The Beginning of the End


Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw you spend so much time on Sup Forums that you're stunned when you talk to people irl and there's so many more Clinton than Trump supporters
My country is so fucking cucked.
How did we let it get this way?

Nate Kindling has a model problem

I'm not giving up all hope yet, but yeah it's not looking good.

>up from just a few hours ago

The only thing that's getting RIP'd is Hillary's asshole at the debates

By being racists.

>Shoulda been classists.

>FL and NV among others

>The only thing that's getting RIP'd is Hillary's asshole at the debates
Debates airing next to Sunday NIGHT Football.
He's not going to get the audiance he needs and if he rips her, they just won't report it.

Good luck with that....

>FL and NV blue
Um, yes? How fucking new are you?


What an exciting and unique thread.

Thanks for (C)orrecting (T)he (R)ecord you kike shill
.05 shekels deposited into your bank account

>evidence that supports Trump being in trouble is fake! it's just shilling! LALALALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU

Thank you for correcting the record.

I went to a long ass garage sale event this weekend. About 50 miles long. I saw 10+ Trump signs and 1, only 1 Hillary sign.

Trump is going to be destroyed in the election, and it is entirely because he has gone and gotten himself painted as a hater of our armed forces.

Mark my fucking words.

Anyone who cares enough about the race would watch it anyways. Isn't it a preseason game as is?

go back to redddit CTR kike shill
Trump will win, I live in Florida and I always meet Trump suppoters and never clinton supporters
Trump will win a 300+ landslide. Screencap this.

You could always just shitpost in one of the other 200 daily threads that are identical to this one.

>California, NY, Pennsylvania, Illinois literally in the bag and Ohio, Florida leaning Hillary's way

Oh Christ, I hadn't even noticed. It's fucking over.

It was a good run.

>Late September
>preseason thread
Just goes to show how retarded Sup Forums is right.

Regardless of the result, I can't wait for election season to be over so all these neo-Trump fags can leave this general. It's been cancerous here for months.

Get your arms and chest shaved then the Estrogen patch would not hurt when pulled.
Learn to be submissive , do NOT look at eyes of your guards at the re education camp


I mean I'm just gonna throw this out there, not really certain, but maybe that's because you're the type of person that only socializes in places among people of a similar mind to you?



>hey i have personal anecdotes so trump will win

Nah. They'll forget this in a week. Just like the Melania speech, the Hispanic judge, ect.

Lmfao. If you've been to Florida in the last 6 months you'd be hard pressed to find a single human being in the entire state excited about Clinton. There are Trump signs, bumper stickers and supporters up and down all over the state (except Miami, no one but spics go there and I have no idea what they think but the state doesn't care because it's north Cuba)

You are delusional or a shill. This is a deep red state this cycle, screen cap this.

Fucking damn it.
Why would they boo her? Just at least let her ask the question. Don't they know they're only hurting Trump?

Hillary Clinton is heavily against violent video games so we will see how faggy trump supporters are when you cant play COD with the other aspburgers kids at your elementary school

I work at a bar that serves a lot young and elderly people and they're always talking about how crooked hillary is - you're full of shit
because jeb bush won the republican primary right :^)

>I s for the entire state of Florida!
Sure you do


T: Ahem. *unrolls a list long enough to fill off the side of the stage* let's do this in alphabetical order starting with Benghazi.

(Halfway through list)
H: gotta use the lady's room!
T:Finished! I don't think shes coming back folks!

>she never comes back, says she had emergancy, kills Bill for cover.

The problem with Trump's campaign and the GOP campaigns of the last decade is that they always try to win by scooping up the lowest common denominator. All the dumb hicks that think the candidate gives a damn about their personal problems and would devote time to pursuing their bizarre prejudices than running the country.

They're a very devoted and vocal supporter base. Naturally, this is a problem because as mentioned before they're fucking stupid, and they'll hurt the candidate's image doing shit like this.

I mean, you're right, but most people don't think like Sup Forums.

Most people hear Trump say some tg hinges like "I could shoot someone and get elected" and they legitimately have a problem with it.

Are you retarded?

Come visit Florida. Come see the enthusiasm for Trump here, it's unprecedented for a state that's always so split.

Go on, book a flight and come here faggot. Oh, you'll cite an article with statistics that show how she's in the lead even though Obama won this state by half a percentage point in 2012. This is not a blue state this cycle, it is not happening. I travel this state all the time as part of my job, NO one has a Hillary sign or bumper sticker. The only Hillary signs include the words "for Prison", and they're incredibly abundant as well

You know, I get it. Hillary's bad/a crook/evil, whatever. That's fine and dandy.

But you people DO remember she's made a very long and despite your protests successful career out of this shit, right? She wouldn't have made it this far if she wasn't able to work the podium. Do you not realize you're setting yourself up for disappointment when you get these delusions going in your head? Does it not occur to you that if Trump took Hillary as non-seriously as you all do, he'd be guaranteed to lose the election?

>come down here and look for 50 Trump signs
>but don't look at polls that poll thousands of people from all over the state and have Hillary winning, ignore those
You're just being silly now

>Come visit Florida
Nice try mosquito, you're not giving me Zika that easily

>Nah. They'll forget this in a week. Just like the Melania speech, the Hispanic judge, ect.


if there's one thing a patriot loves, it's deference to the military. trump is fucked

>Nate Silver

>trusting polls

Confirmed retard and/or shill. How did all your "Odds of Trump being the nominee" polling work out for you? You know, the one that had thousands of people from all over the state, ignore those

We do take her seriously, what I said was more of an outline of how it'd go, not word for word. Trumps armed to the teeth against her, while she's just got petty shit like hur he's heetlar. That and if you had to take a 45min breather in a debate against her own then she's in for a bad time with Trump.

I swear there are like 20 Trump doomsday threads on this board right now. Fuck off.

>let's just ignore the warning signs and keep spouting memes in our own private bubble
Please never put yourself in charge of other people

Much like his hateful pledge drive for veterans back when he opted to do that instead of a Republican debate earlier in the year?

It's literally the topic of the week. Nothing more.

$0.05 has been added to your account

Yea its not like hillary is a good debater at all right?
She can basically ask about foreign policy and trump is done

>Hurr guuuyyysss loooooksss liiikeeee Trruuumpp'sss doooone foooorrr guuuyyyss XD

Fuck off and stop shitting up the board. We know he'll probably lose the election but that doesn't mean you have to make another thread about it. I wouldn't be surprised if you were one the faggots trying to trigger people with the whole 'Brexit will lose!! Racists BTFO XDXD' bullshit.

Word of advice, UK, stick to your own politics.
You clearly don't understand ours.

Nice rebuttal

Are we going to pretend Nate Silver isn't the most credible person ever I mean he's right about everything

and your solution is not to stop spending so much time on a dedicated shitposting board, but rather blame everyone else?

this is why trump will lose. you are all actually retarded.

fuck you shit head


The game will be during a football game. Millions of people will be watching the game instead. Millions will watch the debate and get bored and tune out long before it ends. The media will cherry-pick any tiny mistake Trump makes and blow it up and flood the news with it.

Trump cannot win, the American electorate is too stupid and has a diminished attention span. We deserve to die.

>Much like his hateful pledge drive for veterans back when he opted to do that instead of a Republican debate earlier in the year?

More like when he went after McCain for being a POW.

>saying that polls matter

Trump's ground game has already accounted for this. His Lion's Guard troops are already in place to make sure that only the "right" people vote come election day.

Here is what you seem to be forgetting. Hillary will say the debate should only be about policies and not character or personal history at all. She'll frame it as Bernie had the right idea when he bent over like a bitch. Then she'll paint all of Trump's legitimate criticisms as avoiding policy talk. Then the media will say "the debate was a professional policy maker against a professional mud slinger". The majority of Americans will be eerily silent regarding what Trump actually points out. As if they've been programmed. Hillary's lead will slowly tick upward. It will be sickening.

You left out the part where you cry into your pillow because a reality TV host won't get to lead the free world.

Thanks for explaining how I don't understand your politics. Really helping yourself there, aren't you?

American voting is so fucked up. Dems just win NY and California and that means they get the whole nation.

The rest of the nation just gets ignored because two states are full of liberal cucks, mexicans and jews.

I'm a Bernie supporter. I cry into my pillow every night anyway.

>so many more Clinton than Trump supporters
What kind trailer park do you live in?

Uhm, Trump is leading in the polls in Florida, you know that?

>Implying any of this matters before the debates take place

Trump is leading but he's losing the lead.

In a way it balances out because Southern niggers waste their vote.

Hillary's in more trouble and suspicion than ever. Yes, she made a long and gainful career out of her actions, but she's only a few more leaks and investigations away from it all crashing down on her.

Even if she wins, Trump will only be the first in a long line of trouble for her

Jesus you kikes are working fast

too bad you're still full of obvious shit

Me 2 bro... Me 2...

completely natural and expected. It's a classic post convention bump, Trump got one, and she got one too, it's normal, she was just the latest to get the bump

Literally walked right into the trap. Trump is being exposed for just how out of his league he is.

>reality show host

Oh we're using an irrelevant part of a candidate's past to describe them? Alright, well let's hope Trump beats the She-Cuck.

OP is a faggot

Trump will win NV, IA, OH and most likely FL

Maybe even NH if he's lucky

A bar that serves both the elderly and college crowds.

You need to get out of the basement/pol bunker more often, friend.

The polling was what the polling was. That doesn't mean he didn't beat the odds and win the nomination, just that it was unlikely for him to do so.

Trump often boasts that he had it tougher than Hillary because he had so many primary opponents. Which, obviously couldn't be further from the truth. Now that he has one opponent focusing all their attention on his bullshit, he's crumbling. Trump even fell into the easily avoidable 'do anything other than shut the fuck up when dealing with the parents of a dead soldier'.

Get out shill

Complete opposite of my experience and I'm in CA

And all without ever having to actually propose any meaningful policy.

>i see a lot of trump signs! therefore trumps gonna win!
wow this board is retarded

You need to get out of the basement/CTR bunker more often friend. Oh wait, you're paid. Hey, if this shill's bosses are reading, can you hire me instead? This guy cannot blend it at all, which defeats the purpose of trying to propagandize and demoralize here.

>so many more Clinton than Trump supporters

Not everyone lives in LA or Chicago



Republicans did surprisingly well with Romney/Ryan. If it had been anyone but Obama facing them, they would've won. And they certainly would be crushing Hillary this year.

Republicans deserve to lose because of the amount of idiots and/or completely unlikeable candidates they've put forward (Santorum, Carson, Cruz, Fiorina,...). Trump is also an idiot (gets baited like a 12 year old and doesn't know when to shut his mouth) but that will only really start to show once he has to debate Hillary in front of a mixed crowd.

>Multiple muslim chimpouts in Orlando, France, Germany

>Black Lives Matter massacre white police officers

>Wikileaks reveals Clinton/Democratic party corruption

39% whites are supporting Shilter.
Obama has had a approval rating over 50% for months.

We are cucked and fucked.

Record corrected. Thank you for your contribution,