate you. I hate your beliefs. I hate that your religion has not gone through an enlightenment like every other religion.
The enlightenment that took Christianity from the glory it had in the 1500s to the Christianity we see today? Every "Christian" girl I knew from childhood have turned into turbo sluts who get drunk and fuck Chad at his frat parties. Not very Christian if you ask me.
So do I user
I don't spread misery and death wherever I go
We don't hate you.
We want you to go home and stay there.
It's hard to get accurate results when your sample size of women you know is 0
Why did your ID change?
Convert or die
>I don't spread misery and death wherever I go
sounds like you're not a muslim then. You're required by the Quran to kill/subvert/decieve non believers.
I don't hate you. I don't even really hate Islam.
I just think that fundamentalist desert religions are antithetical to western values and should be kept in check.
I had a lot of Christian friends growing up, and I remember they used to go to church, bible studies, Christian summer camp, and all that stuff. I'm still friends with them on Facebook so I see the shit they do on there
Idk I'm on mobile
It is easy to misinterpret the Qur'an. That's why you need someone with experience in Islam to help you decipher it.
Christianity is a fundamentalist desert religion
I don't hate you or any Muslim.
I hat your religion. You religion is an antithesis to civilization period. It's political side is in conflict with our ideals about democracy and freedom and the religious side is a farce. Yet, I don't see it in me to hate you as a person. I don't know you personally, but I'll assume you're like everyone else and a good,loving caring person. However, this doesn't make me hate Islam any less. In fact, I hate it more since Muslims like you deserve better. You deserve a legal system that truly tolerates all dissent (non violent dissent) and respects the autonomy of the individual. Since the religion of Islam is built around this heretical idea of predestination and blind collectivism, I must reject it as well. There's also some theological points that I know "Allah" made up in the Quran, but for now that's not important. What is important is you realize that you are a human being and you can and ought to exercise your free-will and self-restraint, a skill looked down by the teachings of your "Prophet". But I don't hate you, user.
I don't hate you. I don't even really hate Islam.
I just think that fundamentalist desert religions are antithetical to western values and should be kept in check. >Christianity is a fundamentalist desert religion
The vast majority of western Christians are secularised. Same thing with Jews.
Once Islam does the same, I will have zero issues with it.
This is why I hate posting from my phone.
But I was born here
Why does Islam have to do for you to consider it "secular"?
End of corporal punishment for perceived slights to God would be a start.
Look at the Saudis. Pretty much not that.
why the fuck would u want to be a muslim if u dont want to spread misery and torture and jihad all day
why try to interpret the quran like its spreading love and peace when "lie, kill, convert the infidels" makes it rly hard to cover up the story
for all that love, peace unity, sharing shit u can take any other religions like christanity, budhisam or so
Because your people have a cover-your-ass system called taqiyya that allows you to do literally anything to further your religion and it's absolutely disgusting.
Your beliefs must be kept as a secret.
I consider people what are they doing and I refuse to consider what are their religion.
Nevertheless, you said us what is your religion, in 99% cases, then I say "I don't care".
If you're wearing a burqa, then I say " That's inelegant"
If you exhibit your religion, then I could kick your ass.
Religions are a government tool and electoral pool and war engines.
your religion has been at war with my religion for 1400 years
fuck off
>It is easy to misinterpret the Qur'an
It says in black and white fucking text, kill non-believers wherever you find them, it says lie to them to draw out their weakness and defeat them. There is zero room for interpretation on that.
Nine Eleven.
This. Slimes lie about their evil religion all the time. The truth is that it says what it says and it doesn't say what it doesn't say.
Because your religion and those that takes it too seriously makes us hate you. Tell them to quit it with the terrorism and spreading Islam everywhere.
I like my women all slutted up, not burka'd down.
Syrian here.
I hate you because you destroyed my country. I will never forget the screams of the innocent people that followed your Muslim "Takbeers". I will never forgive as you animals cheered on your beasts and donated to mosques to continue killing us.
Fuck you.
Get gassed religion-cuck
Mudslimes are shit
I don't hate muslims. But I hate fags like you for being a shitty OP.
They can't help it. There have always been muslim terrorists since moehommad himself (who was a terrorist). There can not be such a thing as islam without terrorists.
Become apostate OP, nobody is forcing you to be Muslim.
eagles can't fly upside down.
Because your kind killed my friend.
The other muslims are. The punishment for apostasy is literally death by having his throat slit. His family will most likely kill him. If they're the """"""moderate"""""" kind, then they'll just shun him and never speak to him under any circumstances again.
The koranic justification is pretty simple to understand. The slimes believe that their evil holy book is the literal word of allah. As though allah came down on an invisible cloud or something and spat acid on a rock causing the words to form. Obviously that's nonsense, since there's no such thing as allah. People wrote the koran, just as people wrote the New Testament, the Torah, the talmud, the book of mormon, dianetics, and so forth. But that's not what slimes believe.
And since they believe that allah wrote it, they believe it is perfect. So they think it is good, and believing in it is good. If you understand the goodness of allah and the koran, then you must be a muslim. The only way a righteous person could not be a muslim is if he did not understand the goodness of islam.
BUT if a muslim who understands islam leaves it, there can only be one possible explanation. That muslim is evil. And they just can't put up with that sort of evil running around, so they'll kill them.
Which is why I think it is important to institute the death penalty for all muslims on earth. That balances the scales, you see? Most muslims are too cowardly to leave their evil religion of terrorism because they fear capital punishment for apostasy. But if there's capital punishment for not-apostasy, then they're dead either way. Then they can do what is right: abandon their evil faith.
You guys basically created the "first" true global empire.
Enslaving millions of Africans, Europeans, Arabs, and Poos.
Inspired Euros to cross the Atlantic to get money to fight or appease you.
Blame us for causing the ethnic tensions in the MENA which existed since forever, but were suppressed by whatever Caliphate in power with an iron fist.
Act like American southerners on steroids with your science denial, cousin fucking, and wife beatings.
If you fucks come to America in mass, you'll rape vulnerable black girls and cause a race war, as well as, convince southern rednecks to convert to Islam because enslaving black people.
Sup Forumsrc-v go back to your damn board.
Why the fuck are you disgracing Best ruri and best imouto with your garbage religion?
>I don't spread misery and death wherever I go
no, you spread taqqiyah.
>You guys basically created the "first" true global empire.
What is Rome? Who was Alexander?
>convince southern rednecks to convert to Islam because enslaving black people.
Your analysis is... batshit insane.
>someone with experience in Islam
i.e. Nobody?
Also it is estimated that 25% of all practicing muslims are extremists.
>convince southern rednecks to convert to Islam because enslaving black people.
You ain't been to the south, but I'd stand with the niggers that I know over the fucking Moon People I don't.
Done in one
First looks like "first" for a reason.
You guys basically took over territory that had 3 of the 4 human races.
Rome and Alexander only had 2 at max probably.
But you guys had 3, Caucasoid (MENA, Horn of Africa, Europe, and India), Congoloid (Sub-Saharan Africa), and Mongoloid (East Asia and the Americas).
Arabs outright hate black people, Arabs lynched Sudanese migrants in Calais.
I talked to a Swede, and he said Arabs throw non-Muslims blacks off bridges but respect non-Muslim white(as long as devout Christians).
Arabs are racist and would lynch black people in America for breaking the Sharia more often, and southerners hate blacks too.
With seeing Muslims getting away with murder because 'muh Islamophobia' they would convert.
Also, a huge percentage of American southerners already want slavery back, and Islam would deliver.
Because you choose to follow the failed policies of a barbaric, uneducated pedophile and want me to celebrate you for your idiocy
user, you're drunk. Go to bed.
And stop with this "you" stuff. You don't know anything about me. Or islam. Or the South.
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.
Even mentioning Islam or Muhammad in the Great Hall of Kek is an insult to His Most High Highness. It is my duty as a humble servant of Lord Kek to Declare Kekifada upon you, in His Name, Kek Be Upon Him.
If however you accept Lord Kek as Supreme Lord, I will accept you as my guest and brother, and I shall not have to cut off your head or pee pee and poo poo down the throats of your dearest family members.
Go in Kek,
I hate ISLAM, YOU at least have a chance to change and dump that nonsense.
Keep saying that to yourself
Black Muslims may deny it, but white southerners will embrace it.
No more beer, but they keep their sweet tea.
because you believe a faggy book of scribbles is the word of god. if he wanted people to know something when you look at the sky you would see his message in the clouds and regardless of which language you know it would say the same thing
but he doesnt give a shit about you or what you do. your just some germ wandering about his lab experiment
>Southerners giving up booze and embracing anything that a non-white has to say
Lol, good one.
Cool, you should be able to show loads of redneck converts, then. Why don't you post them instead of show what we know muslims already do?
Muhammad was white
The Hadiths say so
Enslaving niggers while sacrificing booze, a Dixie would do.
I'm obliged to.
Well said. Islam is such a barbaric ideology that it would be better if they all were exterminated like the rats they are.
You have a gross skin colour. You know what you look like, don't fucking go in public, you ruin peoples day just like seeing a fat or crippled person.
Why would I hate you?
Unless you're one of those who keeps using islamophobia as a shield from criticism.
its not pol, its everybody now thanks to isis
Is this supposed to be a haiku?
I don't hate you. I'm just very unhappy with my ancestors who didn't finish their crusades. Deus Vult Mudslime. It's coming, and you know it.
because your religion says you cannot go to your heaven if you don't try to convert or kill me, and you think this is a good thing.
if you don't think so, you haven't read the koran and aren't a real muslim (which is a good thing)